Chapter 11: Record.

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Demi smiled as she watched Chelsea look at the window, her eyes sparkled in amaze as her eyes lit up when we was in the air. The whole crew watched too and I had to take a picture of how adorable my baby girl looked, her mouth curved into a small smile when she looked at the clouds. Chelsea anxiety disappeared as she was looking through the clouds, she always told herself if she'd ever go away that she'd look through the clouds and when the city goes dark and the lights go up, she'd watch in amazement.

She always used to watch the city lights from her roof but never could in her town as it wasn't never good but California was going to be good for the lights that glow throughout. She quickly snapped a picture of the clouds and a huge smile played on Wilmer's lips as Chelsea loved the view. Suddenly turning to se everyone watching her she raised her eyebrow at what they were looking at, they all just waved to her.

"Anxiety my ass." Demi whispered to Wilmer making him let out a loud laugh and Demi's choice of language. She was leaning against him, her head on his chest while the crew was on the Seats around them either on the phones or talking. They'd always do this but this time was different, looking ahead Demi watched as Nathan and Chelsea laughed at how they was talking about sitting on clouds. Boy she is immature. Demi giggled to herself as her daughter argued with her little brother.

"Dem, can we go to get and say hi?" Caroline asked and as Demi nodded suddenly Holly was the first to take off. She'd always apologise to Demi about what happened and blamed herself but Demi never took her job away as she knew it was never her fault, Holly told herself if she ever seen Chelsea again she'd apologise.

"Hey Chelsea." Chelsea muttered something under her breath which sounded like 'Damn, I thought they wouldn't come over.' But it was quite so she shrugged it off before grabbing Nathan off the seat. She smiled at him and ruffled his hair before he giggled and took off to Demi as the rest of the crew go to Chelsea too.

"I'm sorry. You know about that day, if I seen him I would of go-" Chelsea instantly stopped Holly from talking. She didn't want an apology from her, it was her own fault for running away also it was in the past. She'd licked the last years not having to talk about Joe and it was going to stay that way.

"It's really fine, Holly. It's in the past so I'd like it if everybody stopped talking about it, I just think of what the future as to come. By the way it's nice seeing you, you still look the same. Take it as a compliment cause aren't you what 30 something now?" Chelsea giggled as Holly's mouth dropped open and she playfully punched her arm before folding them over. Demi and Wilmer immediate went over to hear.

"32." Holly muttered making Chelsea and the crew burst out laughing at Holly's admittance, even though the crew knew her she'd always deny her age and lie saying she was 24 year old but everybody knew." Holly gave everybody a glare which made them stop laughing as Demi thought back to what Chelsea said.

"Where do you see yourself in the future?" Demi asked making everybody look out her and Chelsea notice there appearance. Holly moved away to the west I front so she could look back to them as Demi sat down beside Chelsea making her uncomfortably move away. Demi wasn't going to stop unless Chelsea spoke to her and Chelsea knew that Demi was stubborn.

"Uh, at first I thought I'd end up in jail because I was always there. Then I thought I'd be stuck in that town until I died so I didn't really have a future..." Chelsea answered, thinking carefully about what words she picked out as Demi nodded.

"How about now?" Demi asked making Demi think back on what might happen now she's with Demi. She really didn't know, she didn't know what would happen when she'd been its Demi and Wilmer. Everybody waited for Chelsea's answer, curious to the reply she might give.

"Uh, I'm not really sure. I don't know anything about you guys so who knows, maybe after a few weeks I might come up with an answer so ask me then." Demi nodded, making a note to herself to ask Chelsea in the later few weeks about where she'd find herself. Demi had seen Chelsea's type, the girl who acts like she can handle herself and she knows what she's doing but inside she's hurting, she didn't know hey but was going to find out.

"Where do you live now?" Chelsea asked, remembering she didn't know where they was heading now as everything had changed. Demi noticed Chelsea flinch when the plane hit a bump and anxiety instantly came to mind making her move closer to her in protection.

"California, I'm sure you'll love it there." Demi smiled but Chelsea's smile dropped when she realised she'd have to live there, maybe? This is all going to be a change, she hated when things change. Also drugs, how was she suppose to get them past Demi.

"This is going to suck..." Chelsea whispered to herself but everybody caught on and Demi's face turned into a frown when she heard. This is going to be hard. Demi thought to herself while staring at the girl who's built her walls higher and higher every time something bad happened, she didn't trust anyone.

"No, it won't! It'll be fun, I know you don't know anyone of us right now but you'll get used to us." Wilmer spoke up to Chelsea for the first time making her look up to him, not noticing she'd said it out loud she blushed making Wilmer smile. There's my little girl. He thought to himself but when everyone turned to him he realised he'd said it out loud.

"I'm not." Chelsea replied bluntly before turning towards the window, Demi held Wilmer hand giving it a tight squeeze to let him know to give her time. Wilmer decided to try and make conversation with Chelsea again so he gently pulled Demi up to her feet and sitting down before bringing her back down on his lap, the look on Chelsea's face made Wilmer laugh. It was the same look she used to give them when she was younger, the look of disgust when the pay used to be touchy together.

"What're you doing in school?" Wilmer asked, Chelsea turned towards him with a questioned look on her face before giving him an innocent look. Demi knew she wasn't innocent, she knew Chelsea was anything but innocent and probably was smirking behind her facade.

"Have you read my record?" Holly instantly passed it to Wilmer, she must've been reading it as all others was still watching making Demi wish they could have time alone with Chelsea. Nathan sat watching a film on his iPad, disinterested in the topic and had a pout on his face as everyone had took his time away form Chelsea. He wanted to spend as much time with her as possible and being jealous he wanted Chelsea to only talk to him.

"You put a d*ck pic of you ex-boyfriend all around school and wrote on top of it 'small'?" Demi and Wilmer's eyes widen as they read through Chelsea's file but Wilmer smiled when he seen what she done to her ex. Wait ex? She's only 14 years old! Kids theses days. Wilmer thought to himself before asking,

"Why would you set fireworks of in a classroom?" Slightly laughing but trying to hold it in as he asked her with a stern expression which wasn't fooling anybody. Chelsea knew he wanted to laugh as did Demi as she read through some of the stuff Chelsea had done.

"Funny." Was the simple answer and Wilmer held up his hand for a high five which Chelsea gladly excepted, a grin on her face as Demi pointed the finger at them both making them turn to her. She tried to act serious as she didn't want her daughter to carry on this but it was pretty funny.

"No, do not in courage her. It's not funny." Demi burst out laughing suddenly followed by the rest of the crew, except for Chelsea. She didn't see what was so funny about all of this, it was just stuff she done every single day to annoy her teachers or classmates.

"You are so my daughter..."

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