Chapter 29: Blame It On Me. (Part 2)

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Demi was gripping Wilmer's hand tightly, she'd felt bad for screaming at him because none of what she was saying was true. The doctor walked and motioned Demi and Wilmer to follow him which they immediately did, not wasting any time but Demi thought she'd pass out any moment. Wilmer noticed his wife's hand shaking in his so he lifted it up and kissed their intwined hands which made Demi smile, she felt guilt for how badly she reacted and she knew it hurt him.

"Mr and Mrs Valderrama. I know you both don't know what happened but I'll assure you your daughter is stable, I'm just concerned about what the results on her brain have shown. We checked everything over and found she'd overdosed on heroine and cocaine which hit her hard, she's only 14 years of age Sir, it could be worse but we managed to flush some of the drugs out of her system and she's in a stable position." The doctor put there nerves to rest but Demi was hardly listening as she only wanted to see her daughter. Demi knew she'd forgotten to take the drugs of Chelsea when she walked through but by the doctors concerned look when he mentioned the drugs Demi knew no 14 year old should be taking than much.

"However, her brain scan showed up some signed and we presume she'd hit her head on something hard as she fell to the floor because it was bleeding. When she wakes up she may or may not have memory loss, now before you panic I need to explain I don't know for certain as I'm only telling you incase. Also, if she has we won't know how long for or if it's permanent which we definitely hope it won't be. We're going to run some tests and check out more, for now you can see her as she's in that room." The man smiled softly but Demi seen through it, worry was etched all over his face which confused her. Then she freaked out, it was a panic attack but Wilmer instantly caught her. Chelsea hadn't been with Demi and Wilmer long and they was already being bad parents- she was rights when she said they were.

"Breath baby, it's okay! She's going to be fine." Wilmer held Demi in his arms as he held Demi close to his chest as she usually calmed down to the sound of his breathing which helped a lot. Her face fell into the crook of his neck making Wilmer realise his wife was crying, at the moment he didn't even have time to think about all the positive and negative possibility that could happen as his wife was panicking and his daughter was hooked onto machines.

"Mr. Valderrama, I know your stressed right now and I'm not sure how your daughter got those drugs but she'd had them in her past am I right? I should tell you there shutting down her body slowly, I know your good parents and you want your best for her but you need to help her with the drugs she's having. She's a young girl and with the amount of drugs she's taking its not good- she could overdose any moment and next time it won't look good." He doctor then walked away, leaving them both as Demi sobbed into his chest as he collected his thoughts. Wilmer knew what the man was stating as he wasn't stupid, his daughter could die of the drugs and he had to think of something quickly because the life she'd been living wasn't great.




Panic attack.

Memory loss.

Possible Death if he didn't act quickly.

All of it happened in less space than 4 hours and as much as he wanted to break down, he couldn't for the sake of his daughter in the other room fighting to remain stable and his wife in his arms who continued to sob uncontrollably but her panic attack had gone which Wilmer noticed.

"You wanna see her Dem, sit next to her?" Wilmer whispered, no wanting to set his wife of as all emotions ran through her at the moment. She only nodded slowly, her head moving away from Wilmer's neck while walking into the room which lay their pale daughter attached to only a few wires, less than how many she had when they brought her in which was a good sign. Demi didn't waste anytime as she rushed to his daughters bed, sobbing uncontrollably as she blamed herself for what happened. She knew it was her fault but was blaming Wilmer instead which was wrong.

"She looks... Lifeless. That's not my baby girl Wil, she's usually smiling or annoying people with her laughter." Demi sighed as she sat on the chair close to Chelsea, making sure to intwine her hand to make sure she has some support from her daughter. Wilmer took a seat next to Demi, looking at his daughters heart monitor before sighing as he was scare that it would stop why moment. He can out of his thoughts used hearing Demi's voice.

"Hey Princess, your auntie and grandma are on their way to see you. I promise you everything will get better with time and maybe I've been saying the same thing a lot but I'm going to sort something, me and your dad won't leave your side. I can't believe I'm witnessing you hurt right now but I know your only resting... S-so just wake up soon baby." Demi sobbed, trying to contain her tears but couldn't as the more she spoke to Chelsea the weaker she became with her voice.

Wilmer had called Diana up as soon as they was in the ambulance and heard Dallas screaming in the background, they always knew Dallas was her favourite auntie so she was the quickest to run for the door. Chelsea hadn't seen Demi's family or Wilmer's since the first time she was at their house but it still didn't end well, Dallas knew she was hurting but couldn't step up to her sisters daughter. It was Demi's responsibility but at the moment Dallas and Diana questioned if Demi was suitable to look after her own daughter. Demi rushed into the teenage parenting too fast and hardly knew what to do with Chelsea which is why Dallas was screaming and cussing her sister out as she barged into the hospital. Her tears trailing down her face leaving blotches of make up smeared but all she all she could think about was how her niece was doing.

"Where the fuck is my little niece?!" Dallas spat out, rushing into the room were the nurse had told her flightendly due to her rage. Diana had tried to calm Dallas down but she wasn't stopping her rant, Madison rushed behind Dallas wanting to see her older niece while frowning seeing her. She didn't know now what to say so kept quiet as everybody else spoke, she only leaned down to Chelsea's ear, "Don't worry Chels, everything will work out."

"Dal! Don't barge in like that why my daughter is-" Demi didn't even get a chance to speak as Dallas cut her off, as much as Dallas loved her younger sister she hated how Demi wasn't looking after her daughter with the right care. Diana shook her head disapproved of want was about to happen next, all hell broke loose.

"How could you leave your 14 year old daughter with a huge amount of drugs Demi, you selfish bitch! Not thinking about anybody but yourself and the tour your managing to go on huh? Well I'm done and I'm not letting my little niece live with you! You can't even look after her. She nearly died because of you!" Dallas looked at her sister with disgust while Demi's eyes narrowed, red and swollen but managed to glare at her once she mentioned her daughter leaving again.

"Wait a tour? Your going back on tour?"

Abandoned. (Sequel to The Life Of Chelsea Jonas Lovato)Where stories live. Discover now