Chapter 25: Have yourself a merry little Christmas

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I walked through the familiar Melbounre Airport. Noticing how pale i am since i was last here. As it was winter in London, It was summer in Australia, which to me was bazaar. I bared the cold this morning so i wouldn't be sweating buckets here, which i regretted earlier, but now I'm thankful i decided too. I pulled my suitcase behind me, not being able to forget when i came here last summer, When they lost my luggage, so i slept in one of Luke's tops. Which i ended up keeping. I walked down to the collection point and i remembered when i ran to Luke, wrapping myself around him as i wanted to get closer to him, some how. 

For some reason, i expected to see Luke emerge from the crowd infront of me, running, desperate to reach me. But it was clear this wasn't the case as i saw Skip waiting by a book store, recording me walking towards him. I planted a false smile on my face, for the camera and Skip. Also for the people who are going to watch this video, which was probably going on keek. Meaning, Luke would be watching this. I jogged over to him and he embraced me in a hug. I squeezed him tightly. He squeezed me back, tighter. Which was tight enough to cut off my air supply. 

"I cant believe you're really here!" he shouted, picking me up and swinging me about. I giggled at how excited he was.

"You better believe it!" I eventually got out once i captured my breath back. 

He smiled at me sweetly, before taking my bag for me and leading me out to his car. I looked around, half-expecting Beau, Luke, Jai and James to jump out from somewhere but it didn't happen. It was just Skip and his car. Skip unlocked the car, which i thought would be upgraded since the tour, but still was a small, 5 seater, off red polo. He threw my suit case in the boot and we both slid into the two front seats. Skip turned the radio on straight away, singing along to Nicki Minji. I laughed, so hard i was afraid i was going to snort. Skip was singing along, however he didn't know the words so was just mumbling confidently, like i hadn't realised that he doesn't know the words. 

He finally realised i was laughing at him, which was weird considering i was laughing extremely loud. "Hey! what are you laughing at?" he asked me, sounding offended.

"hmm, i wonder!" i replied, sarcastically. He let go of the steering wheel and tickled me. I started to laugh uncontrollably almost instantly. "Please! Stop!" i said between fits of laughter. Eventually, Skip stopped and i was able to get my breath back. 

Once we arrived at Skips house i was exhausted. "You go in, the guest room is up the stairs, down the corridor and the last door on the right" Skip explained. I nodded sleepily and followed his directions. 

I stumbled into the guest room, which had pastel green walls with all the wardrobe, dressing table, bed and bed covers all a pure white. Skip followed in after me and put my suitcase inside the door. "Night Chels" He said, kissing my temple and giving my hand a quick squeeze. I yawned. 

I was too hot to wear P.J's so i just undressed, sleeping in my knickers and bra. I slipped into bed and fell asleep almost instantly.

I heard 5 familiar laughs from downstairs. The first person i thought of was Luke. I jumped out of bed and pulled on my best pair of light blue shorts, and a black vest top with small, different coloured Flowers on. I let my hair down and it fell nicely around my face. I was ready. I quickly ran out of my room and stopped at the top of the stairs.

"We need to think of a new video idea" one voice said.

Everyone else agreed in unison. I took a deep breath and slowly walked down the stairs. This house was old, so as soon as i started walking down the stairs i had all the boys attention. As i came into view of them, they came into view for me. They all looked pretty shocked, which confused me. I would of thought Skip was telling them i was coming to stay? apparently not. I half-smiled at them and went into the toilet, next door. I locked the door and pressed my back against it. Catching my breath. Did they all hate me? Is that why Skip didn't want to tell them i was coming? I took a deep breath out.

I discovered that i could hear their conversation from hiding in the bathroom. 

"What is she doing here?" asked Jai.

"She was going to be all alone at home on Christmas. So i invited her over" Skip explained.

"Why didn't you tell me?" Luke sounded hurt.

There was a long silence, Skip was stuttering a few times, probably trying to find the right words.

"You finally started to get over her, i was just going to keep her hidden for her stay" Skip admitted.

"Wait, Why did she break it off with you?" Beau asked Luke seriously.

"Like you don't know" Luke snapped at him.

 "I actually don't" Beau said, sincerely.

"She ended us, for you" He spat at Beau.

"No she didn't. Believe it or not, she ended it with me and her too. Not that there was much to end" He snapped back at Luke. There was a silence. A silence i wasn't comfortable walking out into. 

"Not that it matters now" Beau said smugly. "Now you have Alaska" Beau added. 

Alaska? Who the hell is Alaska? And why wont he need me now that 'Alaska' was on the scene.

"She's a bitch, why are you even going out with her, Luke?" James said, with a hint of disappointment in her voice.

Luke was dating someone else? I unlocked the door and ran out. I ran past the living room and out the corner of my eye i saw all the boys watching me run past. I ran out the front door, and sat on the front deck. Looking out onto the street. I heard light footsteps, following me out. I hadn't realised i was crying until now, so i quickly wiped my eyes, hoping they wouldn't be too red and puffy. An arm slipped around my shoulders, and i turned to my left, to see James. I leaned into him and rested my head on his shoulder.

"He's only dating Alaska to fill the hole you created" James whispered. I tensed up again under James's arm. Using all mt will power to stay strong, and not show that it bothers me.

"Luke can date who ever he wants to" I said, trying not to snap at him. James rubbed my arm and i rested my head on his shoulder.

"Luke loves you, and always will" James whispered before getting up and leaving me on the porch by myself. If Luke was only dating Alaska to make me jealous, it was game on. I didn't even know who this Alaska girl is, but she's got a storm coming her way that's for sure. Now all i got to do is find someone to make Luke jealous. I don't want to go back to Beau again, or any of the boys at all. Suddenly, i got a brainwave. I gasped and ran out into the streets of Melbourne, to find my man.

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