Chapter 12: Envy.

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Demi sat next to Chelsea on the way to their house, all the crew had gone home for a week as Demi and Wilmer needed to spend time him Chelsea. Wilmer driving in the front as Chelsea was leaning against the window, a hoodie covered her face as she slept and Demi couldn't help but snap a picture of Chelsea.

Pulling up to the driveway was full of cars of Demi and Wilmer's family making Demi's eyes widen and aim her glare towards Wilmer who sat chuckling nervously in the front. It wasn't fooling anybody though as Demi slapped Wilmer's arm and he hissed in pain, Demi cursed to herself.

"I don't you to cancel our families coming over! Chelsea isn't ready to meet them Wilmer, yeah at first I said I wanted her to see everyone t that was before I met her. She's fragile Wilmer and has trust issues she's a lot like me when I was younger, she was introduced to a cruel world and its our time to make her happy. Just like she was before Joe took her, She looks lost and afraid just like I did when I was her age." Demi sighed as she ran her fingers through the younger girls brown and highlights blonde hair as it was curled. She always told herself that it wouldn't be the same with Chelsea, when Chelsea was 4 she promised herself that life for Chelsea wouldn't be like Demi's but she failed. Chelsea was a lot like Demi and not by looks but by personality, she thinks the worlds a cruel place but it's not and that's what Demi thought. Also, She runs away from her problems just like Demi does. Like when she had to meet Wilmer for the first time but she ran away and Wilmer found her but she took a liking to him which Demi was thankful for.

"I'm sorry! I forgot to ring them all, I was so caught up in all of this." Nathan immediately jumped out the car and ran to tell everybody about Chelsea while Demi had to now wake Chelsea. Turns towards Chelsea and leaning in placing a soft kiss on Chelsea's cheek making her stir awake and let out a groan.

"Chelsea baby, were home." Chelsea's eyes shot open as she remembered she had to go with Demi, hearing her voice made her jump away and making Demi jump at the sudden movement. Yawning she turned towards Demi and Wilmer who gave her a soft smile.

"Hey baby girl, listen we didn't know that our families where going to come here but a lot of them are? Is that okay?" Demi asked in fear because of Chelsea's anxiety but Chelsea just shrugged mumbling an 'okay'. Demi shook her head as she knew what Chelsea was doing, she was trying to hide her anxiety from Demi but just like the plane ride she seen the fear in Chelsea eyes at first.

"Come on." Demi muttered holding Chelsea's hand but she pulled away as she walked behind her and Wilmer. Demi frowned at the lose of contact but Wilmer just squeezed get hand softly motioning them to carry on walking which Demi obeyed. Chelsea pushed her hood down from her jumper that Demi gave her on the plane to fall asleep as she smelt Demi's scent on it, Lilacs. She didn't want to do this and know with everybody hugging her she might have a panic attack but she isn't tell Demi that, she didn't want to look like a freak as she thought.

"Come on, Chelsea. Grandma's waiting inside and squealing to see you, it'll be fun!" Chelsea jumped hearing the 4 year olds voice as he giggled at her reacting, reaching up to hold her hand she felt everybody staring at her for min the window making her groan inside her head. Fun my ass, Chelsea thought but instead of saying that she carried on walking. Me and Nathan are so different, I'm a kid who'd had a shit life while as he's a kid who's had an amazing life so far. It's Demi's fault for allowing me to get kidnapped and then doesn't even find me, I just wanna go home! Chelsea wanted to scream out as she felt her anger boiling from her anger issues but carried on walking.

"Stop scaring me!" Chelsea teased as they stepped into the house as Nathan laughed at his sister, he didn't have a clue about the demons in her eyes. They came out to play when they felt like just like a few days ago when she flipped out, she all of a sudden felt someone unfamiliar wrap their arms around her family her close her eyes and take a deep breath. Demi watched Chelsea's every move to make sure she's fine as Diana wrapped her arms around her, kissing her cheek repeatedly in excitement before Demi shouted her.

"Mom! Do you want to kill her? Stop squeezing her so tight." Please do, Chelsea repeated over in her head but it didn't happen obviously as Diana stepped away but kissed her head on last time. Chelsea looked wound the room, faces stared at her from all different directions and some of them she didn't even know before she seen someone stand up, Dallas. A grin took over Dallas' face as she held her arms out for her little needs to jump into them, a smile on Chelsea face which Demi hadn't seen took over as Chelsea shouted "Dal." Running into her arms.

Demi frowned at how happy Chelsea looked with Dallas, looked so comfortable as she whispered in her ear and Chelsea listened. The sparkle in her eyes reappeared again for the first time as she'd seen Dallas for the first time 8 years, Dallas stepping back but her arm went around Chelsea's shoulder.

"Where have you been hiding for the past 8 years huh?" Dallas playfully asked as everyone looked at the younger girl with a smile at how happy she looked, Chelsea shrugged playing along. The one face Chelsea didn't know was the girl sitting on the couch and looked around the same age as her, she looked a little like Demi but couldn't put a name to her face.

"Oh you know, just chillin' back in the UK." Chelsea sighed dramatically making Dallas chuckle at her. Demi's frowned deepened as Devon hadn't been smiling so much and laughing at all with her on the ride there, she was jealous and envied her sister at this moment to be as close to her daughter as Dallas was in that moment. Instantly Chelsea didn't feel anxious anymore, she didn't feel alone as she felt she finally knew someone used missed and loved the most.

"Uk? Damn, you've got a London accent! So cute.." Dallas squealed at her niece before kissed her head and pulling her in for a hug again at how much she'd missed the child, which wasn't anymore. Chelsea's perfume invaded Dallas' nostrils and she smiled at the smell she was yet to get used too, before looking over to Demi seeing the frown before taking a step back.

"I bet you've missed your mom the most right?" Dallas asked making Demi's head shoot up and Chelsea to turn to her but shrug at the question, her smile instantly talking and the atmosphere in the room changed quickly before everybody stood up, trying to ease the tension. All hugging and kissing Chelsea and telling how much they'd missed her as Devon explained what she'd done to them but Demi ended up asking to spend alone time with her daughter, not meaning to be rude but that was how it came. Lucky everybody understood and left immediately, Chelsea hugging Dallas the longest as she kissed her head before chuckling at the memories Devon told.

"My little badass..."

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