Chapter 33: Hate.

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Demi sighed as her daughter finally fell asleep in her arms, it'd taken two hours for Chelsea to knock out completely and it shocked Demi as she didn't even know what her daughter was going through. Finally she turned her eyes to the papers lying on the bedside cabinet, pushing her thick glasses up to rub her eyes of sleepiness before reading through them. She already had countless of times but couldn't seem to get her head around everything, she needed to find Wilmer.

Unconsciously, Demi smiled down at her teenage daughter how lay in her arms. Her eyes closed and her mouth parted a little as snores fell from her mouth, she must of gotten in from Joe as Demi never snored but it made her giggle at how loud her daughter was. A lot had changed in the past few weeks of being away from the house, Demi and Chelsea's relationship was growing more each day from when she was released from hospital which was a week ago but still hadn't heard from Wilmer or Nathan.

Quietly, Demi tiptoed out of the room and down stairs with the papers in her hand. She was due in court in a two weeks but Demi didn't even know what for, everything between her and Wilmer came as a shock as she was always concentrated on Her daughter and her relationship. Demi had to have coffee to wake herself up a little, having sleepless nights wasn't good but Chelsea hadn't had any nightmares with Demi by her side so it was helping.

Chelsea agreed to go to therapy which Demi was happy about and had been for 2 hours of the week up to now, Dallas told Demi she was aloud to have Chelsea stay with her once she seen Chelsea crying to not go from Demi. Dallas noticed how Chelsea was warming to Demi so accepted that Demi will do everything to help Chelsea if she was aloud to stay.

"Hey..." Demi grinned at the sound of her daughters sleepy voice, she still couldn't accept the fact that Chelsea was smiling and talking to her like a normal mother and daughter would. Demi was loving every moment with her daughter but at nights was hard without Wilmer.

"Why are you awake? You just fell asleep." Demi frowned, giving Chelsea orange juice as she had her coffee. Instead of replying Chelsea's hand fell on the papers scattered around the kitchen counter, confused expression made its way on her face as she ignored Demi's protest and looked through the file. She only seen a few words before it was ripped out of her hands by Demi but she knew Chelsea had seen it by the anger on her face.

"I heard you laughing, I woke but it's fine." She shrugged it off, still thinking of the words she seen on the paper. Chelsea wasn't found of Wilmer anymore like she used to be, he'd upset her mom and she'd seen Demi crying once or twice in the past week which annoyed her more than anything but made sure she was there to help her mom, just like Demi was when Chelsea was hurt.

"Divorce? Mom, you didn't tell me anything about a divorce with you and Wilmer. You said everything was going to work out!" Demi winced at her daughters shouting but knew she was just shocked by the news. Chelsea had always thought Demi and Wilmer were forever and nothing could step in there way as they'd made it through so many bad situations together.

"Look Chelsea, it will but- your dad might not be in the picture with us... Or your little brother since Wilmer has gone for custody over him. I'm as shocked as you are, I didn't think he'd do this. Wait, why do you call me mom but not Wilmer dad?" Demi asked, she wanted to be honest with Chelsea as she had a right to know since she was older.

"Why would I call him dad when he hurt you? He left you and took away your son with him when you was hurting, when I was 6 years old he told me he'd never leave you. That you two were forever, he's a liar. I hate him." Chelsea muttered, her jaw clenched in anger as she wanted to punch something but Demi was by her side to stop her.

"Don't Chelsea! We can get through this without him." Demi kissed her daughters head to relax her which helped as Chelsea leaned into Demi's touch. Demi's hands ran through Chelsea's blonde highlights, she hated seeing Chelsea so he it by Wilmer and knew that she wouldn't be able to trust him again or if he did ever come back then he'd have to work hard to gain it.

"Let's go to bed. I will sort everything, you just focus on recovery, how's therapy?" Demi asked nervously, she hadn't had time to ask Chelsea the last two times she'd picked her up from the woman's office. Demi had made sure to get a high paying therapist as she was the best at her job, even when they only have an hour Chelsea's felt like it was forever.

"She talks about my past. Try's to get into my head or figure out what I'm thinking or feeling, I hate when people try to understand me. She says I'm holding a lot of anger in when I'm not, I don't even know what I'm angry about but I don't talk to her because she annoys me, she hasn't been what I've been through yet she tries to tell me what I'm thinking." Chelsea bursts, she'd been trying to tell Demi that she hated going but didn't want to hurt her feelings.

"I know Chelsea but you need to trust her, I went to her after you went missing. She helped a lot, just talk to her. Tell her everything and MAKE her understand. Don't stay quiet because if you do then there's no point in going." Demi kissed her head as Chelsea's head before making her way into Chelsea's bedroom, where they'd been staying the past week.

"I'll be back now." Demi rushed off quickly before Chelsea came back, rushing input the bathroom she hid the, in the back of the cabinet as she didn't want Chelsea getting hold of them.

Chelsea hadn't done drugs in weeks which Demi was proud of and she said she didn't even feel like doing them, but that didn't meant Demi hadn't started...

Without thinking Demi through the pills to the back of her throat and got a glass of water, it took away the pain and Demi loved the feeling of being numb. So she continued taking the drugs each night, only without Chelsea knowing her pain.

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