Chapter 3: Red.

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Chelsea watched as Lauren argued with Austin about something that happened over a year ago but with Lauren everything from the last came back up at one point which is one of the things She didn't like about her. Like for instance last week she screamed at her for ruining Lauren's cheerleading costume and brought up the time Chelsea through blue paint at her new clothes. Chelsea defended herself with a 'I didn't know you at the time! I hate cheerleaders.' Lauren never spoke to her for 3 days but finally spoke when Chelsea hugged her and said sorry.

"How was that my fault? The squirrel came out of no where!" Austin screamed as the rest of the group sat back and watched the two. It was amusing to watch each over fight, especially Chelsea and Lauren. Chelsea sat with a basketball in her hands on the couch.

"Alright, Chelsea! It's not Austin's fault whatever happened." Chelsea stopped it as she couldn't deal with their shouting anymore.

"You killed that poor squirrel as his little baby squirrels sat back and watched! Imagine if you watched your dad die, hmm." The gang instantly went quite as Lauren immediately regretted what she said as she didn't know about her father but knew he was a bad guy, the sympathetic look told Chelsea was nothing for Chelsea. She hated people who gave her sympathy, with a passion. She didn't need sympathy from anybody.

"I hope he is." Chelsea replied blankly, no emotion in her voice as Lauren knew she hit a weak spot as Chelsea never backed down but right now, Chelsea tried to refrain the tears that was about to fall. Chelsea left the ball bouncing on the floor as she walked out of the living room and memories flashed through her head as she heard the thunderstorm hit and begged Joe not to hurt her.

Chelsea's mind went blank as her anger issues got the best of her and as she usually walks away from her friends as she gets angry, they've never seen how bad Chelsea could get but right now it was going to change as Chelsea turned on her heel and through her fist through the glass door feeling instant pain shoot through her arm but she loved the feeling and she heard Joe's voice in her head making her scream, "Get off me! Don't hit me." Chelsea whimpered before suddenly running to the glass frames smashing everything in her way and feeling the pain shoot around her body and felt glass go through her arm as tears streamed down her face as she continued so to smash the glass table as the gang watched in horror.

"Call Stephanie, Someone quick. Austin help me stop her from destroying anything else!" Ivan quickly snapped into action. Austin nodded as both him and Ivan jumped up to stop Chelsea as Sean and Carly found Steph's number but Lauren watching in shock at her best friend.

"I'm sorry, Chels. I never meant to get you angry." Lauren whispered but as Austin ran to Chelsea she turned and threw the lamp at him hitting his wrist and making him hiss in pain. Blood trickled down his wrist and he tried to hold the blood in but the cut was a little deep but nothing major as Chelsea, she must be hurting right now as Austin watched the teens anger get the best of her and looked at the blood and looked to the girls side seeing a piece of glass in her leg his eyes widened. He knew this was going to get worse that right now as Chelsea had no control over her body right now and the gang was honestly terrified for her.

"I'm alright. Just get her." He hissed at his best friend and watched as Chelsea went on in anger. She mumbled things to herself which sounded like "Stop." But Austin was confused on who she was telling to stop. The blood that went throughout her body and dripped onto her hands, legs and arms made Austin worried that she's loosing a lot.

"Steph! Chelsea, she's smashing things and hurting herself. Lauren mentioned her dad and she suddenly switched. Steph! She's loosing herself." Carly heard ruffling in the background. As Steph heard those words the immediately jumped from her chair, stopping her meeting and running out just shouting 'my baby girls hurt.' She knew that may cost her job but as she heard hurting herself Steph jumped into action as she hated her little girl hurting.

"Okay! I'm coming babygirl, Carly. Don't touch her, she'll go worse!" Carly nodded and shouted over to Ivan and Austin.

"Don't stop her! She'll go worse." They instantly stepped back but Chelsea's mind was in a haze as she suddenly stopped after the voices disappeared from her head and the whole room was turned upside down with drips of blood on the floor as she sat down dropping the picture frame but no one moved to touch her, just as Steph asked. No one spoke and the silence could be cut with a pin dropping on the floor and as much as Ivan wanted to go over and cradle her in his arms he was afraid she push him away. He never told Chelsea anything, her just slowly walked over making sure not to startle the girl who was starring straight ahead of her. She turned when she seen him walk to her but he knelt down beside her and pulled her in for a hug, she didn't usually hug back but this time she did. It's not every time he hottest guy in school is hugging you and being caring but really that was all an act, he was sweet when he wanted to be.

"I'm sorry." Chelsea's hoarse voice ripped through her throat as it was the only 2 words she could say at this moment. She didn't look at any of the gang, she faced the wall as she knew the shocked faces will be evident.

"Don't be sorry!" Ivan hissed but then they was cut off by a car door slamming an heels running closer to them. The gang knew it was Steph so they didn't say anything to each over, they didn't have too. Austin stood up as did Lauren, Carly and Sean but Ivan stayed next to Chelsea and kissed her cheek softly.

"Just- Don't be sorry. We will talk to you soon once you've got yourself checked out, make sure you ring me to make sure your okay!" Ivan looked her dead in the eyes in a stern voice before being pushed to the side and Steph taking his place. He walked out after staring at the young girl for the moment as he replayed the events in his head, they never seen that side of her and neither of them wanted too.

Steph never said anything to the younger girl but she never did for a few minutes after seeing her like that. She looked around the now destroyed room and sighed at how much damage she'd caused and how much it'd take to replace it, now she'd after work more hours and she was working more as she could already as was Tony.

"I'll try and get money to help you pa- Don't you dare say that! You will not pay for it, me and your dad will find a way to replace it, We always do." Chelsea just nodded to the older woman but felt guilty for the damage she'd caused again. Steph just wished she could find help for Chelsea but every chance she gets Chelsea refused to go and see a therapist. Chelsea didn't want to find out what was wrong with her as it would scare her even more but she knew she'd have to sooner or later or Steph would have enough.

"Oh God! Your leg, we need to go to the hospital now!"

Abandoned. (Sequel to The Life Of Chelsea Jonas Lovato)Where stories live. Discover now