Chapter 10: Airplane For The First Time In 8 Years.

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The day was when Chelsea was leaving, She invited Her best friends around and at the airport but still hadn't spoken to Demi or Wilmer, she didn't know what to say to them anymore but Steph did explain to Demi about everything and she took everything on board.

"I don't want you to leave!" Steph sobbed as Tony stood with no facial expression on his face but you could tell he was holding it in as he had to say goodbye to his other daughter. The one he'd loved and cared for with all his life was now leaving, Peyton didn't stop crying all night with did Jordan as the whole family spent the night crying with their adoptive sister in their arms.

"Hey kid, we will be on the plane in half an hour so you will have to your goodbyes as Demi and Wilmer are coming through." Max pointed to the entrance were Demi and Wilmer came in with Nathan in Wilmer's arms. Chelsea sighed as Carly, Austin, Lauren, Sean and Ivan dived into a hug. With Carly being the one to cry the most as Sean and Austin teared up a little as I smiled at them, I never wanted to leave.

"Who am I going to run away from police with now?" Austin sighed as I giggled at them. They was over exaggerating when I knew they would call me everyday.

"I love you! We will Facetime and ring everyday and soon you can come back. I still can't believe that your mom is Demi Lovato!" They all rolled our eyes at Lauren who stared at Demi in shock but nodded. They hugged one last time before Steph pulled her away, All her adoptive brothers and sisters with Tony got on as Steph told her to ring everyday and they will all say good morning and goodnight.

"If you need me, ring me okay? Demi promised me to keep you safe and I know uses telling the truth, don't ignore her Chelsea because she's your real mom and you've got to know her. And Wilmer! I'm warning you." She nodded at Steph's strict voice as she kissed her head as tears rolled down her face. She never wanted to see Chelsea walk away from her, Chelsea wasn't fixed, she was a broken girl and Steph just hoped Demi could fix her as last night Steph and Demi had sat down to talk about everything. Demi said thank you for all those years while Steph just old her to look after her because she's fragile.

Steph told Demi everything, about the drinking and the drugs which Demi didn't take well as they're what ruined Demi's life, to the arrests and panic attacks she has. Demi listened closely to everything Steph told her, and gave her all Chelsea's medicine. Bye the end of the night Steph was crying as she kissed Chelsea's head in the night telling Demi, "She's back to being your daughter now, She's your family. Not mine anymore." Steph really liked Demi but a piece of her hated her for taking Chelsea away, even though she understood it was her daughter and she'd missed out on a lot she thought Chelsea as a daughter and letting go of her was hard.

Demi on the other hand smiled when Steph told her 'She's your family now.' The smile never fell from her face all night as Nathan didn't stop talking about how much fun him and Chelsea are going to have as Demi smiled at how excited her youngest son was. In the night Demi asked Wilmer why he didn't talk to him,

Flashback- Day before.
Demi yawned as she stepped into the bed with Wilmer just after putting Nathan to sleep, Wilmer hadn't spoke much since they found Chelsea but Demi hadn't had a chance to ask her husband what was the problem.

"Baby, Why didn't you talk to Chelsea?" Demi asked, Wilmer turned his head towards his wife and sighed. The look on Chelsea's face when she seen Wilmer was a terrified look but he couldn't understand why she was so scared of him in that time. He wasn't the one who hurt her so why doesn't she like him.

"When I seen her, she was scared and it looked like she feared me which is why she ran away but I don't know why?" Wilmer told his wife honestly. Demi kissed Wilmer's cheek softly, this was the first time they'd spoke about Chelsea since she disappeared and seeing her so grown up today really struck Demi and Wilmer about how many years they'd gone without her. It hurt that they missed so many years of her growing up as she looked so much more mature but she acted so immature which is what made Demi giggle about Chelsea.

"Babe, it'll take time for her to warm up to us again. She's older now and even though I didn't expect her to be so grown up but she is and it seems as if she has trust issues Wilmer just like I did. You heard what Steph said, her anger issues and anxiety is what Joe done to her and we'll have to wait for her to like us." Wilmer nodded, he kissed her lips softly and turned the side lamp off.

"She looks grown up now, we missed it?" Demi nodded, the frown visible on both their faces as Wilmer wanted to hit himself for not coming to this town earlier. He would of never thought she'd be here as this was the first time but was glad he found her when he did.

End flashback-

Steph cuddled into Tony and he wiped her tears as Chelsea walked to Demi, the frown never falling from her face while her head stayed down. Demi sighed as Chelsea wouldn't look up to her, she never thought Chelsea would hate her but she reminded herself she will just miss her friends for awhile. Nathan ran to Chelsea straight away, this time one of his front teeth missing from last night and he grinned up to her.

"Chelsea, my wobbly teeth came out!" Nathan pointed to his gum and he grabbed Chelsea's hand while walking next to her, Demi and Wilmer walked in front as they knew she wouldn't talk to them. Chelsea looked back one more time and smiling at Peyton but she cried to Riley as Riley, Ryder and Jordan waved. Riley making sure to blow a kiss to her younger sister that she'd grown up with and was used to arguing with for make up or clothes. Now who's clothes would I take. Demi looked to Demi who's style was too pricey for her, she scrunched her nose in disgust at Demi's clothes which Demi spent a long time picking out. Demi's crew already on the private plane and waiting to greet Chelsea as they couldn't last night.

"That's great, did the tooth fairy come?" Chelsea played along as Nathan nodded his head, yes. Looking out to the private plane Chelsea sighed, great my anxiety will kick in now. Chelsea always hated planes as they reminded her off Demi and Wilmer, Nathan noticed his older sisters frown and pouted.

"What's wrong?" He questioned as Chelsea just walked through the tunnel as Demi had already gave in their passports, oh kid, you've got so much to learn. Chelsea thought as she looked at the innocent child which didn't understand anything about life and just thought life was so easy as he always had money, clothes and food. It was nothing like that for Chelsea.

"Chelsea, do you want to sit next to me? Stolen told me you might have anxiety on planes." They stepped onto the plane as Chelsea rolled her eyes, this trip will be just great! Demi told herself sarcastically before shaking her head at Demi, she didn't want to come off as rude but that's how everybody spoke around Britain.

"I'm fine." Hmm, that's exactly what I used to say sweetie so your not fooling me. Demi thought but allowed Chelsea to walk away to the far side of the plane and away from the crew who was asking about why Chelsea was far over there.

Abandoned. (Sequel to The Life Of Chelsea Jonas Lovato)Where stories live. Discover now