Chapter 39: My Poor Eyes!

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Demi rushed downstairs with Wilmer behind her, she hasn't spoken to him while quickly putting a dressing down on to cover and sweatpants along with it while Wilmer struggled to put his pants and shirt on leaving his tie and blazer on the floor of Demi's room. Wilmer didn't know if she regretted it but hoped she didn't as the pair rushed down stairs to find Chelsea bewilderedly trying to use to coffee maker but by the look on her face Wilmer couldn't help but smile, she looked adorable.

"Princess, wh- oh my god your here!" Demi smiled in astonishment as she rushed towards her daughter but with Chelsea's look of disgust as she pushed Demi back made it fall from her face as quick as it appeared.

"Oh no mom! I can't touch you right now knowing what you was doing, gross. Ew, I can't the image out of my mind!" Wilmer couldn't help but chuckle as Demi blushed ferociously as Chelsea took a step back from her mom.

"I'm sorry Chelsea! I didn't even think you was coming back yet, why didn't Dallas ring? Are you staying with me now?" Wilmer frowned, Demi only said 'staying with ME' not him so he stayed back as he didn't know where he stood with Demi at the moment. Demi and Wilmer had never been awkward around each other in there time of marriage but right now it sure was.

"As I was shouting up trying to find you I said Dallas text and rang you many time but you was busy. Yeah, Dallas said I haven't been smiling much around them without you so she thought it'd be better back with you. Although I did get to know more about your family form many years ago, especially Madison." Demi couldn't help but run into Chelsea's arms, a smile on her face from the positive news she'd just received. Chelsea gagged in Demi's arms over reacting which made Demi roll her eyes at her daughters behaviour.

"Alright, I'm sorry you ran in on us!" Demi looked back to Wilmer with a small smile but he noticed how she bit her lip nervously, as if she was thinking on what to do between them both or what Chelsea would think.

"Why is he here?" Chelsea's grin was gone from her face looking over to Wilmer and Demi sighed knowing immediately that it wasn't going to go well.

"Baby girl, I know that your opinion of Wilmer has changed since months ago but-" Chelsea glared at the man one last time before turning to her mom, wondering how easily she could of taken him back.

"I think I'm going back to Dallas'" Chelsea mumbled, she didn't want to stay in a house where the man that cause her mom to turn to drugs. Demi could of died and she forgave him after it was his fault? Everything was always his fault. Demi immediately slammed the door with a stern look on her face, she wasn't letting Chelsea go and they would eventually have to talk it through.

"No! You live with me. Wilmer and I are still husband and wife Chelsea, we're trying to fix things that got broken along the way." Chelsea snorted as her glare was now aimed at her mom, they'd just gotten to a point where she could her mom and loved living with her and now it was being destroyed.

"I'd prefer to live with Dallas, your both still husband and wife but it nearly ended in a divorce because he was an ass who blamed everything on you when it was really his fault and no! We're trying to fix things that HE broken along the way, not us." Chelsea backfired immediately while Demi sighed at her stubborn daughter, they wasn't getting anywhere with her so instead she kissed Wilmer cheek before walking out of the room but making sure to lock it.

"Are you fucking kidding? Locking me in a room with this man, let me out now!" Chelsea cussed, trying to pull the door open with force but Demi had already locked it by the time she was kicking it.

"Chelsea, Don't swear! I'm your dad and I care about both you and Demi." Chelsea shook her head as Wilmer stopped her from pushing the door anymore before it broke, she couldn't believe he thought he could tell her what to do and what not to do.

"Your not my dad, Joe is my dad." Demi stood shocked on the other side of the door, Chelsea was always more closer to Wilmer when she was younger rather than her and always called him dad no matter what. Chelsea's arms crossed with a victory smirk on her face as Wilmer stood shocked, she hissed the words with such despite it shocked him.

"No, I'm your step dad. Me and your mom are trying to work things out Chelsea, I know that when you moved here things have been chaotic and a lot of drama which I never wanted for you. All of this wasn't to plan but Demi tried to desperately for the perfect family with you here when you was missing, each time she cried I held her and I cried on the inside. I missed you so much but I couldn't show anything because one of us had to be the strong one in the situation, like right now. I'm trying to make a mend to the broken family we had and I know I messed up, I wasn't thinking it through because I'd never want to loose Demi. I love you and your mom, me and Demi are still going to try even though it might be a little slow and awkward sometimes I want to get to the place we was along with you with us." Demi couldn't help but smile at how Wilmer used his words as she rested her head against the wooden door separating herself from the two.

"Wow, you sure know how to make a speech but I don't give a fuck! You can stay here and make up to Demi all you want but from my perspective your an selfish bastard and I want nothing to do with you." Chelsea spat making Demi sigh, she thought Chelsea would be on there side but knew it was going to be hard to work with as her child is as stubborn as her. Instead she opened the door and allowed Chelsea to walk upstairs to the shower, Wilmer turned to Demi with a frustrated look.

"I thought I could of persuaded her, sorry baby. Let's just see how it goes with her living here and maybe she will come around to liking me against with trusting me more. It'll be slow but I think it will calm down soon." Demi leaned into Wilmer, wrapping her arms around his neck for comfort knowing what her husband is saying is a 'maybe' or a 'if'.

"Wilmer, I've realised that with Chelsea nothing is easy... Anything can happen but I trust you, I'm willing to try again with you Wilmer if you promise me one thing, don't leave me again." Wilmer smiled assuringly, that's all the words he's been wanting to hear the past 3 weeks of trying with Demi so he kissed her cheek in approval.

"You know, we really shouldn't leave our daughter on her own after everything that happened." Demi's eyes widen as she rushed up the stairs and barged into the bathroom only to see Chelsea washing her hair. Chelsea screamed at the sight of her mom while Demi sighed in relief as her daughter wasn't doing anything irresponsible.

"Why are you in here? Go out!" Chelsea threw a sponge at her mom as Demi only laughed at her daughters shocked state, shaking her head before walking out.

"Oh yeah, remember that tour were still going on? Yeah, we leave next week!"

Abandoned. (Sequel to The Life Of Chelsea Jonas Lovato)Where stories live. Discover now