Chapter 26: It's like kissing a relative

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I sat outside Starbucks on Melbourne high street. I remember when i came here with Ariana, after our shopping trip. She convinced me that Luke genuinely liked me and we were cute together. The early days, before everything went wrong. I did feel childish, getting with someone to make Luke jealous. But what else am i meant to do?

"Hey" a familiar voice said behind me. I blushed and turned around to imminently hug him close. My head fit perfectly in between his neck and shoulder. His arms wrapped around my waist and held me close. I felt his muscles flex and i had to keep in a giggle which was hard. He was just trying to show off. I pulled away reluctantly.

"Robert Thorne, You're filling out!" i said, while poking his arm. I did feel bad i was basically using him, but i couldn't lose Luke. Especially to 'Alaska'. God even the name pisses me off.

He chuckled and looked to the floor, ruffling his hair and flexing his arm in the process. "Cheers Chels, How have you been? I haven't seen you since London" He said, bringing me in for another hug. He squeezed me tightly and put me down again once more. 

"I've been good!" Lie. "Skip invited me over for Christmas" I explained. Robert nodded along while each sentence, which was getting quite irritating.

"It's great to see you again" he said. I nodded in agreement. I got an unexpected phone call. I didn't bother to see who it was and just answered it.

"Hello?" I asked.

"Hey, its Skip. Dinners ready if you wanna make your way home. You can bring who ever you're with there's plenty to go round" 

"Okay, sure" I said nodding, as if he could see me. "I'll be back soon" And i hung up.

"Who was that?" Asked Robert, like it was any of his business. 

"It was Skip, Fancy coming round for dinner?" I asked. Robert nodded eagerly. I held my hand out and he took it, intertwining our fingers. We walked in silence, occasionally glancing at each other and smiling awkwardly. This was the difference between Luke and Robert. Me and Luke always had something to say, As well as that, Luke was more confident, Which i was really attracted too. However with Robert, he's afraid to touch me, catch him looking at me or even to say the wrong thing. He was cute, don't get me wrong, he just wasn't my type.

We arrived back at Skip's house, still hand in hand. I got closer to him as we walked up to the front porch, Putting my remaining hand on Roberts bicep. We walked through the door and we were welcomed by the sound of people chatting amongst themselves and the clinking of cutlery. We walked into the kitchen and the chatting lowered into a hushed tone. I smiled at all the boys, and as i came round to Luke, he had his arm round a bleached blonde hair, skinny, boobie, barbie girly girl, in a tight pink dress, she had her boobs pushed up to her chin and she spent so much time putting make-up on, she looked like a drag queen. I just glared at them both. When i noticed Luke was doing the same thing to Robert, whose arm i was clinging off. 

"Guys, This is Robert" I presented him to the group and they all replied with the predictable 'Hello's' and 'how are you?' crap. I lead Robert to a remaining two seats and Robert helped himself to the BBQ spread laid out by Skip. 

It hadn't been as awkward as i thought it would be. Probably because Luke and 'Alaska' segregated themselves from the rest of the group, sitting in a corner not even talking. I needed some air, seeing them together was killing me. I excused myself, and stepped out the back door, which was connected to the back of the kitchen. I sped past Luke and The Bitch-mobile without giving them a second glance, and headed out into the garden. The hot hair was hard to breathe in, but i suppose the boy's were used to the mucky, Australian air. I heard a crunching of the over grown grass behind me. 

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