Chapter 14: Midnight Talks.

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Chelsea lay awake on her phone, she couldn't sleep since it was a new house but thought it would be rude of her to wonder around the house so stated put in her new room. She still wasn't comfortable with Demi or Wilmer and as much as she tried to get rid of the awkward silences between them it was hard. The first real conversation she had with them was looking out the window when Wilmer had hold of her, after it it brought back memories of when he'd put her on his shoulders and run around as she squealed. Him holding her only a couple hours ago made her feel complete again, almost happy having her mom and dads warmth, she had to admit she felt at home again but didn't want to admit it.

Clumsily, Chelsea tried t penetrating herself in her room but ended up falling boer her suitcase making a huge thud across the room and a groan to erupt from her mouth followed by an, "Ow! Motherfucker." She cussed but felt taps across the staircase and Demi run into the room, a pant on her face with a look of worry making Chelsea look confused.

"I fell over..." Chelsea blushed, it was dark so Demi couldn't of seen her pink cheek but knew she stared at her in awe. She looked down to the 14 year old in sweatpants and a jumper of her adoptive sisters, Riley's while smiling at how her brown hair with blonde highlights was messy. Demi chuckled at her daughter before slowly walking over to her to help her up, Wilmer now rushed into the room too.

"Why are you guys pa-Ew!" Chelsea gasped, catching on immediately and her hand covered get mouth as she held a look of disgust. Demi's head dipped in shame at how her and Wilmer was having sex on the first night of her daughters stay with them, Demi instantly blamed Wilmer for it even when she seduced him.

"I'm- Okay, this will not happen again! I'm sorry baby girl. Uh-" Demi didn't know what to say as her face was a deep red and she felt on fire. Once hearing Chelsea crash against the floor Demi pushed Wilmer of immediately and through a robe on while running out to get daughters room. As sad thought Chelsea was going to go missing again somehow, she's always going to be panicking which made Wilmer feel sorry for Chelsea's future. Demi swore to herself to not let somebody take Chelsea away from her again.

"It's- Fine, just put more clothes on than a robe please? Also, why did you run so quickly?" Chelsea tried her best not to look at Demi or Wilmer as they wasn't wearing much making her massively uncomfortable by their presence. Chelsea lay against the soft sheets once again but still couldn't manage to even be a little tired making her sigh, she hated being introduced to new things or new people. Demi run out of the room and Chelsea breathed a sign of relief thinking they were gone but she heard Wilmer's voice.

"She loves you, as do I Chels... We want to make you as comfortable around us as possible, we are sorry for what happened tonight but your mom just panics a lot at the feeling of loosing you again. The fear that was in her eyes when she discovered you was missing was the same one when she rushed out of the room just then, she's always going to be overprotective over to from now and so will I! But I will try my best to make sure Demi and I give you enough space to get used to the new environment." She loved her dad, she didn't realise how much she missed him until this moment as she turned her head towards him.

"This is strange for me. It's been 8 years dad- Wilmer! I said Wilmer..." Her eyes widen at the word that just blurted from her mouth making Wilmer gape at the woman but she seen the smile on his face. She called me dad, he couldn't believe it as he'd missed that word coming form his daughters mouth for all those years but he finally got to gear it again.

"You said dad!" Chelsea shook her head vigorously as her eyes were wide in the process, even though Wilmer knew it slipped out of her mouth before she could stop it it still made him smile. Chelsea instantly cursed herself for saying that out loud, she didn't notice she said it until his eyes lit up and she thought over her words.

"I never meant it, I-it slipped from my mouth. I'm s-sorry." Chelsea apologised quickly making Wilmer frown at how she apologised for something that she shouldn't be, it made him wonder why she was apologising for it. Demi came in the room with a smile on her face, she'd been doing that a lot ever since she'd seen Chelsea again. This time wearing what Chelsea guessed to be Wilmer's shirt and shorts, Wilmer looked over confused to the woman but she only crawled into the other side of bed making Chelsea climb of the bed.

"I'm sleeping with you tonight, just until you fall asleep. I don't want you to feel uncomfortable so if you don't want me to help you fall asleep I'll go?" Demi raised her eyebrow and I looked over to Wilmer once more you pouted because his wife wasn't going to be sleeping with him tonight making Chelsea let out a giggle at him.

"Dem, she called me dad." Wilmer didn't want to tell Demi since he knew she was going to get extremely jealous but couldn't help it as he was excited that Chelsea had admitted it to m first, even if she didn't want to say it she still said it. Demi frowned at Wilmer's words before turning to her daughter who hadn't had any interaction with Demi at all forth he last few days of being back together. After the hotel chaos Chelsea went straight with Steph and Tony to pack and stay there which gave Demi no time with her.

"Babe, please sleep by yourself tonight?" Demi pleaded Wilmer with her eyes as she wanted time with Chelsea, to make Chelsea say 'mom' to her. Wilmer sighed but nodded to his wife, smiling softly at Chelsea before muttering, "Night sweetheart, night princess." Wilmer and Demi both seen the eye roll when he called her 'princess' but ignored it. After Wilmer left Chelsea slowly crawled into the bed with Demi, her body was tense and Demi could fell how uncomfortable she was in the bed.

"You don't have to move away from me Chelsea, I'm your mom." Demi whispered, Chelsea noticed the pain in Demi's voice when she spoke and felt bad for causing her mom much pain and heartbreak. Chelsea didn't reply but turned towards Demi, noticing how much she looked like her mom as she took in Demi's appearance without make up.

"Why do you hate me?" Demi asked softy making Chelsea sigh at what was to come, they was going to have to talk about everything that had happened and Chelsea was never good at expressing her feelings. She never did know the right words to tell someone, like for instance when Carly was upset she used to get super awkward and uncomfortable which is why Carly never went to get with any problems.

This night is going to be long...

Abandoned. (Sequel to The Life Of Chelsea Jonas Lovato)Where stories live. Discover now