Chapter 1: Just Fun.

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Chelsea ran through the streets of one of the towns in the U.K. With her friends running on the roads and across the street away from police. It was dark out so you couldn't see anything. Chelsea's best friends who got to know her when she moved here after Joe left her on the streets of Liverpool, which is the town.

Lauren- She is the typical cheerleader. She wears too much make up and has too much skin showing but once you get to know her she's really kind. She knows all the school gossip and is nothing like Chelsea but surprisingly the get along. Blonde hair, Brown eyes.
Austin- The guy Chelsea had met in 5th grade and also her partner in crime. He's always by her side through everything and have had memories of running across roofs and jumping over fences running away, classic night in the town. It wasn't a poor town but wasn't a rich town, it was in the middle. People had money. He had Brown hair and brown eyes.
Carly- One of the closest to Chelsea of the group and tell each over everything. She was the first to meet Chelsea when she started school. she had brown hair but blue eyes. All the guys loved her well- every guy in this town was just up for sex and leaving.
Ivan- He lives with Austin as his mom left him with nothing for some old guy. Ivan would joke around saying 'she's probably a stripper in Las Vegas' but you could see the pain in his eyes. He hated not having a family until Austin's family took him in and gave him love. He had Brown hair and Green eyes. Also had a crush on Chelsea sine 4th grade when they met but never mentioned it as it would make their close relationship awkward.
And Sean. He was so cute with glasses and always had books in his hand as he wasn't a nerd but at night, damn he could run from police. He was always the sensible one of the group and if anyone done anything he'd always say 'this is going to go bad' he was always right. He had blonde hair and blue eyes.

"Chelsea this way!" The 6 of them jumped over the fence as you could hear Lauren complaining.

"Ew, guys. Every night seriously?" The 6 of us didn't fit in with anyone but then made our own group. It's weird to see us together.

"Shut up!" Carly growls at her. Carly was hot and all but damn she could argue and make you terrified of her.

"I told you this was bad! Chelsea, you never listen to me. Your loving this aren't you?" He questions as I'm grinning feels the air hit my skin as I run. I was near Halloween and colder in the year, Chelsea loved the cold. She didn't know why but she did, she guessed it was after being out cold she could go in and warm up to the fire next to Steph, the woman that took her in and Tony, her husband. Even thought they was quite young, they had 4 children but never stopped loving each over.

"It's just fun." Chelsea grinned, she loved this. She always loved running, it was like she was running away from her problems. She felt her phone vibrating in her pocket and pulled it out of her jacket pocket while running.

"Hey Mom." She answered as she seen Steph's picture show up on her phone. Steph loved when she called her mom but Chelsea only done it on occasions, such as if Chelsea was angry she'd just call her Steph. The police officer stopped the car and started to jump over fences and we all quickened our pace.

"Baby girl. I told you not too late, it's 1:00am! Come home." Steph's voice was stern but soft. Steph couldn't be angry at her because she was too much off a softy, that's why Chelsea loved her.

"Ugh, mom!" She groaned. She didn't want to go in yet as she was only just start if the night.

"Please, baby girl." Steph's voice asked. Steph sometimes waited up for Chelsea just to make sure she was safe but if she had had a long day then she'd just go to bed. Chelsea loved Steph as she treated her like a daughter and wondered what would of happened to her if Steph didn't take her in off the street her Joe left her.

"Okay, I'll be home in 10 minutes." Chelsea gave in. She usually wasn't so nice to other people but Steph he loved too much to get angry at but if the two argued it would go on for weeks. Like, when Steph took Cocaine out of Chelsea's room which she wound then Chelsea didn't talk to her for weeks and trashed Steph and Tony's bedroom because she said 'you shouldn't of snooped through mine' Chelsea could be a devil at times and the teachers would call her 'Devils child' at times but when they did images of Joe flashed through her mind and she'd get so angry. That's one of the reasons she got kicked out of her last school when she through a chair at the teacher for calling her that.

