Chapter 31

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I didn't get much sleep last night because I was thinking about how angry and disappointed Liz looked. I was sad that I didn't get to wrap her up safely in my arms before falling asleep. Apparently she went and slept with Zen in his bed.

I wake up and get out of bed before going to the bathroom to shower. I have a quick shower then dry myself and wrap the towel around my waist. I walk back to the room and see Liz sitting on the bed with her head in her hands. 

I sigh before walking over to the bed and sitting beside her. I go to apologise but she throws her arms around my neck and hugs me tightly. At first I'm shocked but I quickly wrap my arms around her.

"I'm sorry, baby, I didn't mean to upset you." I whisper.

"I'm sorry for overreacting, I know it was only a joke but I was angry." She whispers back.

"How about we forget about it and move on?" I suggest and she nods before kissing my mark.

She moves back and kisses my lips passionately, me returning the favour. Eventually she pulls back and smiles at me before looking down to see me in only a towel.

"You're lucky we have school, decided to wait until we were 18 and are in a motel with the others here or I would not being ignoring the fact you're only in a towel." She says before pecking my lips and moving out of my arms.

I stare at her shocked as she walks over to her suitcase to choose clothes for the day. I shake myself out of my shocked state before going over to my suitcase and grabbing my clothes for today. I grab a pair of black jeans, a white v-neck, a leather jacket and new boxers.

I stand up with my clothes to see Liz already dressed. She's wearing black three quarter leggings, a black mini skirt with small red dots on it, a white top that she has tucked into her skirt, a black baggy cardigan and black ballet flats. She looks hot.

She smiles at me before walking out of the room, shutting the door behind her. I quickly change into my clothes before grabbing our school bags and heading out to the lounge.

I walk into the lounge and drop our school bags on the couch beside Liz, who is sipping at her up&go. I walk to the fridge and grab out the milk before getting the weetbix out along with a bowl. I put everything in the bowl before putting everything away. I take my bowl and a spoon over to the couch and sit neck to Liz.

Liz finishes her up&go then gets up and chucks it in the bin before walking out of the lounge. I continue to eat my breakfast as the other boys walk into the lounge or kitchen.

"You two make up?" Troy asks me as he sits down with a coffee and breakfast bar.

"Yea, which I'm glad about." I answer.

"You really upset her last night, you're lucky she woke up this morning and left my room to apologise to you. If Nate hadn't thought the prank was good and shaken your hand in front of her, she would still be ignoring you." Zen says as he walks in and sits down with his coffee.

"Thanks for that, Nate." I say and he smiles.

"It was great payback. I was so glad there was a spare bed." He says with a chuckle.

Liz walks into the room with her phone and keys before standing at the end of the couch.

"Good morning, Lizzy." Nate greets.

"Good morning, Nate. How was your sleep?" She asks.

"Very good, especially seeing I had the spare bed to sleep on." Nate replies with a chuckle.

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