Chapter 1: Leaving home

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Chelsea's POV:

I've been looking forward for this trip for ages. Ever since Luke last left London 6 months ago, its been hell. I can't keep my mind off him. Especially recently. We text constantly, However its abit of a pain with the time difference, Him in Melbourne and Me in London, But hey, Sleep is for the weak anyway. My Boyfriend, Bradley, has noticed me constantly texting Luke, he doesn't like it at all. Well he's never said he doesn't like it, but punching me in the face and kicking me in the shoulder shouting "WHAT'S GOING ON BETWEEN YOU TWO? I'M NOT STUPID, YOU'RE MY GIRL REMEMBER!" Is a strong sign that it bothers him, possibly. 

I look ever to my full-length mirror across the room, I slowly get up from my high double bed, still sore from Bradley's beating the other day. Do I dare look at what he's done to me? Once I reached the mirror, I didn't look up. Not just yet. I grab my tall, purple suit case and opened it. Right on top of all my clothes, lye's my make-up bag. I don't really wear make-up, only for special occasions, However, Melbourne is full of surprises.

It look me a while to find it but when I did I was relived, Concealer. This will definitely take down most of the bruising, hopefully make it un-noticeable. But knowing Luke he would notice anyway, he notices everything about me, even since we were little. I suppose that's what best friends do

. "Chelsea! I hope you're ready! we will be leaving for the airport any minute!" shouted my mum up the stairs.

She doesn't sound too happy, well I know shes not happy about me going to Melbourne without her. This will be the first time me or Luke traveled over seas to see each other without one of our parents. Lucky for me, My mum adores Gina, she trusts her, which means her dropping me off at Heathrow, and Gina picking me up in Melbourne. I look down at myself and realise I'm still in my P.J's.

"shit!" I mumble to myself. I'm 16 years old and still can't manage my time properly, its shocking really. I run to my wardrobe, pull the wooden doors open and see that not many clothes are left. I've basically packed everything for Melbourne, even though I'm only going for two weeks. I pull out some fresh underwear, a grey long sleeved sweater crop top thing, which is too big for me so shows one of my shoulders, skinny light blue jeans and my old white ankle converses. I shove them all on not worrying about my long brown straight hair; just throwing it up into a ponytail.

"Chelsea come on! Do you want to go see Luke or not?!"

I huffed. "Coming mum!". I grabbed my two suitcases and my rucksack and flew down the stairs, not before i checked my bruises on my shoulder, which thankfully is the hidden shoulder under my top.

Chelsea's Mum POV:

The drive to Heathrow is about 30 minutes away from our lovely home. When Chelsea asked to go and see Luke in these few weeks of half-term, I was excited, to see Jai, Beau, Gina. However then she dropped the bomb shell she wanted to go by herself. My grip on the steering wheel tightened, i kept my eyes on the road, fighting the urge to turn my head and look at my darling Chelsea. Traveling all the way round the world by herself. She's growing up. My little girl turned into a woman in a heart beat, my heartbeat. I'm going to miss her Long brown hair, Her bright green eyes, her laugh, her smile. Luke is a lovely boy, but I couldn't help but feel the tention between Luke and Chelsea last time his family came to London 6 months ago. It wasn't a bad tention, it was... well, intense. 

I pulled up to the airport and turned the car engine off. I turned my head to look at Chelsea, she was already half way out the car door, She literally had a leap in her step. I opened the car door, Doing my best to keep the tears back, she was so happy to leave, i didn't want to spoil that feeling for her. To my surprise, she already opened the car boot door and placed her luggage on the pavement. I quickly scooped her up into my arms and hugged her tightly before she could object.

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