She had anger issues and she could get pissed really bad. Last time she got angry it was a trip to hospital after Chelsea broke her wrist of punching the wall through making a whole in it, Steph it the only person who can calm her down. Steph tries so hard telling Chelsea 'If you work hard, it'll pay of when your older.' But Chelsea just snorted. Everybody would tell her she'd be in prison by 19 years old but Chelsea refused to believe that. She couldn't help it when she got angry which is why she got kicked out of 3 schools in the past 2 years, whenever she gets angry she just sees red.

"I've got to go." She shouted across to the group as she heard Sean's voice. He was a little posh and his mom and dad hated him hanging out with them, he they're a bad influence as they say in a posh accent.

"Oh great. You start this by spray painting your ex boyfriends house then when the police got out of the car to stop you, you took the car and drove up the street before running out and the police chase us for it! You then through a brick at the police car and one of us will get the blame." Sean shouted. He was mad because Chelsea never got the blame or had to pay a fine for the damage she done. She just laughed at the guy.

"Steph wants me home." She replied, shrugging in the process while jumping over the fence seeing a road where she knew she'd end up, they knew this town all around and have jumped over fences many times.

"It's weird how you don't listen to anyone but her?" Carly jumps over a fence and she comes into my view making me smirk but wonder were the other guys are.

"We've got you 3, go home! They're following us." Ivan shouted as Lauren came around the corner. Chelsea always loved Ivan because even though he acted like a bad guy, he really was a softy and he had loved Chelsea ever since they met but Chelsea won't be with him.

"I'm out. I've got to be home in 5." Chelsea hugged the 2 and then started running. She rolled her jacket sleeves up as she was already out of breathe and the cold made her breathing even harder. She was sweating because she was so cold, does that happen to you guys? She then ran around the street before smiling seeing her home. Opening the gate and slipping through and opening the door.

"Steph." She whispered as the 2 kids was sleeping. Peyton and Zain was sleeping as Peyton was only 3 years old and Zain was 7 years old. Riley and Ryder was twins and was 19 years old which was home for the holiday as they was in college and moved into dorms in the summer. Chelsea missed them as she grew up with the two, the first day when Tony and Steph brought her back.

Chelsea wrapped the dirty blanket around her again as it was late at night and she'd been in the same place for 3 days. No body cared to look up to her and see she was missing as they walked past the cold 6 year old who was dirty and tired.

"Babe, where are u going?!" Chelsea heard a voice as Steph told Tony to stop the car and ran out. She looked over to the small child making sure she wasn't dreaming. She was so small and looked 4 years old even though she was 6.

Tony ran after the woman making sure she was okay, he stopped next to her seeing the child looking up to him and her, scared out of her mind. All Chelsea was thinking in that moment was 'please don't be mean.'

"She's so little." Steph whispered. Tony was dressed in a suit as Steph was dressed casually. She'd just picked up Tony from work and she was so tired that wanted to go home. Steph bent down to the little girl and holded her arms out.

"I won't hurt you, you look cold and hungry. You need something to eat." Steph tried to sooth her to not make her scared from her. Chelsea was hungry so she took the chance and wrapped her skinny frame around Steph's waist making Steph smile and stand back to normal height.

"Tony, we need to get her something to eat. She looks so pale like she could pass out!" Steph walked back to the car not letting her husband get a say in it but Tony agreed. She looked weak. They quickly drove back as Steph sat the now sleeping little girl on her lap as they haven't slept in 3 days. Feeling warmth of Steph she instantly fell asleep.

Steph's fingers ran through the little girls tatted hair and her clothes didn't smell nice at all. They quickly drove up to their house were their 2 children was waiting, they was 11 years old and always waited for the 2 to get home as their babysitter minded the two.

"Alright uh- what are we going to do with her, Tony?" Steph questioned as they stepped into their house and Their two children came into view but stopped running to them when they screen the younger girl in her arms.

"Awe, she's cute but ew she doesn't smell nice!" Riley gagged.

Abandoned. (Sequel to The Life Of Chelsea Jonas Lovato)Where stories live. Discover now