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Chelsea Jonas Lovato. The forgotten name by social media, the world and the person who was suppose to never give up finding her, Demi and Wilmer.

Demi lost hope as did Wilmer. They looked for 4 years but gave up as please searched everywhere around the world. Now, 8 years later. Chelsea is 14 years old, she changed as she grew up wondering and waiting when Wilmer was going to get her. They never came and now she was the bad girl off the town where Joe jobs left her.

Her criminal record was one of the worst for a 14 year old which had every bad thing she'd done in the past 5 years in which she started her rebel self. Which included stealing a police car when drunk and then crashing it into a shop, robbing and worst drug possession.
She doesn't like being told what to do and does her own thing, it's because she grew up without being told how to live.

When Joe left Chelsea on the streets of the U.K. In the cold a family took her in, which is who is now her family....

Will Demi and Chelsea find their way back together?

Abandoned. (Sequel to The Life Of Chelsea Jonas Lovato)Where stories live. Discover now