Chapter 28: Blame It On Me. (Part 1)

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Demi watched her daughters lifeless body get strapped onto wires and rushed down the end of the hospital ward away from Demi, then she broke down in Wilmer's arms wondering what went wrong and blaming herself for it. Wilmer held Demi closely as they sat in the waiting area were not many people was surprisingly but she only cried harder.

"She'll be okay Demi, she's a fighter because she's our daughter. Just like you fought." Wilmer smiled softly to Demi but she didn't respond to it as she only frowned at the man in front of her, she was looking for somebody to blame and get her anger out which was going to be Wilmer.

"This is your fault! You told me to tell her how it is and don't back down and now look at what you've done, you've drove our little girl to near death!" Demi screamed at him, pushing him by the chest but he hardly moved away from her. His eyebrows scrunched in confusion at what the woman was talking about but only continued her raging state.

"IF SHE DIES ITS ALL ON YOU BECAUSE YOUR THE REASON WHY SHE WAS TOOK AWAY THE FIRST TIME! YOU SAID YOU COULD PROTECT US BUT I REALITY YOU DIDN'T CARE ABOUT EITHER OF ME OR MY DAUGHTER, GET OUT!" Demi's cheat heaved in anger as she continuously hit Wilmer's chest as if to hurt him but he hardly felt her hits. He continued to stay calm throughout Demi's state and how she blaming him for everything when it wasn't his fault but he didn't want to upset her more, so he allowed her to scream at him in any way she could even when it hurt him that his love blamed him for everything that had happened to his daughter.

"Dem, calm down! She's our daughter Demi, not just yours and I wanted to try and protect her. You can blame it on me as it was, I wasn't the best dad towards her which got her taken away and hurt all those years but I still tried my best. Don't you think it was killing me that I didn't have my other girl to love by my side? I had to stay strong  for you Demi, I never wanted it to end this way. You've just got to think of positive thoughts whole she's in there okay?" Wilmer's voice was soft but Demi only shook her head at him, not caring that people was around them and watching he scene.

"No, your the cause of all this so don't act innocent Wilmer. I want you out..." Wilmer's heart broke at the sound of Demi but he knew she wasn't thinking straight, her daughter was in the verge of death so of course she wasn't. Tears filled his eyes as he shook his head in disapproval of how Demi was going to deal with the situation.

"You think I'd walk out of your lives? I've been there for you throughout everything Demi so I'm not leaving now, I'm staying with my wife and my daughter while hoping for the best with her. She's my little girl too and even though we don't know what happened to cause this we won't leave her side. We're in this together." Wilmer didn't take no for an answer as he took Demi in his arms but this time she didn't push Hun away, she fell into his chest with silent sobs as he sat back down on the chair behind him.

"I'm sorry." Demi mumbled the words over and over to her husband as he held a tight grip on her, as if to protect her as she lay on his chest. Wilmer's eyes held panic as each time a doctor would walk past the room it was for him and Demi and as much as he wanted to hear the words to see if his daughter was stable, he also didn't want to incase it was bad news. Without knowing Demi's breathing settled which Wilmer noticed as her sobs stopped but tears still fell from her face so he kissed her head knowing she was fast asleep but that was the best thing he wanted for her at the moment was sleep.

Wilmer turned is head at notice of a young girl, in her teenage years around 13 years old coming his away and he only pictured Chelsea which made him want to cry out as he didn't know if his little girl was in safe hands. It was a strange feeling as he sat in the hospital, hoping for the best as all memories of him and Chelsea throughout the years past through his head which made him in want to cry but one of them in the relationship needed to keep strong and Demi definitely wasn't in the position.

Unknowingly, he smiled at the memory of him first meeting Chelsea as she had ran away from Demi's house, he always knew she was the troublemaker before he ran into him. Wilmer managed to take Chelsea back to Demi which was the first day he was set to see her since her tour, he'd never forget the day.

"Hi, uh- I want to say you must be a nice guy for not shouting back at your wife. Most guys argue back but you didn't, my dad did to my mom and that's what landed me in here. He beat her so I had to step in but that only got worse because he beat me too, you didn't which made me glad that there's some good guys out there. Your wife is just upset but I'm glad your not that spiteful to hurt her." The girl gave Wilmer a small smile as he took in her appearance, she was wearing a hospital gown but it didn't stop Wilmer from seeing the black eye and bruises all up the girls arms. He frowned at how man could do that to an innocent girl, she had blonde hair and blue eyes just like the see which made him immediately smile back. She was adorable.

"Hi to you too sweetheart, your dad must be horrible for doing that to you. No man should hurt their daughter or their wife but I'm glad your okay, just go back stronger than ever and I hope your mom is okay. Not every man is like your father but well done for trying to protect your mom, your a nice girl." The younger girl grinned happily at Wilmer and his words as he smiled back, then the little girls name was heard which he assumed was her mother.

"Bryanna, the doctor has got to check if your okay sweetie." The little girl looked behind her before nodding but Wilmer quickly held the little girl back a little longer, pulling out a check form his pocket which the girl tilted her head in confusion but continued to wait while he wrote on it.

"Go give that to your momma, tell her it'll help get back on her feet and away from your dad." Wilmer winked playfully as she shrugged and raced of throughout the hospital which made him chuckle. She ran back to her mother with a giggle when she ran into her arms, she handed out the card.

"Some nice man gave this to me, I told him about how mean dad was and he said it'll help us get away from him, we can move back to England like you wanted momma!" The older woman's eyes widened when she looked at the check of millions of pound which made her cry out of joy.

"That was nice of you, Wil." Demi whispered up to her husband but her voice cracked due to her crying, he didn't reply. He kissed her head softly before he heard the came, Demi gripped his arm immediately.

"Chelsea Lovato?"

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