Chapter 19: A night to remember

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I brought my knees up to my chest. Making sure i was covered up as my dress was an black and white Aztec pattern, tight fitting dress which was quite short, and i matched it with black heels. I stopped crying on the stairs now, and was just resting my forehead on my knees, staring down at my lap. I heard footsteps walking into my direction. I didn't change my posture, hopping whoever it was they would just walk on. I was still on the stairs and i thought the heavy footed person was just walking past, but he sat on the stair up to me, rubbing my bareback as my dress was low cut. Their touch was familiar and i looked up to see who it was. Thankfully, it wasn't Beau or Luke or Sam. It was James. I launched myself at him, almost knocking him onto his back. He wrapped one arm around my waist and the other to steady himself, taking my weight and his. 

'You're just the person i needed to see right now' I said, really meaning it. He chucked and i pulled away from the hug, now James being able to sit up straight. He had a smile on his face before it suddenly dropped when he saw the redness of my eyes. 'Chelsea? Whats the matter?' He asked, concerned. I sat back onto the stair below him, realising what i was upset about. It got me all worked up again. I stood up and lent against the off colour white wall. 'I cant deal with this pain anymore, of constantly missing someone, the agony that swirls inside my stomach when i leave either of them, and most of all, leading both of them on further and further and not knowing who is the correct decision. I like them both so much and i don't want to see either of them get hurt' I blurted out while pacing the width of the hallway, which was only 3 steps. I shoved my palms into my eyes and slid down the wall. James sighed sympathetically. 'Why are they even interested, I'm the ugliest person alive, scrap that, ugliest person dead or alive. Why would two rising stars be into me' I mumbled into my knees. James chuckled. 'Chelsea, You're one of the prettiest girls i've ever seen. Who wouldn't be interested in you? Apart from me of course, Veronica is the one for me' He trialled off. I grunted and slammed my head back onto the wall. It sent a lighting bolt shock of pain from the back of my head to the front. 'Woah, don't do that, Chels. Have you forgotten that you were unconscious a few days ago?' He told me off. I rubbed my forehead. 'James, what should i do?' I asked, needy. He shrugged. 'Well they're both staying with you for a few days, make your mind up before they leave, you're clever, you can make it work' He said simply.

Myself and James were walking back to the green room, arm-in-arm. 'Wait' I say stopping James in his tracks. 'Does it look like i've been crying?' I asked, bringing my face into the light. He focused on my face and shook his head. I let out a sigh of relief and linked my arm with James's once more. I walked in and it was like i never left. They were still jumping about. Jai ran to me and picked me up. Wrapping his arms around my butt, lifting me off my feet and spinning me around. The only way to steady myself way to put my hands on his shoulders and look down at him. I giggled and he screamed as he was still pumped, as they finished the last show, i don't blame them. Jai put me down and i kissed him on the cheek and he blushed. I left a lipstick mark and laughed at him, deciding not to tell him and let him walk around like that. I looked to my side to see James had already ran off to tackle Skip. I laughed as i watched them wrestle each other. Luke threw his arm over my shoulder and i smirked to myself, avoiding his glaze. He brought his lips close to my cheek bone. So could i could feel his hot breath on my skin, and his lips graze across my skin. It made my knees wobble, however i just made it look like my heels where too tall for me, which they were. Usually i would just pass the centre of his neck in height, but with these heels on i was ear height. So he didn't need to bend down very far to reach me. I tried to hide my smile but i didn't do a very good job. His thumb rubbed my bare skin on my arm, past the short sleeves. It sent hot shivers down my spine, if that was possible. He seemed different tonight, more confident, more physcial and sexual. 'Wanna get out of here?' He whispered. Grazing his lips down by my jaw line now. 'I would love too-' I said, yet before i could finish my sentence he already tried to drag me out the door. I was pulled out into the hallway and pushed against the wall just beyond the door. I put my hands on Luke's chest, he pressed his body against mine, getting as close as he could. I could feel his abs through his shirt against my stomach. It was like we melted into each other. He leaned into kiss me, but i moved way, avoiding it. 'But-' I said carrying on the conversation. 'I'm a good girl' I said, winking at him. He sighed and smiled at me, looking down at my lips. All of the thoughts i had earlier had just floated away, at the slightest touch. Luke's slightest touch.

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