Chapter 8: Lilac Scent.

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Chelsea turned to see her Steph and Tony at the door and ran to them when they came because the tension in the room was unbearable. Demi raised her eyebrow at the woman and presumed she'd been the one that had found their daughter and not even give her back, she searched their clothing for anything suspicious or if they weren't wealthy but the man had a suit on with an expensive watch and the woman had a tight black skirt on with a white blouse. You could they was going to work as they was dressed so nicely but Demi could only see friendliness in the woman's eyes, the man on the other hand wasn't so happy and Wilmer stepped forward.

"Why is my daughter here?" Tony asked confused, looking down on his young daughter as she simply looked to the floor not making contact with her adoptive parents. She wondered what would happen now? Will I get taken away from Steph and Tony? Chelsea thought to herself and she felt a small hand intwined with hers, looking down seeing the brown haired boy smiling up at her. Chelsea loved how cute and open he was, he wasn't a shy child at all but was any 4 year old, he was caring unlike many 4 year olds who just cared for them selfs.

"I'll stay with you." Nathan smiled and Chelsea's frown on her face was replaced with a smile as she ruffled the little boys hair, she already loved him and it was the same for Nathan. He was happy she'd finally got to see his older sister as he'd always question about her.

"Sorry, I'm Wilmer Valderrama and this is my wife Demi Lovato-" before Wilmer had time to say anymore Riley came running in with a bat in her hand making Steph grab it of her. Chelsea squealed when she seen her older sister and jumped in her arms, this was like a family reunion but tried not to make contact with Demi.

"Chels, was you kidnapped becuase I'll kick anyone's ass who- Omg DEMI LOVATO!" Riley jumped and down in delight before Tony had to clam her down, Steph just watched Demi closely. Steph didn't know who Demi was but seeing from this fancy hotel and the expensive things she knew Demi was rich as hell!

"Riley, go out! We need to sort things out, look after Jordan and Peyton for awhile while we talk." Riley raised her eyebrow and looked around the room as police stepped out of the room and came over to Chelsea. Riley's eyes landed on Chelsea's, she wanted answer as Chelsea sighed.

"I remember Demi, she's my real mom." Chelsea whispered out and all was heard fro mother 3 was gasps. Steph and Tony stared at each over in fear, they knew they wouldn't be able to keep Chelsea anymore and Steph looked over to Chelsea who's eyes were now intently staring at Demi. Demi smiled softly at her and slowly walked over to her, Riley walked out by her dads orders to watch her brother and sister.

Steph cautiously watched Demi as she didn't know this woman and didn't want too if she was going to take her daughter away, She knew it would happen sooner or later but didn't think Chelsea would only be young. Demi, being small and Chelsea only leaning up to her a little bit Chelsea inhaled her perfume. Lilacs was what she smelt like and even though Chelsea hated that scent she liked it now that Demi had it on, Demi slowly held her arms out not knowing if Chelsea would fall into them but hoped she would, the hesitation in Chelsea's eyes was visible as she looked from Demi's arms to her face. Demi was about to step back when She felt Chelsea's arms snake around her waist, her face lit up as she pulled Chelsea closer.

"Okay, Mr and Mrs Bradley. I will need to ask you questions- We have Chelsea's adoption papers." Tony answered as he knew what the police officer was going to ask. Chelsea didn't pay attention to anything around her as her head fell in the crook of Demi's neck, she couldn't help but feel so much better hugging Demi, it was like she was back home now she had her mom.

"G-god I'm so g-glad your o-okay." Demi stuttered out in Chelsea's ear as her hand stroked the back of Chelsea's curly hair. She wanted to make the most of this as possible and was, Chelsea was going to reply with a smart ass comment like 'That's funny, you weren't out looking for me.' But she only replied with,

"I'm fine, I have been the past years. Actually no, I'm not. Steph and Tony have tried to help me." Demi's knew Chelsea's meaning of what Demi asked was different but didn't reply and just nodded. She seen in Chelsea's eyes that their were traumatising moments, there'd been from her past she wasn't okay but the more information she found out about Chelsea, the more she could see what her past had been like.

"I love you, Chelsea. I know you won't say it back but I just want you to know that I did always gave hope you'd come back, but when a year would go by on your birthday and you weren't there with me or Wilmer a little bit of me died." Chelsea felt teardrops on her shoulder and soak through her shirt and suddenly all the ranting Chelsea wanted to do to her mom vanished. All the anger disappeared as she knew her mom was telling the truth, she wished for her back.

"Y-you never forgot me?" Chelsea whispered, Demi's grasp getting a little tighter around her daughter as Chelsea's eyes went to Steph's, she seen all a motions in her eyes as she she seen her daughter hugging her real mother, which wasn't her. She hated it but knew there was nothing she could do to stop it, Chelsea looks so happy to see her and she'd never want to upset her.

"Chelsea, we need to ask you some questions too." It made Demi break out of the hug as she smiled encouragingly towards Chelsea and softly kisses her check. A small smile made its way to Chelsea's face as she felt at home again, for the first time since she was 6 years old. The police sat on the couch and told Chelsea to sit with them, Demi stood above Chelsea waiting for the questions.

"We will ask Steph and Tony questions in private as we need to know from each of your point of you. If we do find your answers different Steph and Tony can be arrested on suspicion of kidnap." As Chelsea heard that she immediate stood up walking to Steph and Tony shaking her head.

"They didn't take me! Joe did, why would they be arrested?" Steph turned Chelsea towards her as she noticed her increased heart rate, she will have a panic attack if she carried on.

"Hey, tell them the truth! We won't be arrested because we didn't kidnap you. Me and you both know that, okay. Breath baby girl because you will have a heart attack, just answer the questions." Chelsea nodded at her, tell the truth. Chelsea thought to herself. She was never good at being under pressure and always said the wrong things, Steph smiled as her and hugged her softly before making her sit down.

Jealousy swarmed in Demi's stomach as she watched the two interact, she knew Steph had been there to help Chelsea and was grateful for that as if Steph wasn't Chelsea could be dead right now. She wished she had that relationship with Chelsea though, how Chelsea trusted Steph so much.

"What happened the day you was taken?" The first question made Chelsea flashback to the day it happened and her anxiety to rise.

This was going to be hard.

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