Chapter 32: Nothing But Papers Left.

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Demi smiled softly at the younger girl who'd only been in her life for a couple weeks and changed everything, Chelsea gripped her moms hand tightly, something she'd never do before she was placed in hospital. Being in there had opened her eyes to who her mom really was, it'd been two weeks since Chelsea's heart had stopped beating for 4 minutes straight which scared the life out of Demi and Wilmer.

"I'm sorry. I've put you through a lot, I didn't wanna be the cause of you and Wilmer arguing or your son pushing you away. Is it my fault?" Chelsea asked quietly, the thought had been on her mind constantly the last week and it scared her that she could of been the one that ruined her mothers life.

"Baby girl, no. Why would you even think that? What happened between me and Wilmer was because I always put myself first than him, even before you came back but I've only just realised it. Nathan is only 4 years old and doesn't understand yet, I'm sure everything will work out." Demi tried to smile but failed, she didn't know how if everything would work out and that's what terrified her.

Wilmer hadn't been to see Chelsea for one and a half weeks which Demi was mad about because something between her and him shouldn't get in the way of his daughter. He made sure Chelsea was okay before taking off, Demi didn't ow where as all her attention was on her daughter. Dallas had been by a couple times but not mentioned what would happen now, Chelsea hadn't mentioned she heard it either as she didn't want to leave Demi in the state she was in.

"Good, I just don't want to be in the way. When will dad come back?" Chelsea asked confused, she noticed he hadn't left her side until days ago. Demi stroked the back of Chelsea's hand softly in a comforting manner as Chelsea lay in the same hospital bed. Hospitals are depressing which is why she always hated it, staring at the four plain walls all day are boring but they had to keep an eye on her heart monitor and mention any change.

"I don't know, Chels. He might not, I'm more interested about you right now! Listen, baby girl... I just need to know why you did it?" Demi asked pleading Chelsea with her eyes for answers, Chelsea chewed her bottom lip nervously.

"I have nightmares, I always have and- when I moved it was a change. I don't sleep at night so I only over think, I lie to you to make it look like I'm sleeping. I thought you didn't want me there with you until I heard what you was saying when I was asleep, but I really didn't know I was taking too much." Chelsea blabbers but Demi sees the truth in her eyes, sighing at her daughter.

"No Chelsea! You shouldn't of been taking any at all. God, I don't know what to do with you." Demi's hands fell into her hair, as much as Demi wanted to fall for her daughters pleading face she couldn't. Chelsea had grew up with no rules and living life how she wanted but it had to stop now that he'd parents was there to stop her, Demi was going to make sure of it. Even if that meant loosing Wilmer along the way, she'd never ignore her daughter or son over anything in the world, although she did love Wilmer more than anything.

"I don't wanna go with Dal. At first I did because I wasn't comfortable around you but that was before everything, before you put me before your marriage. Cani stay with you mom?" Demi's heart dropped at the words, she called her mom for the first time and meant it. Chelsea laughed when Demi squealed in excitement, attacking her daughter with kisses as a smile made its way to her face for the first time in weeks.

"Oh baby girl! How I've missed you call me that..." Demi ignored her daughters protest to push her away because Chelsea wasn't that comfortable for affection but Demi couldn't help it. Demi's eyes held astonishment with excitement, she wanted her to say it over again but her mind fell back to the nightmares. She has nightmares, Demi sighed to herself as it was another thing Demi didn't know about Chelsea or must of forgotten when Steph told her.

"You get out today but in the night you will stay with me, in my room okay? Whenever you have a nightmare I'll be by your side." Demi's voice was stern as she held her daughter close, Chelsea knew that Demi was also fearing being alone at night too without Wilmer but didn't mention it. She noticed how much her mom missed him but decided to leave it alone, knowing Demi wouldn't talk about her husband to her daughter.

"Alright, I'm sorry I was being horrible to you when I first met you. I was a bitch but I was nervous meeting you again, like when I seen dad again my first instinct was to run. Then I seen the person you and Wilmer have become over the years, you've become more protective which I don't like but your caring and loving which I haven't had in a long time." Chelsea was helped sit up with her mom by her side as the doctor walked in, telling if she's allowed to leave or not. Chelsea had gotten ready with the clothes Demi had brought back in the morning and was waiting for the doctors permission to sign out.

Demi was fearing the worse, as much as she stayed strong for her daughters sake because she didn't want Chelsea to be stressing over her when she's trying to heal herself. She hated being without Wilmer, she'd never been without him so long and it hurt her but she knew it wasn't an argument anymore. The doctor dismissed Chelsea but Demi was by her side at all times to watch her home, quietly figuring out how to help her daughter in the best way possible without making her go to rehab which she'd been thinking about earlier but decided not to on that.

"Look, Chelsea. I love you and even though I hate to do this I know it will help you get better so without making you go to rehab what if you go to therapy a couple times a week? Only a few hours. It won't be anybody in the room except you and the woman I'm trying to with?" Demi's hand turned the steering wheel up to the path from her gates blocking entrance which staring at Chelsea for a reaction.

"I guess I could try it. I'm not good with expression feelings though, it's one think I hate doing." Chelsea admitted with a shrug, she'd do anything her mom asked if it was to help her and also to stop her mom stressing out over her. Demi had more things to worry about other than Chelsea such as work, marriage and her son but Chelsea knew that.

"I know, I've noticed that about you over the last 2 months being with us. I'll set it up for next week as its Saturday today, also Dallas and grandma will be coming over tomorrow to discuss everything." Chelsea's hand slipped in her moms which shocked Demi as she wasn't used to her daughters affection, usually she'd push her away. Demi didn't mind as she smiled while walking into the huge house that felt empty without the man she'd loved throughout everything.

Maybe things may be working out...

"Mom, there's a letter on the floor. I'm going to watch TV!" Chelsea rushed towards the living room as the only channel she'd gotten to watch in hospital was a children's one and it bored her more than anything so she always kept it off. Demi looked through the envelope with confusion, nobody ever posted to the house so it had to be important. Ignoring her daughters squeal of excitement.

Divorce papers of Demetria Devonne Lovato and Wilmer Eduardo Valderrama.

Demi's mouth dropped open as she stared at the top of the letter, she never wanted it to come to that. Demi and Wilmer hardly spoken about there argument and he'd already tried to remove her from his life? Was it that far for them because Demi didn't notice how bad it was until then.

Scratch that... Only one good thing came out of everything, my daughter.

Abandoned. (Sequel to The Life Of Chelsea Jonas Lovato)Where stories live. Discover now