Chapter 37: Opposite.

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Wilmer watched the woman's heart monitor then back to her scratched and bruised face, every one of Demi's family was in the room with them but Dallas hadn't left her nieces side which was feet away from Demi's bed.

"Momma, if you can hear me I'm sorry for being mean to you." Wilmer heard his son whisper into his moms ear which made him smile, it was one of the things that they had of their marriage, a son together. Chelsea smiled at Dallas once more before turning Wilmer way, as he smiled she only frowned in response.

It'd been the same for weeks, Chelsea avoided Wilmer like the plague as she still hated him for hurting her mom. Wilmer tried speaking to her but once she woke up she only screamed and cried for him to get out, he watched her trust for him disappeared and he hated it. Chelsea had a cast on her arm for the wrist breaking which everyone had been writing on, some signatures but mostly Dallas writing things to make her laugh on there.

"Wilmer, do you want something to eat?" Diana raised her eyebrows, even though she still hadn't forgave him for hurting her daughter she wasn't horrible to him as he'd gotten Demi through many hard times but Chelsea hadn't been there to see how caring he really was to Demi which is why she must of been angry still at him. Wilmer only shook his head in response, not taking his eyes of Demi's busted lip and black eye for a moment.

Echoing, Chelsea's obnoxious laugh just like her moms boomed across the huge room where they was sat at. It had been 3 weeks since the accident and it's taken Chelsea 2 weeks to wake up due to her concussion but also she had surgery on her right leg, due to the car crushing against her leg Chelsea had to have surgery which had taken 3 hours to place her leg back in place and was done when she was sleeping. Her leg now rested against blankets but every once in awhile Wilmer seen Chelsea frowning at the scars across her leg due to the glass pieces and surgery, he stomach had a scar too which was caused from the stabbing of the glass piece but Wilmer had given Chelsea blood to help with her blood loss.

"Mr. Valderrama, can I speak to you?" Tiredly, the doctor who had been working extra hours for Chelsea and Demi came into the room. Demi always said she didn't want a different doctor taking care of her family so the doctor Demi had for long had to make sure he was in all times for Demi's family. Nodding, Wilmer's intwined hand left his wife's as he retreated from the room with the family watching with confused eyes.

Demi had her leg in a cast along its stitches in her head due to her head smashing against the car window on the crash, she had her arm bandaged up due to the cut along her arm. The doctor said she could wake at any time so to leave her be without forcing her to wake or giving her any drugs or anything to wake up as she had to wake on her own.

"Look, I know your daughter was only in the hospital a few weeks ago due to her overdosing but it seems as if when we ran test 3 weeks ago when Demi was admitted we found cocaine in her body which must've only been taken only moments before she gotten into the car with Chelsea. That could have been the reason Demi crashed the car, now I advice you to allow Chelsea to stay with a family member for awhile because if Demi's daughter is getting better she can't have her mom around taking drugs." The doctor spoke slowly to Wilmer so he'd understand everything but Wilmer's mouth only dropped, Demi hadn't taken drugs for years with Wilmer by her side. Was she taking them because I left? Wilmer looked through the glass window to see the woman still unconscious on the uncomfortable bed and sighed.

"I will take care of everything. Thank you." Wilmer smiled gracefully at the man who'd worked hours on end to look after the two girls in his life that meant the world to him. When Wilmer stepped back into the room he got curious gazes but he didn't speak as he knew telling any of Demi's family would make them annoyed with Demi for taking drugs around her daughter and putting her life in danger as well as her own.

"Why do you always manage to mess up? I built up a family for us Demi, why are you trying so hard to knock it down? Our daughter is back with us, everything you've always wanted so why are you still hurting? I thought since Chelsea had come back we'd be the perfect family but we're the total opposite! Your putting our daughters life in danger as well as yours, Chelsea has only been back with us for 3 months but has been in hospital fighting for her life twice! Are we bad parents? Should we just give up on our family we've brought together in the years but that means wasting 8 years on our life's creating a perfect family picture what was only go be destroyed... Tell me what to do because I don't know anymore!" Wilmer leaned his head beside Demi's with a soft sigh of stress, why couldn't he have his perfect family like him and Demi always wanted?

"I-I honestly don't know e-either..." Demi's raspy voice spoke up making everybody's head in the room shoot up to Demi as her eyes was set on Wilmer, she blinked multiple times to concentrate her eye sight as she gripped on Wilmer's hand for dear life. When did she wake up? Or even open her eyes? Wilmer frowned in confusion as he looked over the woman he'd missed dearly.

"I've missed you." Wilmer whispered, leaning down to kiss Demi but resulted in her pushing him away. Demi had been away for awhile but remembered all the events that had taken place before she'd gotten in the car crash, Wilmer being one of them as he was the reason she had run back to the drugs although it was her control she couldn't cope being without him.

"N-No. You l-left me." Demi's voice was hoarse as she hadn't drank any water for the past 3 weeks, her eyes fell to her daughter on the other side of the room was slowly starting to fall asleep due to lying on Dallas' shoulder with a tired yawn as Dallas continuously whispered things in her ear which made her smile or laugh. Diana was back by her daughters side with food that she'd gone out to by the family but with a water for Demi as Madison had called the doctor.

"I want my daughter." Demi whispered out but when Demi reached her hand out Dallas was quick to keep Chelsea tight towards her, a glare on her face as she looked over to her sister.

"I gave you a fucking chance to get Chelsea better but having drugs around your daughter that only just overdosed is low Demi! How can you even do that? Chelsea will stay sigh me until you get better, I'll even help you get better but your not going near your daughter." Dallas' grip tightened on her niece as she kissed her head for comfort as Chelsea had already slipped into sleep. Demi's jaw tightened and her gaze didn't move form her sisters when the doctor walked in.

"She's my fucking daughter! I'm trying my best to keep her safe." Demi spat back with the same amount of anger Dallas had.

"Oh yeah, then why the fuck is she sitting in a hospital again!" Dallas narrowed her eyes to her younger sister with no once of respect left for her as Demi's mouth immediately closed with loss of words.

"Demi, maybe it'll be better for Chelsea... Look, you'll still be able to see her she just won't live with you. I will even look after you if you want but-" Wilmer stopped talking when he noticed the glare Demi gave him, he knew it was going to be harder to help but even though he sent her divorce papers he watched the family fall apart and wanted to work with it. Wilmer was going to be the one to fix everything as he realised he couldn't waste 8 years of their life only to end it all with two children.

"No! Why are you here? You left me remember, so go back to were you was when you sent divorce papers to my fucking house!"

It was going to be harder than I thought...

Abandoned. (Sequel to The Life Of Chelsea Jonas Lovato)Where stories live. Discover now