Chapter 24: Holden Academy.

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It had been 2 days since Chelsea got a dog of Demi and her friends arrived in town which Demi was glad she invited them because she hadn't been home with them much and had been out with friends. The bad part has that she stays out till 3am which Demi wasn't so sure about but Chelsea said Steph always let her, and also Demi hardly seen her face mostly. Now, it was the day Chelsea started a new school and she didn't want to so she did what she always did when she had to get up for school at 7am, hide under her blankets and pretend to sleep. Her friends wasn't allowed to go to the school as they was only around for two weeks also their parents couldn't even afford the school but Austin promised they'd stand outside and give her a joint when she snuck out.

"Chelsea! Rise and shine sleepy." Chelsea heard Demi's voice, her voice was louder as she wanted to wake her but Chelsea only groaned in disapproval. She always hated mornings but when she opened her eyes she seen her little brother trying to tie his green and white striped tie which made her eyebrows furrow.

"I have to wear a uniform? But it's America, I thought you don't over here." Chelsea's mood was tired and annoyed, she was annoyed at everything. Demi noticed her daughters behaviour and how she spoke so she decided to leave her for another 20 minutes an to see if she gets up on her own.

"Yeah, it's a private school so you have to but in a public school over here you won't. You can't go to on of those as paps will be everywhere, your uniform a in your walk in wardrobe just please don't make a fuss over everything babygirl. Please, your little brothers got up." Demi pleaded her daughter as she didn't want an argument with her, Chelsea ignored her.

"Come on, Chels. Maybe it'll be good?" Nathan tried to encourage her sister which made her smile and ruffle his hair as she trudged past to the wardrobe. Instantly she looked at the uniform in disgust, before she could walk away and go back to bed then she got a text from Steph while her phone was in her sweatpants pocket. The walk in wardrobe was sparking and Demi made sure to line all shoes up and neatly set out the clothes in draws which Chelsea found ridiculous but enjoyed watching her try to figure out what to do.

Steph- You can do it, new start. For all of us baby? Riley says she loves you as does everybody else.- Chelsea sighed at that but decided to give in, starting the day in the hideous outfit but making sure to curl her brown hair with blonde highlights at the bottom then to cover up her freckles with light makeup but still enough to cover them up.

"Chelsea, you got ready!" Demi was astonished by her daughter brushing her teeth in the bathroom, while ready and to start the day. Her daughter hummed in response as they both walked down the stairs, Chelsea wanted to crawl back to bed but she wanted/ needed to start new and she trusted her mothers words. After an hour of bickering between them all and her friends laughing at her uniform Chelsea had finished her breakfast.

"Shut up! Your all fucking- Chelsea!" Demi stopped her daughter with a warning sign but Chelsea, being Chelsea ignored her and with a smirk replied," d*cks." She shrugged as Demi groaned, she wondered if her daughter would ever listen to her but seeing her smirking at her with a challenging expression she realised she wasn't but she loved a challenge.

"Don't! Get in the car. What are you 5 doing doing today since Chelsea is in school?" Demi hissed at her daughter so Chelsea held her little brothers hand and walked out with a frown muttering, "I'm turning into a good girl, I hate that." Which left everyone smiling at her. They liked the knew Chelsea and she seemed to be doing better by missed their fun times. The gang shrugged, not answering Demi's question because they knew she'd disapprove of the idea of the going to the school.

"Probably uh- Your not staying here." Wilmer warned, he had to go to WV Enterprise and was for sure not allowing the kids in his house. Demi roles her eyes towards her husband before turning back to the teenagers who smiles innocently, "Exploring California." Carly answered with a shrug, lie. Demi gave up and walked to her husband, kissing his lips softly before walking out. She liked having time off with her family and hadn't spent much turn off due to being around the world all the time but promised when she's gone back she was taking Chelsea on the tour with her, the first tour she'd been on since she was 6 years old as she used to love travelling.

The drive was agonising as Chelsea whined the whole way about sleep and Nathan spoke about his friends constantly, Demi decided to tune them out Before stopping at a huge, modern day building with on the front and in red read, 'Holden Academy' she already hated the school.

"This sucks!" Chelsea whined as Demi rolled her eyes at the dramatic teenager, she kissed her daughters head softly and thought about how she could get used to the next four years of taking her to school and ranking her back home. she loved the idea of it and now was her first day so she was going to remember it for so many years, Demi had took so many pictures of Chelsea before she left it was ridiculous but wanted to post them online so fans could see and they went crazy over it.

"Good luck, Chels!" Baths not smiled towards her sister while jumping in the front seat where Chelsea had just been sitting. She stuck her tongue out at her little brother who immediately responded with sticking his tongue back and making them both laugh as she waved at get mom who told her to stay out of trouble before driving off. Demi shied before turning to her son.

"Do you think she'll stay out of trouble?" Nathan chuckled towards his mother before shaking his head, no. Demi laughed at him before ruffling his hair while started the drive to his school, she felt lost without Chelsea or panicky, she don't know what the feeling was exactly bug she felt like she was scared incase Chelsea would go again.

"Momma, you have to get used to Chelsea going to school. You will get used to it as time goes on but she is older she is going out with friends and you have to get used to it. Yeah, it's knew for you but she's going go come home. You should be happy! It's her first day in school which means she's officially started living here with us, I think it's cool having an older sister. I love it! Don't let get go away again though..." Nathan grinned, the excitement in his voice was clear as Demi chuckled.

"Definitely not baby boy, she's staying where she belongs. With us, her family."

Abandoned. (Sequel to The Life Of Chelsea Jonas Lovato)Where stories live. Discover now