Chapter 13

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I pull up outside the front of the castle and put up the roof before turning the car off, grabbing my bag and exiting the car. I lock the car before walking up into the castle.

I see Zen pacing when I enter and when he sees me he runs over to me. He grabs my shoulders before shaking me slightly.

"Where were you?" He asks.

"I took the boys for a ride before taking them home. Then I got gas and talked to the officer on the way home." I answer.

He sighs before wrapping his arms around me. I wrap my arms around him and hug him tightly. He knows that the next few weeks are going to be stressful but he's going to be there for me and that's what matters to me. We pull back and he kisses my forehead before walking off in the direction of his office. I walk up to my room and when I enter I hear someone puking in the bathroom. I quickly run into the bathroom and see Bella hurling into the toilet. I sigh before going over and taking her hair in my hands. I hold her hair in my hand and rub her back with the other hand.

I smell the air and start to get angry when I do. She's pregnant, with her brother's baby.

Once she is finished puking she flushes the toilet and I hand her a cloth to wipe her mouth with. She stands up and uses some mouth wash before sighing and turning to look at me with tears in her eyes.

"Let's get you cleaned up and then if you want to talk you can, ok?" I suggest and she nods.

I help her get undressed until she is in just her bra and underwear before I turn on the bath and wait for it to fill up. Once it is full I help her out of her bra and underwear before helping into the bath. I help her wash herself and her hair before just letting her relax in the bath.

"He raped me. I didn't know what to do. I was so scared." She sobs.

"It's not your fault, not many people would know what to do when that's happening. Bella, your brother is very strong it would've been very hard for you to do anything about it."

"What about Blake? I really like him but he'll probably leave me when he finds out."

"I don't think he will. He really, really likes you Bella. He will be angry that he wasn't there to protect you but he will not be angry at you."

"It's times like this when I crave his hugs." She comments.

"Do you want me to go and get him?" I ask, softly.

"No, I can't ask you to do that."

The door suddenly bursts open and a very worried looking Blake is standing there. I hold up a towel to cover Bella up but this just makes Blake angry.

"Blake, get out! Go sit on my bed and we will come out when Bella is covered!" I demand.

"No, I'm not going anywhere." Blake says.

"Get out!" I hiss and his eyes widen before he leaves the room and goes to sit on my bed.

I get up and close the bathroom door again before turning back to Bella. I help her out of the bath before passing the towel so she could dry herself. I walk out of the bathroom and over to her bag before grabbing her some clothes and new bra and underwear. I then walk back to the bathroom and help her get changed before leading her out to the bed. She sits down beside Blake and I stand leaning again the bathroom door frame.

"How did you get here?" She asks.

"My dad brought me." He answers.

"How did you know to come here?" 

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