Chapter 14

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Blake decided he is going to stay the night here so he goes home quickly to get some clothes. Once he's back he helps Bella eat before they both cuddle up under the covers of my bed and fall asleep. Now you might be thinking, doesn't that mean you have no where to sleep? Truth is I'm too angry to sleep.

I walk into the gym and go over to my locker before grabbing out my training clothes. I change in the changing room before going to the treadmill and getting on. I then press the treadmill to go fast and run and run and run, letting out some of my anger.

I don't know how long I run for but eventually I turn off the treadmill and go over to the punching bag. I strap my hands before letting the punching bag feel my wrath. Punch after punch after punch.

I'm pissed off to the max with life at the moment. Bella is hurt, her brother raped her, she had a miscarriage, Blake is stressed because he's worried about her, I have this stupid court case tomorrow and everything is just becoming to much for me. I'm going to harden up again, not to the point where I don't feel anything but I'll harden up enough to not let life get me down.

I continue to beat the shit out of the punching bag until it finally bursts. I then unstrap my hands and make my way over to the weights. I start lifting the weights and working my muscles to the max. I can feel myself muscles starting to get tired so I put the weights down and move onto doing push ups, sit ups and skipping with rope.

I stay in the gym until Zen finally comes into the gym and sees me. He comes into the gym and works out for a little bit at 5:30 every morning, meaning I have been working out all night. Zen's eyes widened when he sees me but doesn't come over to me. I know why to. My eyes can change colour because of the liquids I was injected with and right now they are probably dancing with flames.

I stop what I am doing and make my way over to the treadmill beside Zen and slowly jog beside him.

"How long have you been down here?" Zen asks as he bumps up his speed.

I do the same before answering, "I've been here since last night."

"That's about eight and a half hours you have been down here."

"Yep and I could probably keep going for another 10 and a half before I'm too tired to continue."

"But you can't because you have the court case."

"I know I'll stop and 6:30, then go for a shower. I will then go to my room and change into some formal-ish clothes." 

"You shouldn't work so hard, you should get a couple hours sleep."

"I'm not tired. Plus, I can't sleep when I'm angry."

Zen sighs but knows he's not going to win so we both continue to run until 6:30. I then go and have a shower before wrapping a towel around me. I think about my hair being white with a blue stripe and when it changes I head up to my room.

I walk into my room and see Blake and Bella still fast asleep. I walk into my wardrobe and change into black lace bra and panties before slipping on a pair of black dress pants, a white singlet, white dressy top, black cardigan and then my black pumps. I then walk out of my wardrobe and into my bathroom where I go into one of my cupboards and grab my geek glasses. I leave my hair down and brush my teeth before walking back into my bedroom.

I look at the time and saw it's 7 o'clock so I walk over to the bed and gently shake Blake and Bella until they wake up.

They look up at me and Bella gasps, then I remember the different hair and glasses.

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