Chapter 13: First Date

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Luke moved his hand from my back to my head. Slowly stroking my hair. 'Whats going on with you two?' Asked skip, curiously. Still thinking i was asleep. Luke was still stroking my hair when he answered. 'I'm not sure' He quickly replied. That hurt me, that hurt me a lot. How could he not know? He kissed me on stage in front of hundreds of fans for crying out loud. 'Then why did you kiss her?' Lucy added. 'You know, on stage?' He said into Skip's chest. 'I don't know, it was my insistent. I hadn't seen her for so long, it just happened'. It was basically like i was ear wigging. This just shows he has no emotional interest in me, it was all physical. which broke my heart. 

'Do you love her?' Lucy asked, very forwardly. there was a long pause. The silence was deafening. They were patiently waiting for the answer, and so was i. 'I suppose i do, yeah' Luke said. I wanted to kiss him so bad at this moment, to feel his hand grip my hair to keep my close. But he's giving me mixed messages. And it's confusing. I felt his lips kiss the top of my head and him and Skip slipped out the room carefully. I didn't want Lucy to know i was still awake, so just fell to sleep, for real this time.

I woke up, still in my dress and my shoes. It was quite early, like 9AM and Lucy was still asleep. I got up and got changed into my bikini and took my make up off just in case i decided to go for a swim. I picked up a towel and a book and went down to the pool side. I sat down on one of the many available sun loungers and put my ray bands on. It was quite hot and sunny, but i could see some dark clouds in the distance. Which indicated that it might rain at some point today. I started reading The Host, By Stephenie Meyer. I reckoned it may be good considering I'm a huge twilight fan. And i was right, It was amazing. I couldn't help but compare myself to Melanie and Wanda. They were the same person, technically, and she had to choose between two boys, Who could offer her different things. One who she has had history with or a new guy. Which is the exact position I'm in, except i haven't got an alien in my head taking over my body. I must of been reading for a long time because Lucy and the boys walked into the pool area and look the sun loungers either side of me. Beau took the last sun lounger to my right, and Lucy took the sun lounger to my left, next to Skip. Of course. Luke was the furthest away from me, which is what i needed at the moment.

Beau stood up and nudged my shoulder. I looked up at him and his perfectly toned body, And he gestured to the pool. I didn't want to go in so i disagreed with him. He sighed and the next thing i know he threw me over his shoulder. I threw my book onto my sun lounger because i knew where this was going. His hands were warm on my bare legs. I playfully hit his back and he was laughing hysterically. 'No! Beau! Put me down!' I screamed. I suddenly had the attention of all the boys and Lucy. Beau was laughing and he finally reached the side of the pool. He carried me like i was a rag doll. He changed the way he was carrying me, from fireman style to cradle. 'Ready?' he asked while looking at the water. 'Beau, Put me down!' I screamed, Wrapping my arms around his neck tighter, hoping some how it would stop me from going into the water. Suddenly, He jumped into the pool with me in his arms. We sunk to the bottom of the pool and he pressed his lips against mine. I cupped his face and then i realised i couldn't breathe. I broke off the kiss and swam up to the surface. I gasped for air and the noise of laughter hit me. I wiped the water away from my eyes and saw everyone still in their lounge chairs, laughing. Lucy was laughing the most. I swan to the poolside and got out. I pulled Lucy off her sun lounger and she started screaming. I tugged her arm far enough to push her into the pool. I stood at the poolside watching her under the water, and i laughed at her when she came back up. I could hear Skip getting up. He was obviously going to push me in, and in the last second before he was going to push me, i moved out of the way so he fell in himself. At this point everybody was in hysterics.

I looked over my shoulder at James and Luke and they didn't look like they were gonna take part. James was on the phone to Veronica and Luke was sulking for some strange reason. So i cannon ball'ed in. Splashing everyone. We all swam to the shallower end of the pool and decided to have a shoulder battle. If you're not sure of what that is, its when Two guys and girls are in a pool and there's two teams. The girl gets on the guys shoulders and then the two girls try and knock each other into the water. So i got into Beau's shoulders and Lucy got into Skips. I was obviously going to win, I use my muscles daily for football and the only muscles Lucy uses are the ones in her thumbs when she text's. Beau carefully placed me onto his shoulders. He was so gentle with me. Skip was walking towards us, with Lucy on her shoulders. When Lucy got close enough, we interlocked hands and all i had to do is pull her toward and she fell off. I put my arms up in victory and Beau did it with me. He slowly fell backwards and we both fell into the water. Once i was off his shoulders and still under the water, he grabbed me by my waist and pulled me to the surface. Just so he could keep his hands on my waist afterwards, which was a sneaky move, but cute.

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