Chapter 27: Bad Parents.

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Chelsea was ready for the shouting at so she waited for Demi to tell her how stupid it was to run and go in front of paparazzi but as Chelsea closed her eyes all she felt was arms wrap around her, the same Lavender smell that pulled her in and to relax as she hugged her mom back.

"Some girl was talking about you, about me, about Joe. I lost my temper when she called you a drug addict, I hate school." Chelsea whispered into Demi's ear and even though Demi was suppose to be angry at her daughter for violence she couldn't help but smile at Chelsea protecting her. She still has a place in her heart and with that thought she kissed Chelsea's head softly, before paps came Demi pulled her into the car.

"Chelsea I'm not happy that you done that, the girl has been taking to hospital! I don't think it's good if you continue that school, we can get you homeschooled or-" Chelsea stopped her mom, shaking her head in disapproval as her fist clenched in anger. She'd never been homeschooled as that wasn't the girl she was, she was lively and loved being around people. Chelsea was a immature teenager who didn't waste time and chased her dreams, just like every other teenager. She wasn't shy or quiet, she was a wild teenager who was just having fun before she grew old and never wanted this to happen. To move to California, start a new life, nobody to trust and who nobody understood.

"Homeschooled? I don't want to get homeschooled! I want to go back home, with my family who actually understand me because I belong with them. I hate it here with you, you lost my trust the day I went missing and yet you expect to come back in my life and be the perfect mother. What don't you understand about that? All my friends are back home, my whole life is back there but yet you want to make my condition worst by bringing me here! Your not helping me, your doing the total opposite and I want to go home! You, Wilmer or that boy is not my family. Everything was working out when I was back there and I was actually loved, I will always choose Steph over you because I don't care about money or huge mansions, I care about a family and want to be cared about! I don't want to be here anymore so just take me back!" Chelsea screamed at her mother, tears fell from her eyes as rage built within her. Demi was shocked as her daughter jumped from the car and ran into the house as they'd just stopped but Demi wasn't bowing down to her daughter as she was suppose to be the adult so she went after her daughter.

"Your my daughter! Your not going back there because your mine, I brought you up and it wasn't my fault that he took you Chelsea! I'm trying so hard with you Chelsea because I love you and I'm trying to maintain our relationship but your pulling me down. I understand you Chelsea, your fragile just like I was when I was your age because I was vulnerable but you keep your walls up from me and I hate it. Wait- I'm making everything worse for you?" Demi stopped herself with a frown on her face as she never wanted to upset her daughter but realised she was hurting her daughter more. The drugs that Chelsea had was to help her and that was all because Demi sent her to a school what she didn't want to go to.

"I just want to go home..." Chelsea muttered before running up the stairs and away from her mother as she locked the door behind her. Chelsea ignoring Demi's question made her thoughts run wild, she didn't know what to do with the younger girl anymore as she was having mood swings, she loved being around her then seconds later she could change be annoyed.

Wilmer came out of the kitchen with a confused expression but seeing his wife stressed made him rush to her side. She jumped startled by the contact before leaning into his touch when seeing who it was, she wrapped her arms around his neck as she softly cried into his neck. Even though Wilmer didn't understand what happened fully, he knew there was another argument and heard Chelsea shouting she wanted to go back home but that wasn't happening.

"We're not bad parents Demi, she's angry right now and isn't used to being here so it's frustrating her that she can't get what she wants. All her life she's been going by her rules and doing what she wants but now that she's got us back in her life, she doesn't like us telling her to go by our rules so she's trying every way possible to annoy us and allow us to send her home. She's not going anywhere from us, she's our daughter and she belongs her with us. It'll take her awhile to get into a routine, and no were not making her worse! We're helping her Demi. So go and take the drugs she had in her pocket and don't back down to our daughter." Wilmer rubbed Demi's shoulders softly, as if relaxing her tense muscles which worked since she leaned into his touch with a soft groan.

"Go, we can finish this off later." Wilmer whispered to Demi in her ear before kissing her earlobe softly, Demi nodded knowing Wilmer had to pick up Nathan from school. She pecked his lips quickly before making her way upstairs, she didn't want to argue with her daughter but words fell out of her mouth in anger. She didn't want to be the cause of her daughters anger but she listened to Wilmer's words to persuade herself it wasn't her fault.

"Chelsea, can I come in?" Demi knocked softly but only silence was heard, she knocked multiple times but nothing was heard which worried Demi even more so she tried to push open the door but hit her head against the door instead when it didn't open like she thought it would. Chelsea's locked it, Demi was starting to worry more so she banged against the door trying to get an answer from her teenage daughter.

When she heard the door opening and slamming she knew it was Wilmer as Nathan's school was only 5 minutes away so she rushed down the stairs towards her confused husband. "Chelsea won't let me in." Demi panicked so that set Nathan of to start panicking too. Wilmer rushed up the stairs with the keys in his hands to open all the doors in the houses as Demi reminded herself to take a lock of her door.

Demi made Nathan stay in his room as her and Wilmer rushed to the door, his fiddling with the keys nervously before slamming it against the wall as they rushed in but only for tears to rush down her face. She screamed loudly as she rushed towards her daughter. Wilmer stood frozen as it reminded him off Demi, it was 7 years ago all over again and Wilmer hated going through the same thing he went through with Demi, with his daughter. Everything moved in slow motion and Wilmer thought he was going to pass out at the sight he was seeing.

"Get a fucking ambulance Wilmer!" Demi screamed towards her still husband which made him rush off in a haze, tears rolling down his face as he usually never cries but seeing his daughter in the same position of Demi... His only question in his head was Would she survive like Demi did?

The sobs of Demi was heard as she held her lifeless daughter in her arms, pale and cold as she kissed her head and whispered things in her ear it Chelsea couldn't hear. Everything was silent as she drifted off from looking towards her sobbing mother to darkness which she liked, no panicking or stress.

"Please don't leave me, I've only just got you back!"

Abandoned. (Sequel to The Life Of Chelsea Jonas Lovato)Where stories live. Discover now