Chapter 16: Changes

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I walked into the normal hallway of my home. I heard my mum in the kitchen. I dumped my suitcases on the floor and walked into the kitchen. My mum was there, making a cuppa. I smiled. 'Hey mum' i say, propping myself onto the kitchen counter. 'Hey sweetie, how was LA?' She asked casually. I think she was starting to get used to me flying all around the world for the boys. 'It was great' I said unenthusiastically. It really was great, but i was still upset that i had leave Luke, and Lucy left me to go home by myself. My mum didn't notice the pain in my answer and just carried on happily. 'I have an surprise for you!' She said excitedly. A little pick me up is just what i needed. A smile spread across my face for the first time since i left LA. I love surprises. 'Well, while you were away, i brought you a bungalow!' My face dropped. Was she actually serious? 'Wait, you want me to move out?' I asked shocked. She nodded. 'Isn't it great?' She squealed while jumping up and down on the spot. This woman was crazy. 'Mum, I'm 17...' I tried to explain. 'Yes and it's about time you start looking after yourself, its okay though, the whole house has furniture and I'll pay for rent and give you money for food' She explained. 'So I'm basically just not going live here while you still pay for everything?' I asked confused. She nodded. 'Isn't it great?!' She insisted again. I just had to nod. Atleast i wont have to worry about getting in late. 'And the greatest thing is, You're moving in with Sam!' She squealed. Now that, made me happy. The smile returned onto my face, bigger than ever. 'Where is he now?' I asked, looking around my kitchen, like he was going to jump out from behind the door. 'She's at your house' She said with a wink, while wiggling a set of keys in front of my face. I snatched them from her hands and squealed with excitement. 'I've left you a few boxes and suitcases to pack your clothes and things' she explained. 'And i'll take your furniture over now, I've got it all packed up in the car' I nodded. This was so exciting, But why did my own mother want to get rid of me?

My mum was driving my bed, wardrobe etc over, while i was packing all my things up. Most of my clothes were already packed up from LA, so i really just had to pack up books, perfume, stuff like that. It came to the point where i was packing up photos. I decided to look through them while doing so. There was loads from Lucy's 17th. Us lot all acting stupid, but we didn't care who saw, or what they thought about us. I packed them away gladly. Then i came to pictures from the 2 weeks i was in Melbourne. It made all the good memories come flowing back, and the heartbreak of having to leave. I couldn't look at these anymore, and just shoved them into the box will all my other stuff. I went to where my wardrobe was before my mother took it to my house, i just love the sound of that, My house. There was still a few more bits of clothing left and i just screwed them up and put them into the box with all my shoes in. While closing it i noticed Luke's white V neck shirt. The shirt i walked into the kitchen with when i first met Ariana. I smiled as i held it into my hands. I heard the front door slam shut. And i quickly shoved it back into the box. 'Chels? Sam has sorted your room out, putting your furniture up' She shouted up to me. 'You ready to leave?' She screamed, with a hint of excitement in her voice. 'Yeah' I screamed back. I picked up the two lightest boxes and carried them out to the car. And carried this on until my room was completely empty. I remembered to pick up my suitcases from LA too. My mum drove me to my house. It occurred to me i had no idea where it was, yet it was still my house. Well, mine and Sam's anyway.

My mum pulled up to the house and it looked quite small for a 2 bedroom bungalow. She started unpacking my things from the car while i slowly started to walk inside, taking it all in. There was a short pathway to the 3 steps going up to the front door. Either side of the steps was small, rectangle patches of grass, and next to the grass on my right, was a detached garage. I got to the doorstep and put the key into the dark brown wood door and opened it. There was a cream carpet that started straight away and throughout the whole house but the bathroom and kitchen. In front of me was a massive kitchen, To my right there was two wooden doors that lead to the living room. Which had one 3 seater sofa and two arm chairs, which surrounded a fireplace against the cream coloured wall and a TV in the far left corner, which all 3 seats faced. Behind the 3 seater sofa was a 6 seater table and a cabinet for glasses. When you walk out of the living room, with the kitchen on the left and the front door on your right, there's a Study with a hallway on the left. The study was small and can only fit a small desk. At the end of the hallway was Sam's room. on the left side was my room, the master bedroom, of course. And on the right was a bathroom. It was small, but perfect. 

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