Chapter 30

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School has finally finished and Nate seems to be extremely happy about it. We hop into my car and I put down the roof before putting the car in drive and driving out of the school car park.

I drive us back to the motel before parking the car and putting the roof up. I then turn off the car and grab my bag before getting out. I lock the car and follow the boys back to our room.

I walk into the lounge and Zen smiles at me, "How was your day?"

"Average but we have a problem." I reply before sitting down beside him on the couch.

"Oh?" He asks and raises his eyebrow.

"Abigail found her beloved, a human and she told him." I explain and I see Zen visibly tense.

"She did what?" He asks starting to get angry.

"You heard me correctly the first time." I answer and Zen stands up before starting to pace.

"Wonderful. I'll have to talk to him too now, oh joy." Zen says sarcastically.

"I could invite him and Abigail to hang out and you can talk to them." I suggest and Zen stops pacing.

"Bring them here?" He asks.

"Not necessarily but we could." I answer with a shrug.

"That's a good idea, except get the boy to her house where I can talk to them all." Zen says.

"When do you want to do it?" I ask.

"Not for a little while, I'm still figuring out the legal stuff with her parents. Just watch them in school." Zen answers with a nod.

"Alright." I reply.

I stand up and grab my bag before going to Talon's and my room. I put my bag on the floor before taking off the knife holder then I hide it in my suitcase. I take off my shoes before walking over to the bed and flopping down on it face down.

Talon walks into the room and puts his bag down before shutting the bedroom door. He comes over to the bed and hovers over me before kissing my temple. He then lies down beside me and plays with my hair. I get on to him, so that I'm straddling him, then I lean down and kiss his delicious lips.

He kisses me back while grabbing my thighs then sliding his hands up my legs. His hands reach my panties and he plays with them. I move myself around so that he can slip off my bike shorts before lying down on his chest. I kiss down his neck to his mark before sucking on it.

He slips his fingers into my panties and rubs me making me bite his shoulder lightly to muffle the sounds. He groans before slipping his hand out of my panties and grabbing my ass. I moan against his shoulder before moving so that I'm looking down at him.

"We can't do it in a motel room." I say breathlessly.

"So I have to wait a whole month before I get to pleasure you again?" He asks with a groan and I nod making him groan in frustration.

Someone knocks on the door and get off Talon before slipping my bike shorts back on before walking over to the door and opening it. I wave my hand and the window opens so the smell of arousal is blocked out by the smell of the flowers that are under our window.

Nate is standing in front of me looking kinda sad so I open the door more to let him in.

"Tal, can you go sit in the lounge while I talk to Nate please?" I ask and he nods before standing up and leaving, closing the door behind him.

We sit on the bed and then I ask, "What's wrong?"

"I feel this pull to someone in your school but I can't figure out who it is and it's driving me insane." He answers with a groan of frustration before lying back on our bed.

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