Chapter 42: "She's Were She Belongs." Part 2

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Demi sat in the living room area with Steph, she thought now would of been the best time to explain or ask what was to happen next.

"I'm happy you brought her back, I know you guys have became the perfect parents for her so I wouldn't even want to break that but it's nice to see her. She's were she belongs now, with you and Wilmer." Steph smiled sadly, she didn't want to admit it but knew what she was saying was the truth.

"Steph I appreciate so much you've done for my daughter and without you I don't know where she would be today, I wouldn't of gotten to we her again. Thank you and to say thank you I've gotten a proposition for you which you could decline. You've gotten a life here in this town but I know you deserve more than that, you have two children away for college in America right? But have came home. Instead of staying here I thought for yours, your families and Chelsea's sake because she always misses you that you could move out there. I know you and your husband don't earn enough which is why I've already looked for a huge house for your 4 children, you and your husband could stay in, it's gotten an outdoor pool with a balcony and you don't have to give away any money. Also, I looked into yours and your husbands job so I decided to see if there was any jobs in California opening up even though there wasn't any for your husband I'm sure you guys could find one but for you- There's one earning £105,000 a year. You could see Chelsea whenever you wanted and start a new life in an amazing place, away from here. I know it's a lot which is why I'm leaving you with it to think about it, I just hope you do." Stephs mouth dropped open at the news, along with her husbands while Demi only bit her lip. She knew Chelsea meant a lot to Steph and so did her children so she tried her best to do what she could.

"You mean Steph could move out! I can see you more Steph, take the job!" Steph couldn't answer as Chelsea rushed into her arms, waking up all the children in the process and the two elders who groaned in process of being woken.

"Why are you squealing?" Riley muttered, rubbing her eyes tiredly while sitting up along with Peyton squealing for Chelsea to hold her which she did. Steph only turned to her husband, not knowing what to do as once the children find out they would want to move.

"Look, it's not for certain yet but Demi has offered us to move from here to California  also offering your mom £105,000 a year due to a new job which thank you Demi for doing so but we're not sure whether to take it." When Tony had said that the room erupted into complaints which only cause Steph to sigh.

"Mom! You can see me and Ryder everyday then without calling up crying."
"I wanna move with Chelsea! I can start a new school with Peyton."
"No, it'll be so cool in California! We can go to the beach every day after school."
"Mom, you can see where me and Riley live in our dorms visit!"

"Yeah, then you can earn so much! Your already struggling to find money for mine and Ryder's college as you told us not to pay for anything. This is a new start with a better everything. California's amazing and I'm sure all of you will love it because I know you, don't you always say you'd want to move from here dad?" Riley pushed more information on her mom, trying to help her make the right decision. Steph sighed turned towards a pouting Chelsea who she always gave in to before sighing.

"Fine, fine! We can move." All of them squealed happily as Steph gotten up to hug Demi as a thank you for doing such an amazing thing for her, "You deserve it!" Was all Demi's reply with a smile on her face.

"As much as I'd love to see you guys packing and move everything we have got to crash out at another hotel down in another town due to- well we don't think it's safe in this town honestly. We should leave you go to pack up anyway since your all leaving in 2 days, yeah I know it's a rush but hurry because that's when we leave London." Wilmer smiled softly as Demi made her way out with him holding a sleepy Nathan in her arms but Chelsea didn't move from Stephs side.

"Baby girl, we've got to go?" Demi rose her eyebrows at the teenager who looked around the house that she'd learnt that was her safe place all those years ago when she was only 6 years old.

"I wanna stay here for tonight with Steph, please? I've been in this town for many years without you mom, I'll be fine." Chelsea expanded when she seen the hesitated look on her moms face, with a soft smile it sent Demi over the edge as she fell for it with a groan of dismiss.

"Fine! If something happens I'll be over here in seconds. Don't leave the house, I don't care if I wasn't there for you before due to everything it's dangerous here and even I don't want to be here!" Demi warned her daughter, giving her a kiss on the cheek before walking out of the house.

"Why'd you wanna stay?" Steph asked as she held the teenagers hand while walking up the stairs to start packing everything not wasting any time, she was grateful to be getting out and starting a better life for her other two children.

"Say goodbye, we had a lot of memories in the house I just didn't wanna tell mom. If I did it's only remind her that I hadn't spent a lot of time with her." Chelsea admitted, rushing into her old room what she shared with her adoptive younger sister all those months ago. It wasn't a huge room like hers now in herd but that was because of her moms money.

"Do you regret living with us?" Steph asked, she'd been holding that question in since the moment Chelsea came back since Chelsea had grins to Demi so quickly and you could see the love and admiration in Chelsea's eyes for her mom.

"Not at all, yeah I missed out with my mom but I still had an amazing time. One thing I've learnt is that money doesn't bring you happiness, even with my mom over the last months she wasn't happy without dad because he left although she had a lot of money she didn't care it's the same with you, you see the good of every bad situation and when we had no money left you still managed to make all of us laugh in the dark. Your an amazing parent, Steph. I love you." Chelsea hugged her adoptive mom, she'd missed her a lot and there conversations. Since Steph was moving Chelsea came up with the idea that she could go to Steph for anything when she couldn't talk to Demi or Wilmer.

"Let's pack everything up and get out of this town, I'm sure we'll all remember every memory we've made. This town has a place in your heart Chels, like kind but it's time to move on with our lives. Take a new step, a better and brighter future is ahead and no matter what happens I assure you that your only young and we've got plenty more years of your life to come. Make sure from now that you live a better life."

Abandoned. (Sequel to The Life Of Chelsea Jonas Lovato)Where stories live. Discover now