Chapter 2: Hospital visit.

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Flashback continued.
The woman had washed the younger girl and by the end of the bath the water in the bath tub was black making Steph gag but she stared at the scars on the younger girls body. She wondered what she'd gone through.

"Y-you said I c-could eat. I-I hunwey." Chelsea didn't didn't know I'd she could talk as Joe told her not to talk to anybody but she was too hungry at this moment. It was Steph's first time hearing her talk and it was too cute.

"Come on, I will get you something to eat." Steph smiled but didn't know what clothes to give the younger girl so just put one of her long tops on her making it sink to the floor over Chelsea making her giggle.

"Sorry, sweetheart. I didn't have nothing else to give you." She picked her up and quickly gave her a warm meal and as she was eating on the kitchen counter Riley and Ryder came in with dad making Chelsea stare confused.

"Hey, Chelsea?" Riley asked and Chelsea nodded.

"Your cute. I'm Riley! And this is Ryder." She had it too excitedly making Chelsea smile.

"Steph, uh- What're-" Steph already knew what she wanted to do.

"Okay, adopt!" Steph seen Tony's eyes widen and sighed. She pleaded with her eyes as Tony stared at the little girl.

"Steph, this is another baby to feed! We haven't got-"

"We have! I will work more. I can't leave her Tony, look at her." Chelsea continued eating her sandwich while Riley and Ryder continued to talk to Chelsea even though she didn't understand them.

"Sweetie. I'm Tony." She took one look at Tony and ran to Steph. If took her long to warm up to him as she hated talking to guys as Joe.

"No, I won't hurt you." Chelsea slowly went into Tony's arms as he smiled.

"I will sort something out." Tony sighed.

End flashback.
Chelsea walked  into the living room not before getting a beer out of the fridge and seeing Steph asleep on the couch as she smiled.

"Don't dare walk upstairs!" She stopped at the stairs thinking she got away with it. She smiled at Steph.

"Fine, I'm sorry! I love you." Chelsea sighed and sat next to Steph and kissed her cheek making her smile.

"Peyton was crying for you! You better make it up to her tomorrow." Chelsea nodded. Peyton being the youngest always looked up to Chelsea and loved her so she wanted her around all the time and cried for her a lot.

"How was work?" Chelsea asked lying on the couch next to her.

"Okay, bit rushed but I got through it." Chelsea took a sip of the beer before putting it down and cuddling into her mom. Steph hated Chelsea drinking beer but every time she tried to stop her she'd just ignore her anyway. Chelsea would only sneak beer in forg of Tony as he would shout at her but Steph was way too soft for that.

"Why do you wait up for me?" Chelsea asked. She always wondered why she done that but suddenly it just slipped out of her mouth but she didn't regret it, she wanted to know anyway.

"Because- I don't know who your family is, they could come along any night your out and take you away from me, I never want that to happen! You mean so much to me now and your now- A Bradley." Chelsea finished Steph's explanation and smiles at how Steph cares for her deeply, although Chelsea never thought about walking in on any of her old family members. She suddenly flashed back on every one of family members she'd met.

"Dallas was my favourite." Chelsea whispered to herself in admiration as she'd knew Dallas would never give up hope on her little niece but as for Demi she didn't care so much? Right? Steph had heard what the girl said and quickly thought about it, who is Dallas? A family member. Chelsea never told Steph about her family as she kept quite, she told her 'it's complicated' when Chelsea was 8 years old and they never spoke about it again as Steph knew it was a hard subject for the girl.

"Who is Dallas? I want an answer right now!" Steph put up her stern voice but Chelsea who wad her legs tangled with the woman's and cuddled into the neck sideways on the couch looked up to her.

"Don't do that voice, your not the stern parent. Dad is!" Steph laughed a little making it vibrate onto Chelsea but nodded.

"Dallas is my auntie. She was my real moms sister, she was my favourite of all of the family but I still loved Marissa and Madison and-" Steph got confused by who she was naming and stopped her.

"Baby I don't know who those are!" Chelsea giggled a little but didn't know how she'd got carried away telling her more than realised. I never told her anything suspicious! Chelsea thought as Steph was a little jealous of HER baby who'd just called another woman her baby. She'd go on a rant about how she was Chelsea's mother and nobody else was in the morning to Tony who would just pretend to listen. She was always protective over Chelsea and always panicked if somebody would turn up any day for Chelsea, sometimes she even had dreams which would scare her. She wasn't so protective over her other kids except Chelsea and even she isn't her real child.

"Sorry. Anyway, wanna sleep on the couch or can I go to bed?" Chelsea asked Steph. You could tell the difference between Chelsea with her friends who was bad and dangerous to the Chelsea inside the house who was a good girl and wouldn't do anything to upset Steph.

"Couch." Was all Steph mumbled before pulling the younger girl closer to her. Questions run through her mind about what the younger girl went through the past 6 years and trying to put her mothers face together in her imagination.
Chelsea awoken on the comfortable couch but hearing the not so quite whispers of her mom and dad having a conversation but it must be a secret as they're whispering so she, being the nosy teenager instantly listened in with eyes closed pretending to be still asleep.

-Anybody Steph. Look, sweetheart you panicking over nothing! Chelsea is OUR child nothing and that's how it's always going to be, even if her mom comes back- which would never happen, I will make sure I might more our little girl! This world is a huge place, and who do you think Chelsea would choose, us or her mother that left her? We love her and she's our Babygirl now!" Chelsea heard Tony's voice and she smiled at the words, she didn't know why they was talking about her mom all of a sudden?

"I know, I know. I just keep having dreams about her mother taking Chelsea away from us and I'm just paranoid. I wonder what she looks like, if she's nice? I just want to know my babygirl's childhood and why she was on the streets." Steph run her hand through her hair as she had an annoyed look on her face, like she couldn't figure something out. Chelsea suddenly let out a sigh, she never knew Steph was questioning herself so much about this.

"Its a LONG story." Chelsea whispered to herself.
I know Demi hasn't been in yet but in the next 2 chapters she will be in it! With Wilmer too!

I just wanted to tell you about Chelsea and how she's changed so much in these chapters, also next chapter will show you how Chelsea's anger issues and Anxiety get much worse due to her childhood!

I'm doing my best!

Abandoned. (Sequel to The Life Of Chelsea Jonas Lovato)Where stories live. Discover now