Chapter 15: Comfort.

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"Why do you hate me?" Demi asked her daughter, bringing her hand up to her face softly to brush her thumb across it. This time Chelsea didn't flinch, and it actually scared her of how much she wanted to feel her moms touch and for Demi to tell her everything will okay. Chelsea raised her eyebrow at why her mom would even think she hated her, Chelsea didn't hate Demi, it was far from a hate relationship. She knew she wasn't fond of being around Demi because she didn't try to find her, she moved on to get married and have a child.

"I don't. Why would I hate you? I just- I'm angry, I'm upset... I'm jealous." Demi's face scrunched up in confusion at what her daughter said. She's jealous? Of who? Demi tilted her head at the younger woman. Chelsea moved her hand towards Demi's hand, intwining it with her making Demi smile. Chelsea only done it to let Demi know that it wasn't hate she was feeling, she would never hate her mom.

"Jealous? Chelsea, talk to me. Tell me more detail, I want to help you. Your broken and it's now my job to help you, which I want to do so bad as I can see the pain in your eyes but I don't know how to because you won't let me in. Why are you angry? Upset? Or even jealous?" Demi explained to her daughter while her gaze was kept on her.

"You moved on, you moved on so quickly before I could even get back to you. I seen you on TV and I was planning on telling Steph to let me go back to you, until I seen you so happy with Wilmer and smiling for the cameras when I was gone. You didn't need anymore so I stayed away, I didn't want anything to do with you but I still missed you. Then, when it came on the news you was pregnant I knew you weren't looking for me anymore, I wasn't part of your life so I got anger inside of me. Jealousy that you had another child and I wasn't their with you, I was so upset with you and I realised you didn't need me anymore... Yeah, I've done a lot of drugs and drink a lot which is what you always told me not to do but I couldn't help it, it became addictive. Steps helped me through the anger issues and I went through depression but I've become a lost better over the years. What Joe done to me still haunts me, I just try my best to ignore the memories." Chelsea sucked in a breath when she finished her speech as Demi took in the words she'd spoke. After minutes of silence Demi finally sound the words to speak,

"Chelsea, we never left you! We tried so hard to find you, after many years the hope of finding you slowly slipped away. Then the police told me to give up, even Wilmer gave up, I watched him fall apart and hear him cry every night because you wasn't with us. We both fell apart, I didn't know what to do when you were missing as you could've been anywhere in the world. Wilmer finally picked up the courage to tell me we had to move on, he helped me back to my feet again and slowly start my life over but every night I'd go to bed thinking where you where and it hurt me so much knowing you mean get even of been dead. Me and Wilmer never spoke about you but I know he was thinking the same thing, we was too scared to admit it because you broke both of us. When Nathan came along we told him about you constantly that's why when he finally saw you he already knew a lot about you, I thought I'd never see you again or be laying with you right now and it killed me inside... Finally, I've gotten you back in my arms and I'm never letting you go." Tears slipped for Demi's and Chelsea's eyes, Demi developed her into a hug. Chelsea gripped onto her for dear life while sobbing on her shoulder.

"I've got a lot of issues, I don't know if you can handle me." Chelsea whispered into Demi's ear, now getting comfortable in Demi's arms as she started to drift off and Demi knew but didn't stop scratching Chelsea's back soothingly which is what she always loved as her jumped was lifted up a little but she'd missed Demi's motherly touch so she enjoyed the moment while it last.

"Baby girl, like I told you... I'm not fucking letting you go." Chelsea didn't row,y to Demi's comment letting her know she had fallen asleep but wasn't complaining. Demi felt at home having Chelsea in her arms and couldn't help but stay with her even though she told Chelsea she'd leave. She cuddled up closer to Chelsea before finally drifting off.
Chelsea was woken to a body falling on top of her followed by a loud giggle making her instantly know it was Nathan, playing around with him she gripped him tight against her making him groan. She kept him close, smelling his hair as her pretended to gasp for air as she let out a laugh at him.

"I love this teddy bear!" She muttered, a smirk evident on her face as Nathan tried to get away from her. She finally opened her eyes seeing him pouting while she adjusted to sunlight shining through, she wasn't used to the sun as where she lived bed it always rained. New life, new day and now I'll have to get used to living with them. Chelsea remembered how she opened up to Demi last night and sighed know big Demi is going to take it the wrong way.

"Get off! I can't breathe." Nathan finally got out of Chelsea's grasp and immediately took of out of the room, she smiled watching him retreat as his hair was messy and he had pyjamas on. She remembered how she'd only even seen him on the news when he was out with Demi or Wilmer and now she was with them, suppose to apart of their family but she didn't feel like it. They lived in luxury while she lived in a poor town and even though she had good clothes as story would give her as much money as possible, it wasn't as good as how much Demi or Wilmer had.

"Chelsea, breakfast is ready." Wilmer smiled at her through the bedroom door what Nathan had left open when he ran out of. She sighed but knew she'd have to get up, she suddenly started craving cocaine as she used to always have it in the morning but being without I got 2 days straight was killing her. Chelsea asked herself whether too look around California but didn't want to bring drugs into the house by Demi and most importantly Nathan. It would be rude and disrespectful of her but she forgot how bad her cravings would get when she wouldn't have some for so long, she needed some. Ignoring the thought she tiredly stumbled down the spiral stairs, still not getting used to the huge house she was now living in as she walked towards the kitchen, she'd learnt the basics of the house but hadn't been in the back yard yet or in couple other rooms but knowing she was living her she'd get used to it.

"Mommy, Chelsea thought I was a teddy bear!" Nathan crossed his arms, trying to remain a stern pose but cracked when Chelsea stuck out her tongue childishly at him. Wilmer brought waffles and orange juice over to Chelsea but she wasn't in the mood to eat, she was tired and craving drugs at the moment.

"Chelsea, I know it's your first real day in California but we have to go out to the grocery store and afterwards to grandma's. Paparazzi are going to be everywhere because they're going to want pictures of the grown up 6 year old who was kidnapped, just please stay by my side." Chelsea sighed at the thought of being crowded by fans and paps.

I hate it here already...

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