Chapter 7: Goodbye

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I woke up to the sunlight streaming through the windows of my guestroom. Wait- How did i get into the guestroom? I put myself up onto my elbows and looked around. One of the boys must have moved me this morning. I got up and opened the wardrobe, Everything was packed expect from afew bits of clothing Ariana brought me, So i tried finding some appropriate and comfortable to wear for the journey home. Thankfully, i found a pair of skinny jeans and a flowery crop top. I managed to squeeze all the rest of the clothes into my suitcases i remember were once lost at the start of the week. I went into the en-suite and brushed my teeth and just threw my hair into a bun. I looked around the guestroom and it looked empty, probably because it was. I've only spent 2 weeks here but its left like 2 days. I opened the guestroom door and walked to the kitchen, remembering every corner of the hall for when I'm back in London.

Luke is standing in front of the cooker shirtless, of course, and cooking breakfast. I leaned against the doorway, absorbing my surroundings. I couldn't help but smile. It look him a while to realise i was there, but when he did he got embarrassed and started blushing, He smiled and it was stuck on his face, he looked back to the cooker.

'Hey beautiful' He says as i walked over.

I stood behind him and wrapped my arms around his shoulders. I kissed his bare shoulder blade and rested my cheek on it as he carried on cooking breakfast.

'Hungry?' He asked

'I am but i wouldn't risk food poisoning to eat your food' I quickly replied pointing to the substance in the pan. I laughed and he sighed.

'I'm not really the expert chef' He admitted while chuckling

The food was burnt to a crisp. I hope he wasn't expecting me to eat it. We could just feed it to Skip, little gremlin. I let go of Luke's shoulders and sat up onto the counter. 'How did i end up in my room?' I asked, curious. 

'We all woke up this morning quite early this morning and we didn't want to disturb you, so Beau carried you to your room' He answered.

Beau? i thought i would of woken up if Beau carried me, He's always so strong and crushing. Really, it just gives me more of a reason to like Beau, He's proved me wrong about him in so many ways. It proves he can look after me. Not that i need him too.


Luke had gone out with Jai, probably for food shopping, i was left in the house with Beau. Great. As much as i like him it doesn't take way the fact that i feel guilty when ever he touches me, however when he does i never want him to stop.

I could hear Beau calling me from his room, i was reluctant to go in as i've never been in his room before, but i went in anyway. 'Hey my little English girl' He got up from his bed and walked over to me. I loved it when he called me that, even though i was his little English girl. I smiled anyway

He was standing right in front of me and raised his hands. I raised mine to his and he intertwined our fingers. He leaned down and pressed his forehead against mine. 'I'm going to miss you, Beau' I couldn't keep it in any longer. It was true, it came out like word vomit. A painful smile spread across his face. I untangled out fingers and cupped his face. I crushed my lips onto his and he kissed me back. I suddenly found myself off the floor and my legs were wrapped around his hips, like the way i hugged Luke when i first got here at the airport. He broke the kiss at my lips, giving me love bites down my neck, not acknowledging that there are already some there. i just wanted to be close to him, and when i was close to him I wanted to be closer. I some how managed to pull his top up over his head without falling onto my ass like a twat, and Beau was about to pull my top over my head when there was a knock at the door. I snapped out of it. When ever I'm with Beau, it's like I'm in a trance.

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