Chapter 27- Part two: All i want for Christmas, is you

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Today was a extremely hot day in Australia. Which made it even harder to believe it was Christmas day. However, to bring a bit of the white Christmas I'm used too in London, I wore a White, strapless, Skater dress with some light grey ankle boots. Not forgetting Robert's necklace. I curled my hair and parted it into half up and half down. I looked into the mirror in my guest room, I didn't feel like i was about to have Christmas dinner. More like an casual outting. My attention was drawn to the new necklace around my neck, I vowed that i wouldn't get too attached, as i have to give it back. I can't accept it on the terms.

I checked the time on my phone. It was mid-day and Skip's friends and family would start arriving soon. I looked at myself one last time in the mirror, and sighed. I miss the old me. I didn't dwell on the thought long, as it would get me emotional, and i would ruin my perfectly done make-up. I stepped out of my room and went downstairs, being careful not to slip on the stairs. I made it to the kitchen injury free. Mr. Sahyoune was busy preparing some food, which smelt great. I'm looking forward to the traditional Christmas dinner. I walked out to the garden and Skip was setting up a long table, which cut right through the middle of his garden. I walked out into his view, and he looked up at me, Still carrying on sorting the seating arrangements. I spun on the spot, showing off this evenings attire. 

"What do you think?" I asked posing. Skip chuckled at my cliche pose.

"Splendid!" He replied, in his best English accent. I giggled and Skip pulled a sad face, as i laughed at his efforts.

"That accent was horrible" I said between fits of laughter.

"Well tonight, Chelsea, You will experience the greatest Christmas party ever! There will be drinking, There will be dancing!" He said, walking towards me and taking my waist and hand. Holding me in the traditional waltz pose. He started rocking side to side, twirling me slowly every so often. 

"I'm looking forward to it" I said, carrying on the conversation. With my heeled ankle boots on, i was almost as tall as Skip, which i was pleased about. I heard the door bell go. Here starts the beginning of maybe a slightly awkward, but great Christmas.

2 hours after Skip's Grandfather arrived, who was the first to arrive, The Brooks family walked through the threshold of the Sahyoune household. I was in the kitchen, opening a can of lager. As girly as i may look, I'm still a tomboy at heart. Screw all of that wine crap. I feminine hand landed on my shoulder, making me jump. I span round to meet Gina. I hugged her tightly with one hand, as my other hand was holding my can of lager. Technically, i was allowed to drink. As the legal drinking age in the UK is 18, even though I'm 17, it still works. 

"How are you?" Gina asked me, in her thick Australian accent.

"I'm good" I say, pulling out of the hug. "Yourself?" I asked, genuinely interested. She repeated what i replied with and i smiled sweetly. After a few minutes of conversation, Gina gestured towards my can in my hand. 

"You're too young to be drinking that!" She said to me, shocked.

"Not in England!" I playfully arugued. Gina obviously didn't know the drinking age was 18 in England not 17, but she seemed to believe me. 

"Where are the boys then?" I asked, trying to casually bring it up in conversation.

"Oh they're about" She said, before being called away.

The whole garden was full of different people, however the only people i knew was the boys and Gina. So i wasn't being extremely sociable.

"Chelsea, You're British, right?" Mr sahyoune randomly honest. I was so close to saying 'No, i just talk like this for fun', but i stopped myself; i just nodded.

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