Chapter 36: Red, Red Everywhere.

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Wilmer watched the paramedics put Demi into a stretcher before lifting her into the ambulance, along with Chelsea in another one only feet away. He stood frozen, the blood from his wife on his hand along with Chelsea's, he shook with terror as he knew he'd messed up without having a chance to fix it. His wife wasn't breathing, was this it?

"Sir, do you want to go with your daughter or wife? Chelsea is stable but your wife is having CPR done." Wilmer jumped at the sound of the paramedics voice, he wore a green jacket with sympathy eyes for the vulnerable man in front of him without his family. Wilmer was still kneeling down, but his eyes wondered to his car that he'd only just remembered his bewildered child was sitting in.

"I-I will meet them there with my s-son..." Wilmer didn't give the paramedic to speak as he rushed off to his car once he heard the sirens go off with Demi go, he quickly opened the car the car door were the car engine was still running. He didn't waste any time pressing his foot harshly on the pedal and making Nathan to fall back on impact.

"Dad... Momma and Chelsea had red on them. There was red everywhere." Nathan's voice was shaken as all her seen was them carrying Demi and Chelsea off, rushing to Demi's side more due to her not breathing. He knew Demi was much worse than Chelsea but from the unconscious teenager he was terrified, all he pictured was the amount of blood.

"I know Nathan! There hurt okay." Wilmer gripped the steering wheel, his words were rushed as he didn't have time for answering questions. Nathan's eyes were focuses on the blood smeared on Wilmer's shirt, then back to look over his dad's facial expressions, panic and fear. "But-" Nathan started.

"THERE HURT NATHAN! STOP ASKING FUCKING QUESTIONS." Wilmer shouted, he couldn't think straight due to the thoughts flying around his mind. All of the possibilities that could happen to either his wife or daughter was horrible and Wilmer agitatedly hurried to turn the corner.

"I said bad things to momma..." Nathan whispered to himself, now regretting everything he'd ever said to his mom with a frown on his face. He hadn't seen her in a month and missed her more than anything. Wilmer sighed as he watched the little boy that reminded him of his wife blame himself.

"I did too baby boy. There going to be okay, you'll get to apologise. I'm sorry for shouting at you, I'm just nervous because there both hurt a lot and I don't know what to do." Wilmer weakly smiled to help his son stay calm but it wasn't working as Nathan only turned his head to watch the cars fly passed them.

Swiftly, Wilmer hastily pushed himself out of the car after turning the engine off along with Nathan as he jumped out but being small only hurt his legs. Wilmer didn't waste anytime picking Nathan up and panicky took off into the hospitals through the parking lot. They didn't know if Demi or Chelsea had arrived yet so Nathan rest his head against Wilmer's shoulder to help him keep calm as Wilmer rushed to reception desk.

"My wife and daughter was sent here! They was in a car crash, Demetria Lovat and Chelsea Lovato." Wilmer breathlessly spoke to the woman behind it, without answering she only pointed to the double doors they had immediately took them both through with nurses and doctors following behind. It was one of the rooms Chelsea had been sent through due to their famous state, now they was back only Demi was also hurt.

"There!" Nathan pointed, noticing Chelsea's curly brown hair which had highlights of blond in. Her hair was hanging over the bed slightly as nurses panicked to pick equipment up to help, there was no sign of Demi and it worried Wilmer even more.

"That's my daughter! I don't know anything about what happened, Is my wife okay? S-she wasn't b-breathing." Wilmer stuttered out, rushing to his daughters side but they'd rolled her top up only to reveal blood dripping down. A huge piece of glass painfully stuck into her skin and was deep into her which worried him more, doctors and nurses briskly helped clean up the blood dripping down her arm but Nathan only turned away into his dad's neck with a soft sob to his sisters condition.

"Sir, we need you to wait over there. Your wife has been taken into another room, we are doing everything we can to keep both alive and stable but you'll have to be patient." One of the nurses walked up to Wilmer, forcing him to the other side of the huge room and towards the seats that waited outside from his daughters curtain.

"No! You don't understand. My wife wasn't breathing, I need to know if she's alive... You expect me to be patient when my daughter and wife's like is in danger." Wilmer spat at the woman, angered at anyone stepping in his way form seeing them both but she only closed the door on him.

"Is momma coming back?" The little boy whispered in his arms, hearing everything the nurse was saying and trying to understand most of it. Wilmer only gripped his and Demi's son tighter, he was the only thing he had to hold in the moment as he couldn't even hold his wife. Nathan had never seen his dad the way he was, his hands was shakily rocking him which wasn't helping much as his heartbeat was rapidly increasing causing his son to panic too.

"Of course she is. Your momma and sister is so strong, they can't leave us... They can't leave me, I can't live without them." Wilmer whispered the last bit to himself, he'd only managed to live a month without the two woman in his life and he was craving to be back to his family. The thought of him living without the two woman that gave his life a meaning by his side then he couldn't carry on, he couldn't pick himself up so he held pack sobs as he paced up and down while his son sat in the seat beneath him.
No explanation. After 6 hours of sitting impatiently asking every 10 minutes where his wife and daughter was there was still no sign of the doctors to tell him what was happening. Nurses ran past every hour with an alarmed state but none stopped to tell him anything, it only made him worry more. Was either of them going back to him? They can't leave us!

"Wilmer..." The doctor smiled weakly at the man that had screamed at him multiple times to tell him where are his family's whereabouts. Wilmer shot out of his seat at the voice, his son fell asleep after quietly sobbing for his mom and sisters life.

"There okay right? Demi wasn't breathing and I didn't know if she was alive- I-I can't live without my wife! I didn't even get to tell her I loved her, the last thing I gave her was divorce papers... Oh god, I wish I never. I still love her, I still need her and- Chelsea has only just gotten well! D-Don't dare tell me they didn't make it because I just- I can't live without my wife or daughter, there my life..." Wilmer sobbed hysterically as the doctor watched him with careful eyes, he was having a panic attack so the man was quick to his help and sat in on the chair with requests to match his breathing.

"If I could, then I would fucking match your breathing." Wilmer hissed at the man, slowly calming himself down but the man suddenly smiled and just as Wilmer was about to punch h for laughing at his state he whispered- "We managed to revive your wife Mr. Valderrama, both of them are in stable condition for now. We just- you have the same blood type as you wife so with the blood loss we'd need you for blood. Other than that... There in safe hands."

Abandoned. (Sequel to The Life Of Chelsea Jonas Lovato)Where stories live. Discover now