Chapter 34

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I've been put on Princess Protection duty so today I am going to be staying at the motel watching over Liz. 

I am currently sat on Talon and Liz's bed watching her pace around the room. I have a coffee in one hand and the book I am reading in the other. I am reading my book but I look up every now and again to see what Liz is doing.

We are all worried about her because she won't talk, eat, drink or take her blood supplements, she just draws, writes or paces around this room. She has a fogged over look in her eyes but we all assume that's because she is mentally looking over the information.

On other matters, Nate had told Xavier about vampires and they are quite happy together. Xavier had accepted it with an open mind which was great. Everyone is happy for the pair, especially Zen because he loves Nate like a son.

"Troy, if you were to kidnap the queen you would probably have a grudge again the kingdom rulers or said kingdom to do it, right?" Liz asks, breaking me out of my thoughts.

"You just talked." I state shocked.

"No shit, answer the question." She demands.

"Usually if you kidnap someone high up then yes, you usually hold a grudge of some sort." I answer.

"How much information do you have on vampire criminals?"

"All there is to know, it's part of my job."

"Great." She says before coming over and grabbing my hand. A pain shoots through my head and I screw my eyes shut. After a few minutes the pain vanishes and Liz let's go of my hand.

"Sorry about the pain." She apologises before starting to pace with that fogged look in her eyes again.

The pain isn't really that bad but because it's in my head it seems to hurt a little more. It kinda feels like a little hand was searching through my brain and then grabbing the information it needed only leaving behind a copy of the information it took. I don't know what information she took but I have a feeling it is to do with criminal vampires.

I take a sip of my coffee before going back to reading my book.




As I pace around the room skimming through the information from Troy's head I find a case about a man named Chris Lazer. He had served 10 years in a human prison for coming onto a young girl. Apparently the young girl was his beloved but she was human so she didn't understand. Human and vampire governments were involved but because he had tried to kidnap the young girl the vampire council decided to leave the punishment to humans. After he was released he stayed quiet but made no contact with vampire world other than to get blood bags. He is described as a tall man, 6'6, well built, pale skin, red eyes and has black hair with a red stripe. I get a shiver down my spine when I get to his folder and read everything there is to know about him.

I stop pacing and start going through my drawings. I find the one I'm looking for, it is of a boot print. The boot was most likely that of a combat boot and the boot print was made of dirt and a lot of it meaning he probably was around dirt a lot because with being a vampire you would have to constantly be walking around outside in the dirt to actually have this much dirt stick to the boot. This could mean the owner of this boot liked to be outside or he was living somewhere secluded away from contact.

I look up at Troy and ask, "Troy, is Chris Lazer still alive?"

"Yea, he lives out in the woods somewhere I think but no one has really heard from him except to get his blood bags. He always had casual clothes almost farm like clothes and dirty boots cause he's outside a lot." Troy answer.

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