Chapter 38: 12 days, 3 hours But Who's Counting?

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Demi winced as she accidentally hit her casted arm against the coffee table at the side of her, Wilmer had been knocking outside her house for up to 5 minutes before she finally woke. Mumbling incoherently she trudged to the door with a sour expression as it was still only 4am, knowing she must of fell asleep on the couch watching a crime show.

"Hey, Dem. I'm sorry I'm so late, it has been a long day!" Wilmer smiled nervously as he held up McDonald's in his hand while Demi rolled her eyes at how slowly he's speaking as if he says something he wasn't suppose to. She opens the door wider while rubbing her tired eyes, she hated how the past weeks Wilmer seemed as if he had to be walking on egg shells around her. They hadn't spoken about their divorce papers but Demi hadn't gotten any more court dates coming through since they missed their last due to hospital.

"Wilmer, late? It's already morning. Why are you here?" Demi muttered not meaning to be blunt about it but Wilmer didn't mind as he knew she was only tired. Shrugging, he placed the food down on the coffee table while Demi only stared. It'd been the same for weeks, him rushing around for her and she wondered why because before they had their car crash he hates her guts.

"I know you haven't been yourself since Chelsea had gone with Dallas so I came over so your not alone." Wilmer didn't exactly lie but it wasn't the trust either and Demi knew that.

"It's only been 12 days and 3 hours but who's counting?" Demi tried to defend but Wilmer knew how attached Demi and Chelsea had become and loved how his wife and daughters relationship had became stronger fro me hen they first met.

"Well, I thought we can watch movies while eating. My moms got Nathan again so I can't come here so your not going to be on your own." Wilmer smiled cheekily that made Demi's lips curve into a smile at how adorable he was, after all those years he still managed to make her smile just of him being sweet to her.

"That's funny, your moms had Nathan 3 out of 4 times this week. Does she miss her grandson so much?" Demi asked sarcastically as she folded her arms while glaring at the man, one thing Demi always hated was people being sympathetic. Wilmer sighed as he knew he'd have to explain why he was constantly wanting to be near Demi so he only patted the spot by him with hesitation Demi sat.

"You know your still my wife right?-" Wilmer smiled at the thought of her still being married, she was still Mrs. Valderrama. "- While you was in there I realised how quickly and panicked I reacted when Chelsea rang me saying you was hurt. Then the thought of loosing you consumed me and I noticed that I couldn't be without you, I was just angry because I thought it was all your fault but while you was in their I realised it was mine. It had nothing to do with you and I'm so sorry for blaming you, it wasn't your fault you had to go on tour but I hate sharing you with the rest of the world. I could just about handle being without you for a month so without your permission I cancelled the divorce which I know I should of asked you first but I didn't know if you would agree which made me freak out because- Demi. I love you and I can't loose you. I screwed up so bad and I know that, so what I'm doing is trying to fix it." Wilmer pleaded Demi with his eyes which made her turn away from him because she knew if she looked at him she'd forgive him so easily.

"Wilmer, you left me and our daughter who is now with my older sister because they think I can't cope with her when really it's because I couldn't cope without you! You blamed me for things that I had nothing to do with but I still loved you, I seen the disappointment in your eyes when the doctor told you I'd started taking drugs again after all these years but it was to take the pain away. Just like it was when I had Chelsea yet you helped me, I don't think I can forgive you for that but I know for sure I can't live without you. Let's just take it slow Wilmer." Demi lay back against him as she ate the chips while he continued to watch her, finally he pressed his lips against her head.

"Okay, we'll take it slow but I'm still your husband! I love you." Wilmer whispered, knowing that she still loved him back made him relax his nerves a little so she wasn't going on divorce him like he did to her which he deeply regretted. Unconsciously, he smiled at the feeling of her still bring in love with him, he slowly pulled Demi on top of him which made her slap his chest as he groaned in pain. "I said slow asshole!" Demi hissed knowing what the man was getting at.

"I know! I was going slow, slowly pulling you on top of me." Wilmer smirked cockily as Demi only shook her head at the mans arrogance, turning her head towards the programme that Wilmer was distracting her from but that continued when moments later his lips pressed against her earlobe.

"Wilmer!" Her voice tried to stay stern but from the breathy word she knew he won as his hands ran down her stomach, she gripped his shirt tightly which he'd been wearing a suit and his tie loosely around his neck.

"I was being selfish the past months and I deeply regret it because your the one thing along with Nathan and Chelsea that I'm proud of. We've built a family and I ruined it, I'll make sure to get our two children back but first..." Wilmer drifted his sentence of as Demi was already on top of him, her hips rocking against his covered member as their lips connected.

"Upstairs. We can worry about our two children tomorrow, tonight is about you and me something there hasn't been in awhile since our problems." Wilmer's heavy pants and Demi's soft moans were heard as Chelsea stepped into the house she hasn't been in for awhile. Wilmer couldn't help but smirk as he still managed to get Demi riled up even after she told him no and to take it slow.

"Mom! Where are you? I haven't seen you in nearly a month." Chelsea's eyes lit up at the thought of her mom, staying with her 2 aunties and grandma had been amazing because she got to create relationships with all of them equally but wanted to be with her mom knowing she was alone. Chelsea was shocked that Demi and been taking drugs and she didn't even know which made her realise how Steph didn't know when Chelsea had drugs in her house but didn't blame her. It's hard to stop drugs and Chelsea knew Demi's past with drugs before she was born and after she was born too.

"Mom! Seriously, didn't auntie Dallas text or ring you to say I was coming- OH GOD!" Chelsea screamed as her hands covered her eyes rushing out of the room, the sight she'd just seen was imbedded in her mind as her mom jumped from Wilmer too.

"Chelsea! W-what- Oh fuck!"

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