Chapter 7: You Found Me.

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Demi watched her daughter sleep peacefully, as she'd thought from passed experience. The crew, Police and Wilmer watched in the room staring intently at the younger girl but the silent was cut short when Nathan's voice boomed in from the bedroom which he was being held from seeing his half sister as Demi didn't know what she'd been through.

"I wanna see her!" Nathan came running in and ran to the couch were the girl was sleeping, before anyone could run over Demi stopped them wanting to see what her little brother would think. Nathan stared at the girls face as everybody watched, he smiled when he seen she had the same amount of freckles which was from Demi and the same face shape but his skin colour was more tanned and his brown eyes was darker than Chelsea's as hers were more hazel. He suddenly broke out into as smile and softly kissed her cheek but made the 14 year old stir in her sleep and Nathan jump away.

Demi smiled at the interaction between the two, even though they didn't know each over she and Wilmer found it cute how he'd memorised her face. Then, Wilmer took him back out the room lifting h from the couch as he whined in protest.

"She's not like I pictured." Demi let out the words words since she'd seen Chelsea and honestly everybody was worried that Demi had taken shock or something. They all sighed in relief when they heard her before Wilmer answered, "She's everything I pictured. Beautiful." Demi grinned up to her husband and giggled but stopped when she heard grunting of her daughter.

Chelsea's eyes fluttered open and no one moved a muscle, not even the police as they didn't know what the girl had been through or where she'd been. She looked around the room and noticed she wasn't in her room, then sitting up and looking across her eyes landed on Wilmer's, Oh no. Now I think being kidnapped was a better idea. Chelsea thought to herself before jumping of the couch but the police raced the the door, quicker than Chelsea.

"Not so fast, sweetheart." He said smiling, he had been the officer that had been on Chelsea's case for years and tried to find evidence but couldn't. Now he'd finally found her he was happy that she was back, and well not to be rude but alive.

"You went missing a long time ago, Now we-" The officer walked closer to Chelsea but each step made Chelsea move back one, terrified of what would happen to her now. Then Steph instantly came to mind. Demi couldn't move, she was in shock of seeing her daughter awake and well here in the same room as Wilmer moved forward to protect Chelsea.

"I-I live with S-Steph! Take me to my mom and dad." She pleaded and Demi's eyes instantly widen, shooting up form the couch she worked to her daughter who's now back was against the wall.

"No! Baby, please I'm your mom and Wilmer's your dad. You've got to remember us right? You do, don't you?" Demi's heart ached at her daughter calling somebody else mom and not her. Chelsea's fear was proceeding but the officer butted in again.

"Mrs. Valderrama, please let us handle it." Demi wouldn't budge, being the stubborn she is she continued to ask Chelsea if she knew her and even though Chelsea did know her, at this moment she wanted to run which is what she normally does and Wilmer had noted that in his mind. Chelsea's phone started ringing and the other officer stepped forward this time, making sure everybody was away form Chelsea.

"Answer it, Sweetheart. Just put it on loud speaker." His voice was gentle and caring which made Chelsea's lips tug into a small smile which led Demi to smile, seeing her daughter so grown up made tears spring or her eyes as she took in her appearance. Wondering how the cast on her wrist had gotten there and the bandage on her leg is covered on blood, thousands of questions was twirling in her head making her dizzy as Wilmer's heart felt as if it would explode.

"H-Hello." Chelsea looked at the screen seeing Mom come up on the screen and the instantly calmed down knowing she'd tell her mom about who kidnapped her, seriously they did! Wilmer looked around and her eyes stopped at Demi's, she looked up to her mom and she took in how different her mom looked. She looked so much better, healthier even with her short hair that she was totally rocking to her curvy, tanned body. Demi smiled up at Chelsea, knowing if she asked her a question Chelsea would ignore her anyway as Chelsea didn't smile back.

"Baby girl, where have you been? I woke up and you were gone, haven't you been home since when you said you'd walk home? Chelsea Bradley you get your ass home and I smell any alcohol or drugs on you your grounded for 3 years." Chelsea's just let out a loud laugh at her mom who was going crazy on the other end of the line, The police officers gave each over a look confused to who it was.

"Mom, I'm at some hotel! Quick." Chelsea screamed quickly before the police grabbed the phone off her. Walking into the other room as they told Steph the address and they will need her to come to the hotel quickly, Steph explained how she seen Chelsea. They left Chelsea in the room leaving Chelsea with Wilmer and Demi and Nathan as the crew left wanting them to see each over.

"Chelsea." She heard Demi's voice whisper out and she turned her head to them, you could sense Chelsea was nervous as her hand went to the bracelets to fiddle with them. She didn't want to meet them like this, passed out in the middle of the street and with bandages on her wrist. Demi watched her intently as Wilmer just wanted to hug her but knew she suffered with anxiety so stood by Demi on the other side of the couch, Nathan on the other hand ran to Chelsea not wasting any time.

"Hi." The brown haired boy looked up to his older sister, a smile on his face as Chelsea raised her eyebrow at him. He looked like her a little but his skin was just a little tanned because of Wilmer, she smiled at him instantly.

"Hi, What's your name?" Chelsea asked, she already knew his name but wanted to make her conversation with him. She thought he was adorable and she instantly forgot about Demi and Wilmer watching them, instead of Demi talking to her she liked seeing her daughter and son interact.

"Nathan. I've seen pictures of you, on mommy's phone." He pointed over to Demi and Chelsea followed were he was pointing at and Demi suddenly walked forward. She held her arms out, seeing if Chelsea would go into them but knew she wouldn't as Chelsea took a step back. Demi's smile dropped into a frown and tears sprung to eyes and as Chelsea really wanted her to stop crying, she didn't want to hug her.

"I don't feel comfortable hugging you." Chelsea muttered, Demi just nodded as she understood what Chelsea was trying to say. Suddenly Steph and Tony barged through the door, and let's just say it was a smile that was on her face... She was pissed.

"Why is my daughter here?"

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