Chapter 4: Still think I cant Surf?

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Chelsea's POV:

The first week in Melbourne was over. It was Monday afternoon and i was leaving on Sunday. There's no way in hell I'm going to make it back in time for school on Monday and I'll probably be recovering from my Jet lag on Tuesday. Me and Luke are back to normal now, but i doubt we would be for very long if he found out i slept with Beau. I didn't sleep sleep with him, I just slept in the same bed as him. But anyway, The past few nights Luke has been sleeping with me, in the guest bedroom. I think he knows as well as anyone that its almost time to go home. Ariana had gone home now, and i missed her. We were constantly texting but when i go back to London, it'll be hard too. 

Today was my lazy day. I'll probably be reading all day. I was in my shorts, Luke's white V neck shirt and James's checkered shirt which was wrapped around my waist. I think all the boys went out to make a video, so there was only be and Gina left in the house. Gina walked into the living room, I looked up from my book. 'Hey Gina' a smile was growing on my face. I always loved talking to Gina. 

'Hey Chels, Good book?' She asked gesturing to my book.

'Yeah, amazing actually. Its Beautiful Creatures. Luke brought it for me'

'Luke brought it for you? count yourself Lucky, i cant even get him to make me a coffee!' We giggled together.

'I'm going to miss you Gina, i don't want to leave.' Gina gave me a sympathetic smile and sat down on the sofa next to me. She put her arm around the back of my shoulders and rubbed my arm to sooth me. 

'I know you don't want too, Sweat heart, But we will make this last week as memorable as we can. I'll even allow Luke to sleep in the guest room with you' I looked up at Gina and she winked at me. How did she know Luke was staying with me?

'You don't think I'm stupid do you? I see Luke sneaking out of your room first thing in the morning!' I blushed and buried my head in her shoulder. I loved my relationship with Gina, She was like my second mother. So comforting, so sweet. 'You understand how hard this will be, don't you? Long Distance relationships aren't a walk in the park, you have to trust each other' I nodded. I understood what Gina was saying. 

Mine and Ginas moment was cut off when the boys all bundled into the living room. James saw me and Gina and hit Luke's arm. 'Hey Luke, your mum is showing Chels your baby pictures' James was in fits of laughter. Luke punched him in the stomach and then he started laughing at James. Luke looked over at me and half-smiled, I looked down at the floor then looked up to him and winked. He ran his hands through his hair and laughed to himself. 

'So i can see you've been helping yourself to out clothes then' Skip happened to mention.

'Well you lot all share clothes so i thought i'd join the trend' 


I picked up my phone and it was 11:02PM. The day had flew by, Probably because i was on twitter and watching movies for most of it. Ariana and I have been tweeting each other and alot of her fans had noticed. Some of them were hate for some odd reason, but most of them were admiring our friendship. 'So Chels, hows it going with YOU KNOW WHO;-)'. My mentions went crazy. Why could people want to know who it was? for all they knew i was just some random, old friend who Ariana recently got in touch with. 'Who on earth do you mean?;-)' i tweeted back. Almost instantly she replied. 'Oh so you want me to expose them on twitter?!' i laughed and decided to reply tomorrow morning.

Luke jumped onto the bed, lying on his stomach. 'We're gonna take a selfie' he demanded. He sat himself next to me and he got his iPhone out. He got up the camera and placed his lips on my cheek. Luke took the picture and before i could see it he put it on Instagram and Twitter. While he was doing this i demanded he show me it but refused. I started to get irritated so slapped his arm. He stopped what he was doing instantly.

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