Chapter 23

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I pull up outside Talon's house and take a deep breath. He's going to be angry.

I get out of the car and lock it before walking up to the house. I knock on the door and Talon answers it with a smile on his face which makes me sigh, this is gonna be hard.

He frowns and asks, "What's wrong, baby?"

I take his hand and pull him out of the house before closing the front door. I sit down on the steps and he sits beside me before taking my hand.

"Talon, I have to go away for a month." I tell him with a sigh.

"No." He states firmly.

"Tal, I don't have a choice. I have to go help Zen."

"I'm coming with you then."

"You have to stay here with your family and your pack."

"I will chain you to my bed if I have to." He threatens.

"I'm sorry, Tal, but I have to go." I state with another sigh.

"Where is it?"

"New Zealand."

He stands up and starts yelling, "Fuck no! You are not going that far away from me for that long!"

"Talon, I don't have a choice. I have to help." I reply.

"If you go then I go too." He states.

I sigh and place my head in my hands.

I hear the front door open before Jackson asks, "What's going on?"

"I have to go to New Zealand for a month and Talon refuses." I explain.

"Talon, if she has to go then she has to go." Jackson states.

"If she goes then I go too." Talon states firmly.

Jackson sighs before saying, "Look at what you're doing to her son. She is stressed to the max and you aren't making it any better. I don't think it's a good idea for you to go away when you have only just gotten back, the pack needs you."

I stand up and look at Talon seriously, "There it's sorted. You stay and I go. I'll see you in a month." I state before kissing his cheek and walking down to my car.

Talon follows me and grabs my arm, "Please Liz, it will hurt both of us if we are apart for that long." He pleads with tears in his eyes.

"Talon, I don't have a choice and you can't come. Jackson said the pack needs you so you need to be here for them. I'll miss you terribly but I have to help Zen with this."

Talon looks back at his dad, "Please, dad. I can't handle being away from her that long, not when she's so far away." He pleads.

Jackson sighs before running his hands down his face, "Caroline!" He calls out and Cara appears in the door way.

"Why is my baby boy on the verge of tears?" Cara asks firmly.

"Liz has to go to New Zealand for a month and Talon wants to go with but..."

"No buts. If it's alright with Zen then Talon needs to go. Jackson, Talon has marked Liz, if they are apart like that for so long it will hurt them both. The pack will be fine without him for another month." Cara interrupts.

Jackson sighs again and looks past Talon to me, "Do you think your father would be ok with it?"

"I'll ask." I say before mind linking Zen.

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