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Demi sighed frustratedly due to her daughters phone going to voicemail, she hadn't came home at all throughout the night keeping Demi awake in the process. Wilmer shook his head at the worried woman in front of him, it was 4m and she had gone to be but woken back up not being able to sleep without knowing her daughter is safe.

"Demi! She's 17 years old, you've got let her do what she wants now baby." Wilmer chuckled at the stubborn woman who looked at him with tired eyes, even though Chelsea had grown up since 3 years ago each night she'd gone go a party Demi would wait up since she was 14 years old to now.

"Wilmer, I'm her mom! I've got to worry about her, she knows that I hate her coming in late and yet she still continues to piss me off- I don't care if she's 30 years old I need to make sure she's safe each time she goes drinking." Demi allows Chelsea to go to party's due to her grown up, it's part of experiencing things but hated whenever she did it. Demi yawned as her hands ran through her hair while she sat at the kitchen counter, hearing a car cut off made her jump.

"Later!" Chelsea voice echoed outside as the front door opened, the scent of alcohol hit Demi and it made her face change into disgust. "Let me guess- moms in the kitchen waiting to lecture me," Wilmer couldn't help but smirk at his teenage daughters annoyed expression, her and Demi had their good times but due to Chelsea hormonal stage all they'd been doing was arguing lately.

"Yeah, I am! I don't know what you think your doing coming in at 4am but-" Chelsea stopped her moms lecture, she hadn't drank that much but when her mom mentioned the time she couldn't help but shake her head. They hadn't even noticed, "How old am I?" Chelsea crossed her arms with the same flare on her face as her mom, as if both challenging each other.

"Oh yeah, that another thing- you are only 17 years old which means not yet an adult-" Chelsea bit here tongue to stop herself from punching something due to her anger, Demi and Wilmer was always wrapped up in Nathan, her 7 year old brothers football that they'd ignored her. Whenever they spoke to her was only to shout or swear at her which only ended in both Demi and Chelsea swearing at each other.

"I'm now 18 year old, so yeah I'm an adult now due to it being a new day but I guess you guys forgot." Chelsea shrugged before trudging up he stairs only to be greeted by her younger brother, he had a small smile on his face being proud of Chelsea for not shouting at Demi- she promised him she wouldn't.

"I didn't forget, I used my savings to by you the best gift ever Chels! Wanna see?" Nathan grinned pulling his older sister into the room with a present in his hand, waiting for her to open it. His 7 year old face had an exciting grin on his face while Chelsea opened the present only to raise her eyebrows bewildered.

"It's a car, I remember you telling one of your friends on the phone you wanted a cool car for your birthday. This is a Lamborghini, it's one of my favourite cars." Chelsea couldn't help but laugh a little at the little toy car she was holding, she couldn't tell him it wasn't what she wanted due to his dazzling smile so she ruffled his hair before giving him a hug.

"Thanks bud! I love it. Now, we can talk more tomorrow because you've got school tomorrow and you don't want to be up late!" Chelsea warned, helping her little brother into to bed before shutting the door only to be greeted to a tear stained Demi, why she'd been crying confused Chelsea.

"Baby girl, I'm sorry. I forgot as I've had a lot going on, I shouldn't have though and I promise to give you the best birthday!" Demi encouraged herself, only she didn't even have Chelsea a gift. Demi couldn't help but hate herself for forgetting her nod grown up daughter a gift, rushing Wilmer out to plan something and she had to rush out after seeing Chelsea go to bed for presents for her.

"Mom, I don't really care. I'm tired so I'll see you tomorrow I guess." Chelsea lied, she didn't allow Demi to respond as she fell onto her bed not sparing a minute to fall fast asleep.

Abandoned. (Sequel to The Life Of Chelsea Jonas Lovato)Where stories live. Discover now