Chapter 6: Panic Attacks.

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Chelsea ran through the streets of the neighbourhood she'd known since she was 7 year old and always was running away from police here. She felt a panic attack coming as she struggled to breath while She replayed the face in her head, Wilmer's. Even though she'd never wanted to see him a little bit of her was happy that she'd seen her dad face again and wished it'd been her moms but she shook the feeling away.

"They left me." She tried to focus on hating them as she tried to get home but stopped when her head started to spin, she instantly knew a panic attack was coming and tried to calm her breathing but her mind was hazy. Her hand went to her chest as her throat closed over, she knew she was going to pass out as she awkward does but didn't want to as Wilmer could look for her and find her passed out ur or even worse a criminal.

"Help!" She tried to pass through her throat but realised she was saying it in her thoughts, her lungs were starting to hurt as she tried gasping for breathe. I just need to make it home. Chelsea thought but knew it was no use as she felt her eyes closing over and soon felt her body hit the ground causing pain around her body but worse in her leg and wrist as that was were she'd just bandaged.

Tears well from Demi's eyes as she heard Wilmer say that, she didn't remove her eyes from his as she was hesitant about believing it. Me and Wilmer have never spoke about my baby girl? He can't be lying. Demi instantly snapped into action, turning around quickly and running past her 4 year old son who watched in confusion.

"Is my sissy back yet? Can I meet her?" His baby voice asked as he was wearing pyjamas and had Demi's phone in his hand what they was both looking through before Wilmer ran back in. Wilmer watched as Demi came back out in a coat and shoes on, Demi walked to Nathan picking his small frame up and placing him on her hip.

"Not now baby, mommy has got to go and do something." She kissed his head before the crew ran in, Max out of breath from when Wilmer sent them out looking for her. Demi placed Nathan on the couch and walked towards Max.

"Did you find her? Oh my god, what if it really was her. She's here.BABE! WHAT'RE YOU DOING WE MIGHT ACTUALLY FIND HER AND YOUR JUST PACING UP AND DOWN!" Demi screamed at Wilmer making him turn to her with a panicked face, he thought she could be gone by now and instantly walked to the door.

"Let's just- Mathew stay here with Nathan, the rest of you will go and Max call the police while your at it. Demi, come on!" Wilmer pulled his wife towards him making her run into his shoulder letting out it a 'oooff' he kissed her head to apologise before everybody got onto what they was doing, Mathew pouting as he complains about not being able to find her or see her first as the last time he did see her she was 6 years old but was grown up now.

"Babe, We don't know our way?" Demi gripped her husbands coat as they stepped out in the darkness. She could feel Wilmer's heart rate increasing as was hers. What if we find her? What if she's here? Oh god, Baby girl please say your here. Demi pleaded in her head as she walked around the quite streets with Wilmer, not wanting to think about how awful this smelly town was and if her baby girl was living here what would she look like but Joe came to mind and she smiled at how Chelsea was free from him.

Joe was found in Miami when Demi had called the police in all country's and alerted them as it was all over the knew for years before everybody lost hope, Demi cried and cried when Wilmer told her they'd have to move on 2 years after the incident. He was arrested for Kidnap and child abuse for 8 years and actually apologised to me and Wilmer, he cried while telling us he was on drugs through out it but when police asked him where Chelsea was he just asked, "I had Chelsea?" Then all hope was lost.

"Babe, what if we find her? What will happen?" Demi's voice asked as Wilmer was focuses on looking for the little girl that had changed so much when he seen her face the past 2 hours ago, it was cold out and Demi was huddled around him but made sure to look through the streets. She now had curly hair with blonde highlights and more freckles had grown on her face and her brown eyes shone through, Wilmer seen the look of fear on her face and wondered what it would be like when she smiled. She was taller now but small for a 14 year old which made Wilmer smile as she was like I've Demi, as he was about to tell Demi what she looked like he felt Demi's grip fall and instantly turned his head that way things go someone had grabbed her because in this town he didn't thing anyone was safe.

"Demi!" He ran in the direction she went in, his blazer was draped around her shoulders to keep her warm and he finally seen her phone flashlight brighten up and hear Demi shout, "Wilmer!" Quickly running over in fear of what was awaiting but stopped when he seen Demi kneeling over.

"That's her." Wilmer whispered to his wife who had tried to wake her up but came to a conclusion as Chelsea was breathing, just at a jagged pace. Demi suddenly kissed her head finding it hard to resist as she felt tears slip down her face again, she didn't know what to do.

"The car is on the way, we will take her back with us. Police are there and they need to know who had Chelsea, wait, Did we ever search over Europe for her?" Wilmer asked confused to Demi as Demi just shook her head, no while trying to wipe the tears of happiness from falling down her face. She couldn't believe she found her, her Baby girl that she thought she'd never find again but knew she was in the world somewhere was now in her arms.

Wilmer bent down too, the smile never left his face seeing his daughter so much older and looking much more beautiful than when she was younger. Demi stroked the girls cheek with her thumb, just making sure she was real and it wasn't one of her dreams but it wasn't as she would of waken up by now.

"Wilmer she's here." Demi let out a loud sob making Wilmer pull her closer, tears of joy fell from his face but he wiped them not wanting to Demi see but she only giggled when she did.

"We found her, she's grown up." Demi sobbed into his chest as Wilmer kissed her head and tried to wipe her tears that repeatedly fell down her face.

They lay with their little girl but both knew it wouldn't end well when she wakes up, It was going to be chaos but right now they didn't care. As the car pulled up Wilmer lifted the girl of the ground and smiled at how amazing it felt for her to be back in his arms, just not younger anymore.

Abandoned. (Sequel to The Life Of Chelsea Jonas Lovato)Where stories live. Discover now