Chapter 2: No longer my mind

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Chelsea's POV:

It had been 8 hours, 12 minutes and 29 seconds since Luke kissed me. The kiss was so passionate, its like it was building up in his body and he just, well let it all out. The thought of his outburst had invaded every part of my mind, i wasn't able to hide from it anywhere.

I lye in bed, looking at the white ceiling but struggling to see because it was late at night. I closed my eyes and rubbed them constantly, there was no way i'll be sleeping tonight. I sat up and looked around the currently dark guest room. I've stayed in this room many times before, why does it suddenly feel different? I huffed and threw myself back into bed, i rolled around until i found a comfortable spot. I finally started to drift of to sleep, my eye lids started to get heavier. Suddenly, the loudest thunder noise i have ever heard made me jump out of my skin. I almost fell out of the bed. I crawled over my bed to get to the window, it was raining, hard. And the lighting was no where to be seen, but i could definitely hear the thunder. I lied back down into bed, looks like a good night sleep is out of the question.

After about 30 minutes, the thunder was getting louder and louder. I remember as children, me and Luke used to hide under one of our beds when there was a thunder storm, Because.. He was scared, and always has been scared of thunder. I propped my myself up onto my elbows and looked at my door. I let out a huff and got out of bed, quickly walking towards the door but slowly opening it, looking out into the corridor too see if anyone was there. Lucky for me, Luke and Jai's room was just across the hall. I did a little run on my tiptoes and slowly opened the boys room door.

Luke's POV:

I hear the squeaking of my door, i prop myself up onto my elbows and see Chelsea emerge behind it. This was a surprise, when i kissed her she didn't say another word to me, just left the room. She's hardly said anything for the rest of the day, the only reason she has talked to me is because Mum's now home and i don't think she wants her to know that something happened. She looks at Jai's bunk and see's that hes completely out of it. She laughed to herself and walked towards me. My eyes followed her around the room, its like she was a magnet. She finally reached my bed and stood there looking down at me.

"You scared?"  she asked

"No, I'm just missing some company"

"Luke, you're scared, its okay. Now let me into your fucking bed before i beat you up" she said playfully. I threw the bed sheet back and almost instantly she got in. I threw the bed sheet back over her. She took her usual place, snuggled up into my chest. Her warmth radiated off her, its was enough to put anyone in a good mood. I played with her hair, and she just lied there, peacefully. It was a long time before she said something.

"Luke, I'm sorry i just left earlier, i was shocked- i didn't know what to do i-" she just stopped her sentence there, not even attempting to carry on.

"Its okay, i was pretty shocked myself." she let out a sigh of relief and i kissed the top of her head. The sun started to come up, and i think Chelsea finally got to sleep, i closed my eyes and slowly drifted off...

When i woke up, Chelsea was gone. But i could still hear Jai's snoring. I got out of bed trying to get the sleep out of my eyes, i walked up to the window and looked outside, it was very bright and sunny, which was nice after last nights thunder storm. I put some tracksuit bottoms on over my boxers and didn't bother putting a shirt on. I walked out into the hallway and into the kitchen. Chelsea and Ariana were laughing while both holding a cup of tea.

"Hey girls" i said while getting bowl and cereal out.

"Hey" they both said simultaneously, they looked at each other and giggled. Chelsea was abit star stuck, i could tell. I'm used to Ariana being around now. Shes such a nice girl, Jai is so in love with her its unreal. I started to make breakfast and the girls where exchanging 'worst date stories'. it was quite funny to overhear, Chelsea's first date included a guy taking her to a scary movie at the cinema and rocking back and thorth in his seat, jumping at parts that aren't meant to be scary. I laughed to myself when i heard that, however it was hard to think of Chelsea going on a date with someone who's not me. I leaned against the Kitchen side.

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