Chapter 16

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Zen and I get in my car and I start it before driving off towards the school. When we get there I park up and Blake and Bella climb into the car.

"How was your guys day?" I ask as I pull out of the car park.

"It was ok." Bella replies.

"I had a reasonably good day, you?" Blake replies.

"Average but I'm glad you guys had a reasonably good day. Am I taking you home Blake?" I ask.

"As much as I don't want to, yes." Blake answers and I nod before taking off in the direction of Blake's house.

I pull up in Blake's driveway and park the car. Blake thanks me before kissing Bella on the cheek and getting out of the car before walking up into his house.

I pull out of Blake's driveway and start the driveway home. I constantly look at Bella through the rear view mirror to see her looking sadly out the window. When we get to the outside of town I put the roof down and speed up a little more than necessary.

"Elizabeth! Do you drive like this all the time?!" Zen asks, shocked at my speed on open road.

"Yes, dad, I do." I reply with a smile on my face.

I look in the rear view mirror and see Bella smiling lightly. I speed up a little more and watch as her smile widens.

"Elizabeth, slow down!" Zen demands.

I just smile and shake my head in reply. I hear Bella giggle and feel glad she was feeling a little better.

"Luke come to the track and pick dad up please."

"Sure thing."

I turn around the corner that leads to the track and Zen shots me a weird look.

"Luke's gonna come down so he can take you home." I explain and Zen nods.

I get to the track gates and park the car before getting out and opening them. I get back in the car but just wait for Luke to arrive.

A couple minutes later Luke arrives and Zen gets out of the car before hopping in Luke's car. They drive off and I pat the front seat. Bella climbs into the front seat and smiles at me.

"I figured this would make you feel better." I comment as I drive onto the tracks.

"I love the feeling of being free. I love the wind rushing through my hair and just going fast." She replies.

"I noticed your glum look that's why I speed up, much to Zen's shock."

"Thank you."

"That's what friends are for." I reply before stepping down on the pedal and speeding up.

We speed around the track for a while, laughing and smiling, before I slow down a little and drive off the track. I park and shut the gates before getting back in the car and speeding up to the castle with a now smiling Bella.

When we get to the castle and walk inside I find Zen pacing. I tell Bella to go upstairs or to the kitchen and she disappears.

Zen stops pacing and looks at me with an angry look on his face, "You can't be driving like that on the open road, it's dangerous. I don't like the idea of you driving fast at all but I know how happy it makes you, that's why I allow you to drive as fast as you want on the track but I don't like it on the open road."

"I'm sorry, dad, but going fast makes Bella just as happy as it makes me, she looked glum so I speed up a little. I am a very good driver and if I see another car on the open road I slow down." I reply.

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