Chapter 4: Run.

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Galantis - Runaway (U & I). Song above^
"Oh God! Your leg, we need to go to the hospital now!" Steph gasped as she seen the huge cut down Chelsea's leg and Chelsea felt pain all over her body but she always did anyway. Pain was the word she hated, why did God have to give me the toughest battle? I don't think I can handle it. Chelsea told herself over in her head, she was scared of herself and honestly, all she could feel was pain.

"What happened?" Tony ran into the house quickly and out of breath letting them know he'd rushed out of his work too. He hated when Chelsea always got angry and he wasn't the one that could help her and Steph could, he sometimes felt jealous that Steph was so close but was amazed how much Chelsea had grown in the few years they met. "Again." Tony whispered as he seen the living room upside down from how he left and wondered how a 14 year old girl could do so much damage.

Steph and Tony looked at each over in worry at both their younger girl and both the money coming in for them. Tony knew he'd have to work longer for more money but as long as his family was safe. He picked the younger girl up bridal style to make sure she didn't hurt her knee anymore or the glass wouldn't push further in her knee.

"What happened this time, babygirl?" Tony softly asked Chelsea making sure not to put her in a worse mood all over again. She didn't say anything but hiss when she felt the pain shoot through her leg as he gently placed her in the car, Chelsea hated hospitals as she'd been there a lot over time due to her anger and whenever they tried to touch her she'd run unless Steph held her.

Tony and Steph sitting in front seat but Steph looking back on Chelsea every two seconds with a frown deep in her face, she hated seeing Chelsea in a bad way and the blood trickled down Chelsea's leg making it worse as he top was covered in blood too, along with her denim shorts. They arrived to the hospital in 10 minutes at the most as they'd been here a lot of times, mostly for Chelsea but Riley and Ryder was suppose to be coming home soon for break. It was dark outside now and all was seen was the lights from the streets lampposts.

"Hi, uh Chelsea Bradley?" The woman looked over to Chelsea and nodded quickly. A nurse, in her 20s came up quickly they one who Chelsea learnt to trust as she was the nicest here. Chelsea instantly smiled when she seen her but Danielle didn't look so happy when she seen the glass, she didn't tag though like Steph did as she was used to patients everyday.

"Chelsea!" She sighed. A doctor came out with a wheelchair so Tony could stop carrying her but Chelsea was hesitant about it until Danielle gave her a reassuring smile as they walked through to help her out.

After half an hour of Chelsea crying into Steph's shoulder as they took the huge piece of glass out and the little ones that would of caused damage to Chelsea's insides if they never, it was over. Chelsea knee was bandaged up and her wrist had a white cast around it as she broke her wrist of the force of punching the glass door.

"Chels, it's over now sweetie. We can go back home with Tony, Peyton and Zain." Steph cooed as she knew Chelsea hated crying in front of people. Danielle was there with Chelsea as she hated the doctor and laughed when she gave him a glare every two seconds.

"Finally." Chelsea let out a breath of relief as her eyes was sparkling back to normal as the past few hours she had time to calm down. Chelsea was back to her smiling self as she said bye to Danielle while Steph was playing with the 14 year olds curly hair that she makes sure she curls every morning when she can be bothered to or sometimes just leaves it wavy.

Abandoned. (Sequel to The Life Of Chelsea Jonas Lovato)Where stories live. Discover now