Chapter 9: Answers From 8 Years Ago.

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Chelsea didn't know what to say, she questioned herself as her eyes connected with Wilmer's. He smiled at her with a small nod telling her to go on as she opened her mouth to speak.

"Uh, I was running to the lift because I was going to se mo- Demi on stage but I had to change with Holly who was part of moms crew but I rushed of quicker than her and pressed the button to the lift but when I did I felt myself being lift up quickly. At first I thought it was Wilmer so I was giggling but then I heard Joe's voice while we held me while running down the stairs quickly, I was trying to scream but he clamped my mouth shut with his hand as I carried on screaming 'mommy help'. That was when he put something over my nose and some after I fell asleep. When I awoke Joe was driving somewhere and smiled when he seen me, not a nice smile though it was an evil one and his eyes were so red of the drugs he was taking as he pulled onto a street. He told me to stay there and don't move or someone will kidnap me but he already did, he only said 'sorry kid' before running back to the car and driving of quickly." Tears fell down Demi's face as she remembered how Chelsea was going coming to see her and how she was crying off her when Joe grabbed her.

"What happened next sweetie? How did you meet Steph and Tony?" The nice guy with brown hair spoke up, he had a tape recorder on the table and that was making me a lot more nervous and Steph and Tony was taken into the other room with the other policeman as only Demi and Wilmer was left in the room with Max too and that's when Chelsea suddenly noticed him.

"Hey!" Her eyes widen as Max chuckled, stepping forward to hug the now older girl. He was happy that she remembered him as he'd been quite the whole time, "Hey kid, I can't carry you anymore because your grown up." Chelsea giggled the older man before replying.

"I know, your older now with your grey hair." Max let out a loud laugh and shook his head at the grinning girl. Demi and Wilmer watched with a smile as Demi knew how much Chelsea trusted Max.

"You still haven't changed..." The police man coughed interrupting and Chelsea nodded and sat back down, the smile now gone of her face as she concentrated on what was happening. She felt a kiss on her head and knew it was Demi from her lilac scent, she smiled softly as the police which she learnt his name was Derik.

"I met Steph and Tony after I was still no the streets after a couple days, they got out of their car and it was late at night as they came closer to me but they wasn't mean. They was the first people that noticed me for days, I was hungry and they told me that they'd give me food so I immediately went with them. When I got to their house Steph was carrying me and gave me something to eat and introduced me to her two children, she was begging Tony to let me stay with them which he finally gave in. They went to the court and they didn't have any record of me at all so they just gave papers and I was theirs. I don't really understand how that happens but I was happy that I was safe." I gave them the summary of my story as I didn't want to say it all. He nodded and continued to write on his notepad, Chelsea looked to The 3 watching her and Max gave her a thumbs up.

"I can't believe how older you are now and- did you dye the bottom of your hair blonde because it looks good." Chelsea grinned at Max as she already felt comfortable around him, Wilmer still hadn't spoken but continued to stare at how his little girl grew up without him or Demi there to support her.

"Have you lived with Steph and Tony your whole life?" Chelsea looked at him like her was stupid answering with a 'duh' tone to her voice.

"Yes, who else would I live with you dumbass? I just told you they adopted me, what a idiot." Chelsea shook her head as Derik just let out a laugh along with Max, Demi and Wilmer. Demi laughed at her facial expression as she looked at him with a 'what the fuck?' Face as Derik held his hands up in surrender.

"Those are the questions! I'm sorry." Chelsea smiled at him and how nice he was before the last question came up.

"Did they ever hurt you?" Chelsea suddenly started laughing at the question making Derik raise his eyebrows, she couldn't believe they'd think Steph or Tony would ever hurt her making her cough at how much she was laughing.

"No, they did never hurt me. They treated me like a daughter and Steph couldn't hurt a fly!" Chelsea answered honestly and he nodded. He told them he'd answer the rest of the questions himself as he got the basic answers anyway, Chelsea wanted to know more about him though so she asked him questions.

"Are you married?"


"Do you have children?"


"How many?"

"2, both girls who was 5 and 1 years old."

"When do- Please ask somebody else questions!" Chelsea giggled at his face as he tried to hold a serious expression but failed laughing too. Derik smiled at the happy girl and wondered why anyone would ever want to hurt someone with such a great personality.

"What will happen now?" Chelsea spoke up and Derik lift his head again and sighed. He didn't want to upset her as he knew she wanted to stay with Steph and Tony because she was part of there family but she couldn't. Chelsea looked over to Wilmer and Demi with a pout on her face as tears slowly fell from her eyes making Derik feel sorry for her.

"I know you don't want to leave story and Tony but there not your family Chelsea, Demi and Wilmer are. You've built a family in this town and I know you have a lot of friends and Demi and Wilmer don't know much about you anymore but you need to know that you WILL be taken away from Steph and Tony." Chelsea sighed and turned away from everyone, Derik left her as she was in a sulk.

"Will I have to move back to America?" Chelsea asked Derik not looking at Demi as her anger was starting to build up, leaving her friends was going to be the worst as she grew up with them. Derik nodded to her, Demi and Wilmer walked over to Chelsea not wanting to anger her.

"Chelsea, you can visit. Maybe getting settled back in and meeting my family again will make you happy, they've missed you so fucking much and I haven't had time to ring them and tell you about them but we're going back tomorrow-" Chelsea's eyes widen at how quick that is, she immediately stopped Demi talking.

"Tomorrow!" She shouted quickly and then Steph and Tony came out with a sad expression on there face. Steph held her arms out and Chelsea immediately ran to them, tears running down her face as she sobbed into her chest. She never wanted to leave and now she will be miles away from her, she gripped onto her and whispered in her ear, "Who will help with my issues? They will send me back, or maybe hate me." Chelsea's bottom lip quivered as she had to go away from her.

"Breathe! Calm down, I will explain to Demi about it. But baby girl you will have to leave me, and I don't know how I will tell Peyton or Jordan or Ryder or Riley but I'm so sorry..."

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