Chapter 23: Name The Furball!

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Demi watched for a reaction from the younger girl as Steph had told her she'd always wanted a dog but they couldn't ever get one due to Riley's allergic reaction to them. Chelsea suddenly smiled and took the puppy in her arms but she heard Wilmer groan when he walked in the room.

"A dog? Seriously! We have 2 children and now an extra 5 because of them, look at them... Bunch of dumbass' and now a damn dog. What are we? A damn babysitter." Wilmer whined, pointing to the 5 teenagers who just smiled in costly at him and stuck their tongues out. Chelsea laughed at her dads state, watching him freak out but when Demi glared at him he stopped.

"Do I need your permission to give my fighter a gift?" Demi raised her eyebrow and Chelsea smirked at Wilmer's stuttering phase. She waved sarcastically at him behind Demi's back as the rest stood by and smiled, he came up with an excuse quickly as he didn't want to argue with her.

"No baby! I love it, if Chelsea's happy I am and I'm glad them bunch of dumbass Are staying here." Wilmer gritted through his teeth as he kissed Demi's head to stop her from arguing. She gave in and leaned against him as Chelsea and Nathan argued over names for the dog but playing with the adorable white Maltipoo.

"Just name the Furball!" Everybody burst out laughing at Wilmer and how he was fed up with the dog already, Demi wrapped her arms around him as Chelsea looked up to the two with a smile. They'd been through a lot and I new Wilmer didn't leave her side throughout it, Demi couldn't of made it through when she lost Chelsea but Wilmer always was there. In an instant Austin's phone started ringing but the ringtone made everybody turn to look at him, it was when Buddy from Elf and the woman was singing in the bathroom.

"Why is your ringtone that?" Ivan questioned, an amused expression on everyone's face as Austin blushed red. Wilmer muttered things under his breath making Chelsea wonder why he hated children so much now, he used to want a lot of children and she remembered him telling Demi he couldn't wait for more children but at the moment he's acting like he's allergic to kids.

"I like buddy." With that everybody laughed harder at the guy while he slumped down onto the couch, ignoring his ringing phone before it went to voicemail. Chelsea turned to the down in her lap suddenly with wide eyes, Nathan must of had the same idea be aside they both shouted, "Buddy!" Then looked at each other with a smirk.

"Woah, were more alike than I thought." Chelsea laughed at her little brother as he smiled over to her from the couch he was laying on his stomach. Then Demi remembered she had to explain to Chelsea about the school she found.

"Chelsea, the schools name is Holden Academy. It's a private school which I'll be paying for and its strict so go by the rules!" Demi warned her daughter as she knew she was trouble for a lot of people, Chelsea shrugged innocently but you could see the mischievous smirk on her face saying she won't. Just like Demi does.

"Rules are meant to be broken. Ay, That can be my motto." Chelsea's London accent came out as Demi shook her head, knowing that her daughter won't listen to anything she says. "I tell you one think and you do the opposites, have you ever kept one rule without breaking?" Chelsea put her finger on her chin, tapping it gently to pretend to be thinking before smirking back at her mom.

"No." Demi had all food, puppy pads, puppy treats and much more for him. Chelsea let the dog to walk the house and to look around with Nathan following while she sat down with her friends, as always Ivan had a football in his hand but Lauren jumped on Chelsea again.

"I've missed you! All they have done is whine about missing you, Steph is happy about you leaving and is trying to let you move on but she wanted you to ring her." Lauren handed Chelsea the phone and instantly she picked up the phone not wasting a minute, she'd kissed her a lot but now that wile,r bought her a new phone she could save her number.

"Steph! I miss you." Chelsea smiled immediately at the sound of her adoptive parents which caught the attention of Demi and Wilmer who was in the room in seconds to see what she was saying. The way Chelsea looked excited to speak to her and the sparkle in her eyes along with the huge smile on her white, pearly teeth.

"Yeah! It's amazing here, I'm slowly getting used to it. I didn't like it at first, I know that you heard about my little disappearing. Demi told me. Uh, I'm slowly starting to enjoy it as there's a lot of space. The house is huge and Demi just got me a new dog! I have to start a new school but it's private and I bet it's full of stuck up people, I hate that. I know, I know I will TRY to be on my best behaviour because Demi said the same thi- are you crying? Mom, don't cry. I'll be visiting soon right? Like you promised." Chelsea continued to have a conversation with Steph but it hurt Demi when she called her mom, she wanted Chelsea to call her mom so bad but knew it wouldn't happen now.

"How's everybody? Tell Rils I miss her and stealing her clothes." Chelsea giggled and Demi heard talking on the end of the phone but couldn't make out what they was saying so walked out of the room upset but followed by Wilmer, he noticed her lack of happiness.

"Demi, she's not going to leave them as she trust them the most but we will earn her trust. It takes time, be patient. Chelsea is still our daughter and did you see how happy she was talking about you? The thing is that your both fighting for her attention Demi and soon she'll get bored of it, she doesn't want both of you to fight over her." Wilmer softly stroked Demi's back as she was facing towards the fridge.

"I just- I want her back. I want my baby back and I'm trying to keep positive and keep thinking she'll love me the same that she did when she was a baby but I know that'll never happen and it hurts that I can't get her to trust me. I want to have a daughter and mother relationship with her, be able to talk about boys and clothes and what she's doing at school! I love her but she doesn't love me." Demi sobbed into Wilmer's chest, she'd been keeping strong over the days Chelsea had been back but now she'd finally broke down in Wilmer's arms....

Just not without her daughter hearing every word as she quietly stood behind the kitchen door with a sigh.

"I do love you, I'm just scared that if I trust you I'll end up getting hurt again."

Abandoned. (Sequel to The Life Of Chelsea Jonas Lovato)Where stories live. Discover now