Chapter 31: Don't Count On Me.

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Demi's woken to the same feeling and the same room that she'd gotten used too, laying by her daughter bedside as she refused to leave. It'd been a month, a whole month of constant silence each time people enter the room and it was worse between Wilmer and Demi. They hadn't spoken, everyday Wilmer visits but each time he does he doesn't look at Demi and she can't figure out why he's so hurt by what she told him.

"Hi princess, good morning. Today's a month that you've been in here and I don't know when your going to wake but I hope it's soon because I'm not trying to complain but my back is hurting off this damn chair. Sorry baby, that was selfish off me as your the one in pain right now but mommas not leaving, your the only thing I have left in my life." Demi's tears fell down her face as she noticed Nathan starting to push her away, he'd found out that she was suppose to be going on tour too and he'd refused to speak to her. He'd come to see Chelsea whenever he could, after school or even just before he went to school and he always kissed her head.

"I know I ask you this all the time but why did you do it? Was it because of me because I'm going insane not knowing!" Demi sighed, she hoped that it wasn't her fault because she'd hate herself if it was. The same routine each month was Dallas bring her clothes in or Demi would go home to shower but only be gone for an hour tops and make her family watch over Chelsea. Wilmer's been keeping Nathan as he refused to stay with Demi which it broke her heart but she carried on going each day. Every time Wilmer came in all she wanted to do was curl up beside him but she didn't know what to say.

That was when Wilmer walked in but without Nathan today, it was 10am which meant he was at school but Demi only frowned that she couldn't see her son. Demi noticed he hadn't been sleeping much either as the bags under his eyes was evident but he still smiled seeing his daughter, the only thing Demi didn't know but he smiled knowing she was still oaky over the night. He went the other side of Chelsea and tried to relax in the uncomfortable chair before leaning over to kiss his daughters head, not wanting to look at Demi as he knew he'd break down and give into her.

"Wil... Please talk to me." Demi pleaded, she tried every day to get him to talk but his eyes never left his daughter as his thumb stroked past her fingers in a comforting manner. "I'm not going on tour," Demi spoke up as she'd spoken to her manager last night and screamed at him for an hour for ruining her marriage. She didn't know what her and Wilmer was anymore, they'd never not sponge for more than a couple weeks.
Chelsea heard the pleading in her mothers voice and hated how broken she was, she'd heard everything the last week but when she'd tried to many times to move her body wouldn't react as her mind would. She hated it, the silence but loved her moms voice. Chelsea wanted to slap her father right now for being ignorant to her mom but couldn't, she could feel the tension in the room which was broken, just how it was every time somebody would come in.

"Demi, it's not just that! Your selfish." Chelsea wanted to grit her teeth in annoyance at what Wilmer had said, her mother was far from it and she'd learnt that in the past week. All the sobs that she heard from Demi hurt Chelsea as she always whispered 'my family's fell apart', she felt horrible for how she treated Demi the past week she'd been living with them.

Her friends had came multiple times but had to leave due to their family's too, Chelsea didn't mind as she knew they had to go home but loved how caring they was the first and second week of her being in their, of course Lauren cried being the dramatic cheerleader she was but it only made Chelsea want to laugh along with her friends as she heard Carly laughing at her.

Chelsea only wanted to scream at everybody that she was fine and still alive but her body wasn't allowing her too which angered her more, why weren't she allowed to move? She heard them multiple times talking about loss of memory but she could remember everything throughout, she could feel Demi's hand slip back to hers but couldn't react.

"I was telling you Wilmer, I didn't expect things to go wrong! If only found out hours before too but I told them I'd think about it, do you really think I'd leave my daughter so broken without her mom? If you do then you don't know me at all and all these years have been a lie." Demi hissed, agitated that Wilmer didn't even hear her out. Usually if was Demi who was running away from problems but Demi had gotten used to facing them, unlike Wilmer.

"I knew Chelsea had the drugs... I was going to take it off her but I hadn't finished talking to you so stop blaming it all on me Wilmer! Fuck, your such a d*ck. I don't even know why I married a man who doesn't treat his wife better." Chelsea's heart dropped, she didn't want to be the reason her mom and dad got a divorce as they'd been doing well without her. Chelsea wanted to scream out in pain as she focuses her attention on Demi's hand in hers and forced herself to try and move a slightest bit.

"Don't say that, Demi! I've gave you everything you could of wished for, what more do you want from me? I mean- did Chelsea's hand just twitch?" Wilmer stopped what he was saying when Demi's attention fell from him and towards her daughters hand, Demi was of e chair in seconds screaming with joy.

"Baby girl! Oh god, move your hand again princess." Demi encouraged, her hand wrapping tighter around Chelsea's as she felt her hand push Demi's hand away followed by a small gent of pain falling from Chelsea's mouth but only made Demi scream in excitement. Wilmer had already took of to get a nurse and Demi kissed Chelsea's head repeatedly.

"Baby, your back. I thought I lost you. You can remember me right?" Questions fell from Demi's mouth without realising as all she'd want from Chelsea the past weeks was answers from her. Demi thought Chelsea would of forgotten her and it terrified her, seeing Chelsea move her hand against her made Demi weep with joy.

"Hi, Chelsea. Can you hear me?" The nurse was beside Chelsea's side in seconds as she took Chelsea's hand but this time she never replied, she only squeezed the nurses hand tighter but it made her smile.

"Good sweetheart, you gave us all a fright. Alright, I want you to try and slowly open your eyes okay? Focus all your attention on your eyes." The nurse was surprised Chelsea woke so soon but what the Doctor hadn't explained to Demi yet was that she might end of woken but he didn't have to now.

"I- I- Can't b-breath."

Chelsea fell limp again as her heart monitor slowed down.

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