Chapter 35

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I appear in the entrance of the castle and immediately flick into serious mode. I confidently walk down to the guards room. There is always at least two guards in there that I can talk to.

I walk in and see a couple of guards. They snap their heads up to look at me and when they see what I'm wearing they stand up at attention.

"I have been put in charge of a rescue mission by King Zen. I need 10 of the best men to accompany me." I say sternly and they nod before mind linking some others.

Half an hour later I am standing in the entrance hall with 10 well equip men standing in front of me. I had been given gear as well but we are hoping it won't be necessary.

"Where's Luke?" I ask.

"In the office, he is very busy with paper work." One of the men answers.

"Good because I have instruction from King Zen to keep him out this one. Now, do any of you have an idea of where Chris Lazer lives?"

"Yes ma'am." A red haired man says.

"You'll lead the way then. When we get there I want you to be aware of your surroundings but do not pull your weapons out unless necessary, understood?"

"Yes ma'am." They all reply and I nod to the red head.

We all run behind the red head through the woods until we come to a stop outside a tall, white, old looking two storey house.

I walk up to the door and knock firmly twice.

A few minutes later a young looking women opens the door, she looks to be around 20. 

"How may I help?" She asks softly.

"Is Chris Lazer in? I need to speak to him." I ask and she nods before walking into the house again.

A couple minutes later the door swings open and a man who I assume is Chris Lazer stands there.

"How may I help?" He asks.

"I am in charge of looking after the people. My men and I are here to search your house to check everything is in order." I inform him and I notice that he starts to get nervous.

"Um, now is not a very good time." He says nervously.

"Don't worry, sir, it won't take long." I reply with a sweet smile.

"Alright but not the basement because it's being renovated and I wouldn't want anyone hurt." He says before letting us pile in a couple of the men staying with Chris to make sure he doesn't pull anything.

"I want four of you to check the rest of the house while the other four come with me to find the basement and search it." I say through the mind link to all the men.

They all nod and four split off to search the rest of the house while I lead the rest in search of the basement. We eventually find a manky looking door and I open it. The smell of blood and infection is forced up our noses and we all suck in a breath.

I nod and we all walk down the creaky stairs. Once at the bottom I see cells everywhere each filled with a young girl. All the girls look terrified and are covered in blood and cuts. They all look to be from age 14 to 20. I shiver before nodding for the boys to open the cells. All the girls are human but I can smell a vampire scent down here that isn't Chris's. I walk further into the basement until I get to a cell at the end of the cell hall. 

There is a lady chained to the wall gasping for breath and covered in blood, cuts and smells of infection. She looks dirty and smells as if she hasn't had a shower in years. She faintly smells of vampire and I immediately rip off the cell door.

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