Chapter 11: I hopped off the plane at LAX

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Guys i know the boys started their tour in Glasgow, but I'm changing it for the story line. So please dont leave comments telling me that they started it in Glasgow because i know. Thankyou, Vote and add to your reading lists! It helps me out alot:-).


'Well, me and the boys start touring in LA. And Ariana is coming which the boys know about, but if we fly you over, Will you surprise James, Skip, Luke and Beau?' He asked. I was so happy. 

'Of course! do you even need to ask?! i would love to! i cant wait to see you all!' I was so happy. I was almost in tears. I was going to LA, to surprise the boys, on stage. I cant believe it i really cant. 

'Haha, also Ariana organised for you to bring someone along too' he added. This was getting better and better. Lucy is gonna freak. We're both 17 now, were old enough to take care of ourselves. My mum should say yes as its the boys. She knows them. Its just Lucy's parents im worried about. They should say yes though, shes allowed to do everything.

'I love you so much right now Jai' It was the truth, i did.

'The thing is, we're in LA in 3 days. So I've sent the money for the plane tickets into your bank and you buy them for next Friday' he explained.

3 days. My mum isn't back until next Wednesday. I'll just have to TELL her I'm going on her answer machine. 'Okay I'll do it ASAP! Thank you so much Jai, I'll see you in LA!;-)'.

I ran to the computer and went onto the British Airways website. While doing this i was texting Ariana. She said she can pick us up and drop us off at the hotel, but it was the same hotel as the boys are staying in, so we would have to sneak about, which sounds like fun. I booked the tickets for 5AM. Even though i hadn't asked Lucy yet i still brought two. I could always ask someone else, but i know she wants to meet skip. The flights were all booked and paid for, and then i quickly called Lucy. After i called her twice, she picked up.


'Hey Lucy, it's Chels. How do you feel about coming to LA with me to meet the boys on Friday?' I asked casually.

She literally fangirled down the phone to me. 'I'M GOING TO MET SKIP OMG CHELSEA, CHELSEA YES YES YES YES OKAY YES.' I laughed.

'What about your parents though?' i asked. 

'They let me go anywhere, they'll be fine with it!' 

'Okay well the plane leaves Heathrow at 5AM so do you wanna stay round mine the night before?' I suggested. She agreed and we hung up.

I was going to see Beau and Luke in a matter of days, and i cant tell them. This was gonna kill me but it will be worth it.


It was Thursday night and Lucy just got here, pulling her 3 suitcases behind her. I raised an eyebrow when she came through my door. I laughed and she hugged me. 'I cant believe were going to LA!' she screamed. 'I know!' I replied and we held hands and jumped up and down. 'You'll have to stay with Ariana when i go on stage, I'll introduce you to them afterwards okay!' She nodded and squealed again. We were both so excited. We spent most of the night deciding what each other should wear for the show. She picked out something Ariana brought for me. Obviously. (See outfit in Multimedia) With glossy cream heels. Which i was surprised with actually. I thought she would dress me up like some sort of slut! I picked out some demin shorts with white lace around the pockets, a white lace crop top which the straps crossed around the back and black ankle boots for her. She seemed pretty happy with hers too. It showed off her best features, legs, bum and boobs. 

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