Chapter 16: Protective.

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Demi watched as Chelsea made her way down the stairs, she had to admit her daughter had great fashion taste but the look on Wilmer's face made her giggle. He had a distasteful look in his daughters choice. Demi told Chelsea to wear something comfy as they will be on the beach with their family but instead Chelsea wore a beige top that stops below her belly button but Demi didn't mind as her daughter was now older and was going to wear things like that. The part that got her was the black ripped jeans with heels on, Nathan clapped his sister but Wilmer stopped him. (A/N- style is on top First Style!)

"You can't wear that, change!" Wilmer's stern look was on his face but Chelsea crossed her arms, as if challenging him. "I want to wear this!" Chelsea huffed, Demi knew she wasn't backing down but she knew Wilmer wouldn't leave the house if his daughter was wearing that,

"Baby girl, we will be on the beach. Just change into something comfy until we get their and bring something else to change in when we're there. If you wear that you can't go on the beach." Chelsea hesitated for a moment but followed Demi's orders and walked back up the stairs, not happy with Wilmer at the moment as Demi turned towards him.

"Wilmer, she looked amazing! She's not your 6 year old anymore, honey. I know you want her to be but she's older, she's going to wear things like that now and you won't like it. I'm her mom and I know girls fashion so if she shows mroe skin then she should be then I will tell her but she didn't. Also, I'm taking her shopping maybe tomorrow even though it looks like she has some clothes still I'd want her to spend time with me." Wilmer didn't like his wife's answer but knew she was telling the truth, she wasn't his baby girl anymore and that upset him. She was much older but he didn't approve of her wearing heels.

"I hate her being this age, if any guys go near her on this beach I will punch them!" Wilmer was red in his face with anger, and Demi giggled at his protective side which she hadn't seen over Chelsea since she was little. She kissed his cheek softly before turning towards the stairs were an upset Chelsea was walking down changing with a black jumper this time and a different type of black jeans from before as it had for rips in and black trainers. She had other clothes in her hand what assumed to be shorts and a top but they couldn't see. Demi and Wilmer noticed the annoyed expression on her face as she trudged past them and out to the car, Demi gave Wilmer a look to apologise and he nodded in agreement.

"I'm sorry, Chelsea. It would've been stupid if you went on a beach in heels." Wilmer reasoned but Demi knew it was because he was protective. They all got into the car, with Chelsea being silent Nathan decided trying to cheer her up which he should learn when Chelsea's mad to just leave her. Steph told Demi that before they left, they spoke about a lot of things with Chelsea but the most cautious one was when Chelsea freaks out, stolen showed Demi a video of when Chelsea smashes things and Demi didn't like it at all. Demi was scared for she that actually happened and feared that she wouldn't be able to stop it.

"Chelsea, have you been to grandma's house?" Nathan asked but Chelsea didn't reply, she rolled her eyes at tech four year old and suddenly all of her emotions creeped up on her. The anger from Demi, she blamed her for the bad life she had. The rage for Wilmer as he was the one that told Demi to stop the search, and the boy beside her who was suppose to be her brother but lived totally different lives and she envied him for getting the best life.

"When is your birthday? Mom told me everything about you other than that..." Nathan was asking Chelsea questions but never got a reply of her as she stayed quite in the back seat. Out of the mirror in the car Demi seen Chelsea's fist clench in anger and she was immediately there to stop it, fear creeped up on her.

"Nathan, be quite! Your sister doesn't want to talk baby boy." Demi tried to answer sweetly but it came out as a rush that Wilmer looked over to her, he'd known a little about Chelsea's life now but not much as he wasn't in the room with Steph or Demi when they spoke. Demi wanted to hurry out of the car, in case Chelsea did something that would threaten all of their lives.

"I just tried to make her feel better." He muttered, Chelsea took one glance to her brother but as he smiled towards her she didn't smile back. She was all of a sudden claustrophobic and wanted to hid, run away from this new life as she hated it. Chelsea tried to like it with them but it sucked there and she didn't like it at all because she never fit in with them anymore. They was too rich, classy and she was a poor kid who had to steal or beg for most of her time. I get Madison hasn't even been to prison once, oh and even if she did Demi would be by her side to bail her out. Chelsea wanted to punch something, she was loosing her patients and when she heard the car stop she ran quickly.

Not bothering to look at Diana who was waiting at the door with a smile on her face like she always had and Chelsea wondered why she couldn't be happy. Everybody was flappy accept her, she was in pain. She knew it was rude to ignore everybody but she wanted to let all of her emotions out and needed to clam down unless she hurt one of them, they'd probably have her arrested and she hadn't been to a American jail but she did want to test it out.

"Chelsea!" She heard Demi's voice as Chelsea slammed the bathroom door, she needed to punch something, anything and that's what she did. All self control slipped away as anger took over, throwing the mirror of the wall and against the door before smashing everything she could. Even punching the walls, the door and the tiles around the bath. All in that while she didn't hear Demi's pleading for her to come out and sling with everybody else as she knew she couldn't go out like that. Bloody fists and a smashed up bathroom which Diana might hate her for, at least it wasn't as bad as any other times before she'd done. Her damage in the past had been much worse than that but couldn't help but feel numb all over, she suddenly unlocked the bathroom door making blood fall from her hand and onto the handle. She suddenly realised that could be a murder scene, wondering how much blood shed lost in the past fro mall of this and even wondered how she was still alive with much blood lose throughout the decades but didn't notice every dog around her.

Gasps erupted from everyone as they seen the 14 year old, she looked in pain and exhausted. She suddenly put a weak smile on her face and looked up to Demi, anger filled her eyes again and Demi wondered what she'd done to deserve the anger thrown towards her in that moment. Chelsea's words was blunt,

"I guess we were more alike than I thought, when you was 14 years old you was in pain just like me. Except this time your the cause of my pain. You left me. You gave me a bad life. I don't know if I can forgive you. Can I go home now? I know that I don't fit in with your family. I'm not part of it anymore. I'm- I need- I'm tired."

All of a sudden she blacked out, her eye slowly drifting but looking to Demi's reaction which held a mix of guilt and horror.

Abandoned. (Sequel to The Life Of Chelsea Jonas Lovato)Where stories live. Discover now