Chapter 21: London adventure

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I walked through my front door and Luke was the only one in. I could see him lying on the sofa, on his phone, not very surprising. I dumped my school bag by the door and almost ran into my living room. I was excited to see Luke, for some strange reason. Lately, i have been swaying to Luke. I've been craving his attention and presence more, and i think Beau has noticed it too. I lifted Luke's feet up and sat where they lied, eventually pulling them back onto my lap again. He drew his attention was from his phone briefly, to look at what I'm wearing, before his attention going back on his phone. 'You look cute in your uniform' He said behind his phone, smirking. I got the vibe that he was taking the mick out of me. 'I know its hideous but that doesn't give you the right to take the piss!' I screamed. He laughed even more. 'oh yeah? what are you gonna do about it?' he said smugly yet playfully. 'Well' I said, stroking my chin as if i had a long beard. 'I could not take you out to London tonight?' I said, looking at him in the corner of my eyes. Luke's eyes opened wide and he smiled. He had been pestering me for days to take him around London, so he wasn't going to pass up a window of opportunity. He jumped up and embraced me in a tight hug, swaying me side to side, before he kissed my cheek forcefully. I laughed. 'I'll go get changed then' I said, i don't think Luke heard what i said because he was too busy fangirling.

I walked into my room and shut the door, pulling my shirt and sweater off together and then stepping out of my shoes and skirt, taking off my high knee socks too. I walked into my wardrobe and just pulled on a white lacey tank top and a pair of white wash jeans, matching it with a pair of light brown ankle boots. When i came to a mirror i looked at my reflection for a while, and sighed to myself. I will never be any ones vision of perfect. How could i? I ripped myself away from my thoughts before i made myself upset. Luke burst through my door at the right moment. 'You ready to go?' He asked excitedly. I laughed and nodded. Before i could react he grabbed my hand and pulled me to the front door. I picked up my handbag as Luke pulled me through the door. As neither me or Luke drived, we would have to take the train. We were on the way to the train station and it was obvious that Luke was ecstatic to go on the underground, but to me, it was a boring, everyday travel route. He ran his hand down my arm and when he reached my hand he intertwined our fingers. 'I'm so happy to be here with you' He whispered into my hair as he walked closer to me. I felt the colour run into my cheeks and he chuckled at me. He enjoyed having this effect on me.

Me and Luke sat down in our seats just as the train started moving towards Waterloo. Luke took my hand which was resting on the arm rest. For most of the train journey we were just talking, Luke got the occasional stare, probably people trying to figure out if its Luke brooks or where his accent is from. "We should do an awkward train situation" Luke said esthetically as he started imagining the video. 'Yeah, if you want to get stabbed' I added. He looked at me confused. "People in London aren't as.." I was trying to look for the right word. "Tamed as the people in Australia" I explained. He laughed at me softly and looked around the train at the dodgy teenagers in the corner which don't want their faces on camera, so hide under their snap backs and hoods. He relaxed back into the seat and took my hand once more. "I think you're right" he said chuckling. I giggled and pecked him on the lips. 

I knew Waterloo station like the back of my hand, which is good because its probably as confusing as a maze. It doesn't help that there is thousands of people running past you to get to their trains left right and centre. i managed to pull Luke out of the crowd and we walked towards the London eye. His face lit up when he saw it. "You wanna go on?" I asked him, i already knew the answer. He grabbed my hand and pulled me towards the ticket booth, where you brought the tickets. 

We walked into one of the pods of the London eye and Luke ran straight to the end, ready to take in the sights of London from incredible heights. More people started flooding in, but it wasn't crowded. I was leaning on the bar, looking out onto my hometown from a place i've stood many times before. View's like these will never get old. Luke slid his arms around my waist and stood behind me. He rested his chin on my shoulder. Moments like these i will never forget. Luke got his phone out and brought the camera up. I smiled at him and he held the camera out infront of us. He kissed my cheek and held it there. He took the picture and i moved my head from facing forward to facing him. He took my cheek with his remaining hand and kissed me gently. Then i heard the click of the camera. For the second time today the colour flowed into my cheeks. I pulled away from the kiss that was burning brighter after every second, but kept my face close. "You better delete that picture" i warned him, playfully. He just smiled at me, that sweet, cheeky smile, and carried on looking at the view's of London. We were quite high up now, and the whole rotation takes about half an hour, but it felt like 30 seconds.

We came off the London eye and Luke took my hand once more, as if he was afraid to lose me. Today will be a great day. Next, was London Dungeons, which was my favourite London attraction. As we were queuing up, Luke still hand my hand, and his was shaking. I laughed at him. "Aw is little Lukey scared?" I said, patronizing him, while pouting my bottom lip. Luke giggled nervously. "of course not, i'm here to protect you babe" he said confidently with a wink. I rolled my eyes. Of course he was going to act like nothing-scares-me-guy, especially here. 

It was hilarious, Luke kept jumping and screaming at everything that jumped around the corner. I tried ti comfort him but he still insisted that he wasn't scared. I had been here so many times i could work here without any training. But this was Luke's first time in London Dungeons, so i suppose i should cut him some slack, after i've taken the complete and utter piss though, which i will definitely enjoy. It was getting dark and the old-fashioned lamp post's lit up, which ran along the river Thames. It was getting less busy in central London at this point, so me and Luke could be more intimate if you'd like. It got to 9PM and it was quite dark, we were leaning on the railing looking over the Thames. It was romantic, It's like we were in an old movie. He smiled at me, looking down at my lips. Luke's muscled arms circled my waist. He drew me towards him, and i could feel the clean line of our two bodies connecting- Legs tangled up in legs, hips pressed into hips, chests breathing in time with each other. Luke pinned me against the stone boarder of the river, pulling me closer until i couldn't move, until he had me exactly where he wanted me. He smiled at me and played with his lip ring, which he knew sent bolts of electricity through my body.

He started really kissing me, softly at first. Then gave me sweet and tender kisses along my jawline and down my neck, making me tilt my head back. Luke returned to my lips, kissing me with intensity i was worried he was about to leave me. My second kiss of the day, and i couldn't help but compare them. Beau's kiss was gentle, and too perfect. Which made me think he had practiced on many girls before me. But Luke's current kiss made me feel like there was a fire burning brighter between us. He was almost desperate, which helped me remember why. He was leaving soon, and once again i would be left here without him. All these thoughts went through my mind without me and Luke breaking the passionate lock of out lips. I started to cry, slowly tears rolling down my face, one by one. Luke had obviously felt them too as he pulled away and rested his forehead on mine. Our breathing was heavy, and he wiped away every tear that rolled down my cheek. "Is something wrong?" he asked, scared for my answer. "I'm going to miss you so much" i whispered to him. He brung my head to his shoulder and hushed me. "I will always be here for you" He whispered into my hair. It started to rain and my tears and rain drops got mixed up, which went into my favour. He wrapped his jacket around me, and took my hand. As the rain got heavier his black top stuck to his chest and i couldn't help but look. What am i going to do without him?

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