Chapter 41: "She's Were She Belongs." Part 1

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Demi smirked at he daughters dumbfounded expression, finally noticing that she was back in her hometown while standing in the middle of the road due to no cars around. There was never cars around which Demi or Wilmer was never used to, she still didn't like the town which made her keep a disgusted look on her face while holding Nathan's hand as they walked towards Stephs door.

"Chelsea?" They turned towards the voice which appeared Steph, standing in her doorway of her home on her way out. Chelsea grinned excitedly as she'd seen the woman that she'd grew up to love and cherish her without warning Chelsea charged at Steph who was frozen in shock. Sobs slipped from her mouth seeing the little girl that had grew up since she'd last seen her, she looks more sophisticated and wise.

"Your here. Oh god, this is a dream! I'm missed you so much." Steph cried into Chelsea's shoulder as she inhaled the scent that had calmed her down many times in the past but it wasn't her favourite smell anymore, Demi's was. Chelsea watched her adoptive father smile softly behind them along with her 4 adoptive siblings, she sighed into Stephs shoulder as she once loved the life she had there. It was always crowded in the house with shouting or arguments everywhere you turned because so many people lived there but now in California there house was quiet so Chelsea loved to come back and feel like home again.

"I've missed you too, I didn't even know I was coming here or I would of brought you all presents back! I love you so much that's it's good to come back, you won't believe what I've been through the past months." Chelsea dramatically said we Demi and Wilmer allowed Chelsea's adoptive family hug her repeatedly.

"Oh, I brought them presents. Each in there own way for you baby girl." The smirk on Demi's face told Chelsea she was up to something while Steph invited the 3 into the house too.

"I thought you'd have to go out since you was leaving, and I'm guessing to work?" Chelsea asked once Steph frantically pushed them into the living room, not wasting to waste a minute without Chelsea. She was holding her younger adoptive sister in her arms which made Demi smile at how well her daughter had fit in there which is why it'd taken long for Chelsea to fit in with them.

"Yeah but now your here they can go screw themselves! How long are you all staying for?" Steph directed her question to Demi with a smile of thank on her face, Demi only nodded in response. Demi felt out of place in such a run down town for what she and Wilmer was wearing which was full of cash and people would know they were rich in an instant. It even shocked Steph once she noticed how expensive and classy Chelsea's clothes were she was wearing.

"I'm sorry, we can only stay for a couple hours because we need to leave but I think I could resolve that problem which I will talk about with you alone. For now enjoy company with Chelsea." Demi smiled, she stayed by Wilmer's side as even her son took of with the little boy which she presumed was Stephs child up their stairs.

"I've been informed that you have been in hospital a lot but I did not know of because somebody has been forgetting to call me! You know how damn worried I've been." Steph smacked Chelsea's head scowlingly but not to hurt her as Chelsea was used the head smacking whenever she messed up, even Demi didn't mind as Steph was only looking after her daughter other wise she'd be mad.

"Yeah, sorry. I struggled to fit in with mom for awhile, it was stupid for hurting myself or even thinking about ending my life but I'm glad I'm here." Chelsea looked at Steph with puppy dog eyes which she found out don't just work on Steph but also work on Demi too.

"Fine, I forgive you but only because you lost yourself when going to California. I know you've changed a lot and also you haven't had any nightmares or sudden anger which I'm happy. You've changed a lot princess in so many ways, one of them is that you've found your home because you weren't going to be with us forever. I like this knew you, your caring and kind but your still damn immature!" Steph hugged Chelsea one last time as she only smiled.

"So, tell us more about how your life is over there!" Ryder encouraged, a dazed expression on his face as Chelsea immediately told them everything that had happened and how amazing California really was. They all found topics to talk about without running out of things to say and during the day Chelsea's friends was surprised as they came into Steph's home only to see their best friend.

"Even now that your gone they still come here all the time! You've brought us all together Chelsea." Chelsea's oldest adoptive sister grinned as she all continued to talk like teenagers, even Demi and Wilmer spoke to Steph and Tony. The day run to an end soon but all still laughed together and ate non stop, Chelsea ran outside and being the immature teenager she was pulling the fire-extinguisher of the wall and spraying foam all over the house.

"Chelsea Lovato! Why are you always up to something?" Demi was the one to handle the next situation with Chelsea, gripping the extinguisher off her and scowling her daughter so making a mess as it wasn't her home anymore.

By the end of the night the children had fallen asleep against the couch along with Chelsea's best friends but she only sat on top of the roof where she always used to sit when she lived in the house, she had to admit she missed this life and didn't like paparazzi following her around because of her mom one bit but had gotten used to it. She'd never go back to the town even if Steph asked and Demi agreed, only if it was a couple of months before Chelsea didn't want to leave Steph.

It amazed her how timing changes and your opinion of things or people change too.

"Hey." Chelsea turned to see Wilmer climbing up on the roof too, smirking slightly as he struggled but finally made it after cussing a lot.

"How do you get up here so fast? Damn, I think I broke my leg." Wilmer groaned in pain, it only made Chelsea laugh at his situation. He sat close to her as they overlooked a lot of the small town, it was Chelsea's home but she knew she'd of never stayed there forever and she also knew that no matter what she'd never forget the memories her and her best friends made in the town. They made her life better to live and she had to thank them for that because she didn't know what she would of done without them, if only they'd of moved to California with her because they hardly stayed with her on their first and last trip to California.

"You admire stargazing don't you. I guess this town means a lot to you because of all of your memories and what you've been through here." Wilmer muttered as he watched the little girl look over the quiet streets with the lights beaming.

"Of course, a lot of times running away from police. They know my name already so each time they see me they only say 'oh look, I was wondering when we'd see you' it's actually pretty cool. I like the adrenaline rush I get of running away from police as weird as it sounds, almost like when your a little kid and you'd play 'tag'. When you ran after somebody and if they got you then it's your turn." Chelsea grinned at the awesome memories but forgetting it was her dad she was speaking to.

"You overthink things a lot, which is something you get form your mom. Now, I need to talk to you about everything I've done. I know I've been a jerk and I will admit that because I wasn't being a real father to you or a husband to Demi, I'm sorry for that because I should never of left but I promise you from this day on you'll always be able to come to me for support but I'm not leaving your mothers side while doing so. Your both my life but we all make mistakes right? Can I have your forgiveness Chelsea?" Wilmer asked carefully, hesitating on what she'd say as she didn't look at him once. As if thinking of what to do about her relationship with her dad then she turned to him with a skeptical look on her face.

"Fine, I forgive you. I've already missed out on many years of spending time with you so I shouldn't push you away anymore and yes this is because I've over thought our relationship and decided to forgive you a couple weeks ago but kept having doubts." Chelsea smiled towards her ecstatic dad who kissed her head as she leaned into him.

"I would never leave you or mom now, I know that you guys are my parents and I forgive you for everything that happened in the past. I love you dad." Chelsea whispered but it only made Wilmer kiss her head, he never would of imagined being with his now 14 year old daughter all those months ago on a roof.

He'd cherish the moment for as long as he lived.

"Now, let's go see what your mom and Steph has been talking about and I think you will be a,aged with what your mom was to propose."

Abandoned. (Sequel to The Life Of Chelsea Jonas Lovato)Where stories live. Discover now